《Oh, Sweet Nightingale ⌑ The Sandman》ii. a dream, deferred



❛ Am I, oh I, a memory's whisper?

Caught amongst smoky corridors

and ivory towers?

Or, am I a dream of a Dream?

A thing wedged between Fate's forefinger and

wretched thumb, pressed firmly 'til I burst?

Or, perhaps, I am nought a being at all,

but a reflection fragmented through time. ❜

The Nightingale oft pondered, nesting in the top-most tower of the Dreaming's Castle.


The Nightingale didn't know where it began, the . Nor did she know where it would . Whether it would come from burning Nova igniting the day in heavenly hues of fiery judgement, or perhaps a swirling of nothing, swallowing up every living being in its wake.

But, she knew that it would come to pass. As sure as and were on a constant chase with one another, the would eclipse this Kingdom and all other with it. Permanence is but a mere dream too.

Perhaps these wonderings were the inspiration for her melancholic tunes: the calm hum of the atmosphere before a turbulent storm, the sweet song of a bard before the battle.

knew not. But, she did know her purpose was to sing. And, sing she did — often. Her songs lifted the spirits of the Dreaming and, in turn, the Legends sprouted from her vocal cords, myths rose from the abyss of her diaphragm.

The enjoyed her sweet sound so much, that, Eons ago, he'd moved The Nightingale into his Castle Grounds, caging her inside the throne room while he mapped out plans for future dreams and nightmares. A fitting display for a dream so divine.

Though her cage had no bars, and her captor no shackles, The Nightingale feared what would happen if she left her purpose. If she , as so few had done before.

If she Ventured, would she too be cast into the endless darkness by ? Though benevolent, the gravitas Dream of The Endless was not known for his forgiveness, nor his forgetfulness.


And yet, Nightingale still pondered as she watched the . Stars of other galaxies streamed across the horizon, with bright tails of magnificent light.

What would it be like,

The ?

What were doing, thinking, crafting? What did they , what did they ?

All of these tiny aspects, all knit together to create the . Nightingale yearned to see it, just once. Just once before


So, this brain child of mind is making me feel nostalgic and angst and what it was like to be a naive girl in a great, big world.

I'm very excited!


I am completely N E W ✨ to the Sandman Realm of DC/Neil Gaiman. He's a fantastic author (hello, Good Omens) and I'm stoked to dive in. BUT, that means I haven't read the comics — yet. This Fic is based off the show and what I pull from the comics as I go.

Please don't get testy with me if you don't like that fact, it is what it is. Sometimes, you gotta let these things go.


pairing, yes.

I'm also swaying for a

Pride & Prejudice / Little Mermaid /

Little Miss Sunshine hodgepodge vibe.

Does that make sense? Cuz, apparently that vibe is mostly Billie Eilish songs, iykyk


gore, sex, drugs, manipulation, murder, mayhem, assault, and downright not niceness.

(I don't know like...October?

I don't know. Maybe sooner?)

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