《The new red dragon emperor》The world is a wierd place
Izuku is seen with his familiar Waga playing and seeing her abilities, it took a couple of hours for Izuku to realize that Waga had a power of ice, meaning she is the better version of Shoto's Ice power. He also realised that her base strength is nothing to be messed with either but this part isn't about those 2. Izuku is now asking Ddraig is there is any way to contact Yasaka, and Ddraig replies with 'Yes, you can create a magic circle for calling another person'. With the explaination out of the way and now Izuku creating the magic cirlce he leans back onto the tiger and called Yasaka.
With Yasaka, it has been less than 24 hours when Izuku left to the familiar forest, with the news that Issei lost his power did spread even to her and now she is even more curious about Izuku. She was mesmerised by his green eyes, the beauty similar to a forest one might say. Suddenly she had a magic circle next to her ear, with some inspection she realised that it had a dragon symbol and she hoped it was Izuku, her prediction was correct.
Izuku "Hey Yasaka it is me Izuku, thank you for the help yesterday and I was wondering if you want to have a picnic, I found an amazing place to eat and I was hoping for us to have a diner picnic there."
This made Yasaka be caught of gaurd but replied with "Morning Izuku, I would love to"
Instantaniously Izuku replied "Great, do you want me to collect you or could you teleport to the location I would send?"
Yasaka being once again suprised by his straight forward nature but was blushing "If it would be easier, then I will teleport there."
"Great, what do you say 8pm today at xxx location?"
"Sounds great Izuku, see you there"
"Bye Yasaka", now with this being said she couldn't wait for 8pm. She kind of expected him to take her to a fancy restaurant but did not expect a picnic, this made her even more excited as a picnic with a sunset will lead to a kiss and then making a sibling to Konou but enough with her fantasies she was actually happy as this is the first time someone wouldn't be using her for money and she preferred more private spaces. But lets go to Izuku...
Inside Izuku's mindscape everyone had one thought 'He just asked a woman on a date without realising it' then Ddraig thought 'wow how dense are you partner?'
Outside of the mindscape Izuku was in his kitches preparing a picnic for the both of them but as it was midday he still had several hours before the picnic. So he decided to actually test his strength.
He activated OFA at its highest % being at 70% and then his sacred gear making it go "BOOST, BOOST, BOOST, BOOST, BOOST, BOOST, BOOST, BOOST, BOOST, BOOST" he is aware that he can go higher and with his Fa Jin activated at its maximum his percentage goes to 120% (not including the boost), he covered his arm with black wip making the % increase by 5 making it 125% and boosted atleast 10 times he punched...
Izuku "oh wow"
Ddraig 'Partner you know with that punch you can be the bald guy Saitama with this power' he spoke in his mind whilst laughing
7th 'We are happy that you are on the hero side'
News reporter "This is a sudden anouncment about the cause of the massive split in the cloud formation, it is theorised that it was done by 1 punch. If it is true then that person can be the real life Saitama. But the split is just over 6,000km which is only 2/3 to USA!!!" and with that the people paled thinking of how strong is that person. In reality it is just a curious 17 year old.
Izuku watched it too "Oh, I dont think I should use this much power on anyone" he was sweating at that moment.
Everyone in Izuku mindscape noded.
With one family...
Toshinori was gobsmacked with the power of that punch and if what was true than that will be a problem especially if they are a villain, he knew something was up with him and his power and even he couldn't do this.
Izumi just paled from the show of power with Inko. Izumi started to be better with therapy and now she has a resulve to be the best hero but to save everyone with a smile.
With the archenemy of OFA...
AFO was sitting on his chair watching this in curiosity with the display of power but was curious of what kind of power that is. He may not have known of the power of sacred gears but he knew a quirk couldn't be this powerful.
Lets go to the underground...
Everyone felt the power of the red dragon but it was nothing of what they have expected, the power displayed was nothing compared to Issei, it was significantly greater.
Issei "Fuck this shit, I will find him myself and take the gear back"
Rias "Issei calm down, if this is true that the new wielder did this, you will be dead meat"
"Then what should I do? How can I be the strongest?" he asked in a demanding tone.
"Train, myself and Akeno saw him in person and with no offence he looks like a Greek god with his fisique and I bet due that fact he is strong."
Now Issei was pissed "So what now? You want me to look like him too? I bet you are thinking of what he can do to you in bed as the better fisique the better the stamina!"
"ISSEI! WHAT! YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU, BUT WITH THIS ATTITUDE THE OTHER GIRLS WOULD WANT TO LEAVE YOU" Rias shouted at him but now in a gentler tone "Please Issei"
"Like koneko did heh! You leave me when times go hard and go on your mary way?"
Over a month after Issei lost his boosted gear Koneko left him due to her feeling uncomfortable as Issei started more arguments occurring between them even though she knows that there will be agruments, Issei usually took things to another level. This made Koneko lose her marbles and broke up with Issei. Issei didn't take it to lightly and became more possessive of the girls not wanting them too leave him as you all know he wants to be a Harem King.
Rias was beyond pissed now "Yes times are hard but you are making everything worse, and what do you do to it? NOTHING!" after a breath to calm down she continued "if you want Ddraig back you need to show that you want him back"
He was now waiting for Yasaka on a blanket with an amazing view, the sun was soon to be setting, he layed down a picnic blanket and set their food and some fruits too. This is how it looks...
And then a portal appeared with Yasaka in her Kimono. Izuku stands up and he goes to hug her which she happily agrees too, as unknowing to Izuku she just marked him.
"How are you Yasaka?" Izuku asked.
"I am great especially with seeing you here now, yourself?" she replied.
"same as you, oh yeah I hope I made the food to your liking, it isn't much but I hope it will be enough" and some of the food...
Now Yasaka was staring at the food with a drooling smile "This looks amazing Izuku", now she took an onigiri and with a bite she was in heaven, her imagination of food taking her clothes away due to the taste of the food, it was bombarding her in a good way (defininatly not food wars here). "Mmmm, this tastes heavingly, thank you" 'this is definetly husband matterial'.
"I am glad to hear it", now they sat in a comfortable silence whilst eating their food "Yasaka look the sun is seating"
"Yeah it is beautifull"
Izuku then muttered under his breath "not as beautiful as you", he thought Yasaka didnt hear him but oh no due to her being a Yokai sbe heard it clearly and now she is a blushing mess.
"Say Izuku where do you want to go for education? UA? or the closer one Kouh academy? as I know you have boosted gear"
"UA always has been my dream but in all honesty Kouh academy is closer but they are on par with UA and Shiketsu. Yes they only have 1 class but they do produce good heroes, what do you think?" he asked, and yes he forgot about the letter.
"UA is pretty far away from this place in general and I presume you live near here, and Kouh is close but it will be good and bad for your power?"
"What do you mean by my power?"
"You know that there are angels, fallen angels, devils and other mythical beings right?"
"yeah, you are a Youkai and I already had a meeting with some devils I think"
"Mhm, that is correct. So Kouh is as you know a place where you can be a hero, but the thing is that the Gremory and Sitri households or other known as the last remaining pillairs in the devil society also study there"
"So I can learn more about my power and especially magic with them?"
"Yes and no, basically they need to find out that your power is a secred gear first as if you tell them they will think you are crazy and that is how they will help you."
"You know I too have quirks too right?"
"Impossible, sacred gears always choose someone who is quirkless but having quirks what do you mean?"
"I think I should tell you my story for you to understand. Yes I was diagnosed quirkless and so was my life till I was 10, then I got my quirk due to my sperm doner being All Might, as his quirk can transferfrom one to another, I guess I accidentally got it, now I have 7 quirks. Then Ddraig joined me when I was 16 due to him having enough of his previous user, and the day I came and visited you was my birthday."
"Oh I see and why did you call All Might a sperm donor?"
"He is my dad. But there is more to my life, you see I have a twin, her name is Izumi and she gotten a strong telekenisis quirk. From that quirk doctor visit, my parents only concentrated on Izumi leaving me behind everywhere, not giving me food and buying the basic essentials so from a young age I had to learn how to cook, work and I basically learnt from experience. After I gotten my quirk it told me to run away near here and I am happy. I met Ddraig, you and now Waba my familiar so I am happy"
Without hesitations Yasaka hugged Izuku, which after a while Izuku gave her hug back, now it was Yasaka's turn to speak "I am glad to meet you too Izuku" they stayed in the embrace for a while until a cold breeze flew past them, Izuku gave Yasaka his jumper and asked if she wanted to stay the night with him? Which she gladly took the chance to do so.
Izuku mind 'This world is truly a wierd place but I am glad I am here now'.
But niether of them noticed someone listening and whilst the 2 left, that person left too...
When the person was a good distance away, they called someone, "Azazel, I have some news about the new red dragon emperor"
Now Azazel who was in the OCR club room with the other members of Rias' Peerage, Azazel shushed them with all of them being now curious of what his spy got... "continue"
"The new holder of the boosted gear is thinking of applying to Kouh Academy hero course and he has a quirk, I couldn't catch the name of it due to him not saying it or its abilities but I know he has 7 quirks and he is the son of the number 1 hero, but his relationship with his family is really bad"
"WHAT!! A boosted gear holder with 7 quirks which sounds impossible, and he is the son of All Might. But I swear All Might told the world only has a daughter" he yelled/whispered
"That is correct, she is his twin sister. His name is Izuku"
The spy then continued about thes sacred gear "additionally he said that Ddraig had enough of the previous hosts and left him, I presume he left Issei due to his perverted nature and the recent cockiness or something along those line"
"Arghh what a drag, but how did you manage to get all of this information?"
"Oh he met with Yasaka, the leader of the West Youkai faction"
"Why did he meet up with her?"
"A picnic"
"I couldn't go closer due to them being able to detect me, I will inform you when I find something up" and with that the spy hanged up. No-one other than Azazel himself was able to listen to what the spy said.
Azazel "Atleast he is considering coming here"
Issei "What do you mean?"
"Issei, this new wielder named Izuku wants to study here at the hero course"
Rias then jumped in "what do you want us to do Azazel?"
"Basically as only Koneko is still in the middle school division, you will be applying for the hero course and I want you to have an eye on him"
Koneko was confused "Wait so this Izuku guy is the same age as me?"
"Yes, but there are some things you all need to know"
Akeno "and those are..."
"Issei, goodluck with getting Ddraig back, even without Ddraig Izuku has quirks with him."
Now everyone was shocked "That is impossible"
"Apparently not, he has 7 quirks in total, we don't know them but I am guessing one is an enhancment"
Kiba no jumped in "So if he has an enhancment and uses his 'boost' he can be the literal new one punch man"
Azazel now was in a pickle, tell him the truth or not tell him atall, whilst he was considering it Asia spoke up "Umm, Issei don't worry you still have your devil powers"
Rias "Even though all of us except Asia are in general Education" (I will explain later everything), "I still want you Issei to contine learning magic so if push comes to shove you may have a chance of getting him back"
Before Issei could reply Azazel made up his mind "Issei I'm sorry, Ddraig left you with his own power"
Now everyone was once again shocked "WHAT!!!"
Issei "HOW, WHY??"
Azazel replied with "I guess he stored energy up and left you, the reasons I think and from what my spy said is that due to your perverted nature, Ddraig had enough of you making girls naked and other reasons which I still don't know. But Issei you know you are in a relationship but still continue to peek at other girls and disturb them, it could be one of his reasons"
Now the girls where angry with Issei, Koneko was glad that she broke up with him. Xenovia said "Are we not enough Issei?"
Now it was Asia's turn "We can always show you ours if you want"
Rias "I have to agree with Xenovia, you have 4 girlfriends Issei, why do you continue that even if you have us?"
Issei was now at a loss for words, he couldn't say anything. He had now something to think about. But Koneko mind had something in it 'You see girls that is one of the reasons why I left him, but it will be interesting if the new guy a perv or not'
Azazel now left to meet with Sirzechs and Seraffall, he told them everythig that he knew. They just said that they can always ask Yasaka as they will think he will be their so called protector.
When the 2 came to Izuku's house, Yasaka was genuinely expecting something completely different not a wooden house next to the river. Izuku has 2 rooms, he saved up for a futon for the second room so he told Yasaka this "Hey Yasaka, I hope my bed is alright for you to sleep on."
Yasaka wanted to sleep and hug around Izuku but she needed a plan "What about you? where are you going to sleep?"
"don't worry, I have a futon in the spare room and I will use that one, anyways goodnight Yasaka" but what Izuku didn't expect to be lightly tugged by his sleeve from Yasaka "Are you okay Yasaka?"
Yasaka on the other hand was blushing but she wanted to do this "Izuku would it be possible for you to sleep next to me?"
Now Izuku even with his dense head of his understood and now started to blush "ehh, I do-dont think I-I sho-ould do this-s Yasa-aka"
"Nonsense, you will be sleeping with me and that is it", used some dominance in her tone and pulled Izuku to bed.
"Hai" not wanting to be on her bad side.
When the 2 layed down, Yasaka said "Thank you for today, it was really fun"
Izuku replied with "dont worry Yasaka, I had fun too" and with that the 2 slept not knowing another visitor came. (jeez their situational awareness is shit)
The new person "It is nice to meet you... rival"
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