《DxD's Dragon God of Demise》first day


authors note;

I will also add Irene to the harem if you want.

She will be also reborn into this world after her death so ask me if u want me to add her.


Acno's Pov;

"there it is!" I say to myself as I sigh in relief in the end as I can finally see the school building over the distance.

As I entered the school grounds for the first time. I received several glances from the students, probably wondering who this stranger coming to their school.

I simply ignored them as I made my way into the principles office, wanting to enroll as a P.E teacher because well... Im bored.

Right now I was speaking with the secretary and I find it quite trouble. At first she looked at me and thought some stranger has entered school grounds without permission but after telling her what I'm here for, she gladly let me entered the office to the principle.

As I entered the principles office, I was greeted with a bald man with long white bear sitting at his work desk with several papers scattered around. From the right side of the room, there was a large cabinet with glass covering it and inside the cabinet were several types of trophies and certificates from what I guise won from stuff?

"Good afternoon! sir Acno, the new teacher who will be conducting on physical fitness and P.E for the students in this school" I now looked in front of me as the principle greeted me with a kind smile.

"Good afternoon to you to sir, its a pleasure finally meeting" I decided to not be rude so I too greeted to my new boss.

The principle seemed happy to my greeting. He finally decided to get to the point and tell me the rules of what and what not to do in this school and what I was supposed to do.


"and that's all for now, Here is your schedule" he said as I received a small piece of paper with my schedule on it. I quickly thanked the principle and bid farewell as I left the office to find the third year classroom.

"1A...1A....1A AH! there it is" after finally finding my class. I stood in front of the door as I lightly knocked on it to not break it due to my abnormal strength.

As I opened the door I was greeted with students running around and screaming for whatever reason as my ears started ringing due to how sensitive my ears were, i quickly tried on calming the class down as Could not take it anymore.


The class finally stopped what they were doing much to my relief as they quickly went back to their originated seats and kept quite. Seeing that they finally calmed down, I then stood in front of the whole class as I proceeded to greet myself.

"Good afternoon class, I will be your new physical fitness teacher you may call me mr acno and I do hope everyone will give their best effort while I'm the one teaching you , understood Everyone!" they quickly nodded as I sternly look at all of them with my sharp gaze though I cant help but wonder why does the girls have hearts in their eyes. I also see a red head which gives off an aura of red around her and while the friend beside her with darkish purple hair and a face which gives me the creeps.

"Alright you guys do what you do while I do my work and we will be doing P.E tomorrow, I don't want any shouting or screaming unless you want to die Understand!" I told them in a strict tone as they cheered before going back to quite as I was giving them the look.


I sighed as I thought it will be a long day.


1 hour later..


Its been a total of 1 hour before class began as the bell ranged. Signaling that my period was over. I quickly bid farewell to my class before heading to the teachers office where all my colleagues were.



The last bell of the day before every students went home. I too decided to go home before I was cut off by a beautiful young lady with long black hair reaching a little over the waist and wears a pare of glasses to which I find it attractive. I also smell that she's a devil.

"excuse me sensei, the student counsel president wishes to speak to you" I nodded as she showed me the way. On the way, I can see her eyeing me from top to down and she seems a bit terrified of me from the look she's giving and she seems to be keeping her distance for whatever reason. I shrug as I walked side by side with her.

young lady POV:

what the hell is this guy!? this guy is emitting such an intense aura that if I get too close to him Il probably get crushed!

So I stood at least 3 meters beside so to not get crushed by his magic.

Acno POV:

Finally reaching the student counsel meeting room. She opened the door for me as we both entered the room and what greeted me was the amount of girls in this room and..one guy? I mean it must be a dream to be in a room with lots of cute girls and I respect this guy.

I thought as I gave him a thumbs up to which he gave me that ' what the' look.

Then a girl with black shoulder length hair with a strict look with violet eyes and glasses on came forward and greeted me with a slight bow to show respect.

"good evening Sensei, my name is Souna Shitori and I am sorry for taking your time but their are several questions I wanted to ask you so just sit down and relax" She spoke while gesturing me to sit at the sofa beside me to which I did and sat down on this comfortable version of a chair. I decided to tease them by telling them they were devils to throw them off, I mean they should have known by now that I'm not normal right?

" So what do you devils want with me hmmm" The girl now named Soana and the rest of the student counsel were left flabbergasted that I had already known their identity and the fact I had sold my self out.

The girl in front of me, Soana was first to recover though she was still shock that I had already known" Ahem um Mr Acno what are you talking about there's is no devils here" Looks like she's trying to defend herself well it is no use.

"cmon do you think I had not notice!, you and the rest of the student counsel were giving off an aura to which I easily identified as a devil HA HA" I spoke while laughing out loud while flarring my full power which I thought was not a good but why not. A large mixture of blue and purple aura with purple lightning came off from my body, making the whole counsel tremble and fall on their knees and alerting the factions.

Soon several summoning circles appeared around the room.


Authors note:

I will be taking a break on this book for One week as I had other books to do, so I hope you understand.

See you next week!

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