《victon imagines》chan - the highlight of our lives


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You were wandering around the streets of the city, walking past a lot of interesting shops and places. You actually had no idea to where you were dragging yourself, but you didn't mind in spite of just having the intention to feel the outside breeze. While walking by a familiar side of the city, you're eyes suddenly put its attention to a store that suits your interest; a music merchandise store. You then find yourself entering the shop as you scanned its every section.

There were posters, stickers, accessories, and of course albums. You mentally squealed as you began to satisfy your happiness with all those precious merchandises. You went to every corner and looked through everything for purchase.

While walking through the albums section—ranging from After School to ZE:A—you stopped at section H and hoped that you can find that artist. You're eyes sparked as you found what you wanted and was about to pull it out when promptly, another person grasped on the same album. As you look to your right, you share eye contact with a rather handsome brown-haired boy. You were about to speak but he beat you to it.

"I'm sorry, but I think I touched it first," he said. "Uh no, I think I did. So hands off, mister." The boy hesitated as you two pulled on it. Unfortunately, you're hand slipped and the album was in hands.

"Ha, guess I get the album," he claims as you pout in defeat. "Whatever! Go and steal that crap away from me. I don't care anymore." You were beyond upset as you stormed out of the store. How rude was that? He should've been a gentleman and gave the album to me, you thought. You walked only a few steps away from the store, still wanting that album to yourself.

You walked away slowly, but then someone tapped your shoulder. You stopped in your tracks and turned around to see the boy you despise just now. "What more do you want? You got your album, so flee," you argued. "Woah, chill. I'm sorry, okay? I felt guilty about it, so I want to make it up to you," he says. "And how will you do that?"


"Let's hang out? I promise I won't be rude again," he says with a hint of sincerity. You scanned his features, and one thing's for sure, he was quite the charmer. You give him a small smile and said, "I'm nice, so okay. What do you want to do?" you ask. "How about food?" Your eyes widen at the word 'food' and agreed. He giggled and you followed him to a food chain by the street.

You took in the scent of ramen in the shop, already feeling full. You two sat at a table by the window and ordered. You two introduced oneself and learned that his name is Chan. As moments passed, you found yourselves talking about your personal lives. But a detail about him that you find engaging was him being a huge fan of the same group you also love—HIGHLIGHT. You were shocked and talked to him more about them. How the group satisfied your music taste and how they occupied a special space in your heart.

"I really love HIGHLIGHT and it would be a privilege to meet them in the future. It would make me the happiest girl in the world," you proclaimed as he smiled at you. You returned the smile and finished your meals.

You both exited the ramen place and went back down the street. "Hey," Chan started. "I think you'll need this more than me." He then hands you the plastic bag which contained HIGHLIGHT's album as your eyes widened. "What?! I can't take this. Besides, you paid for it. It's no biggie." Chan opposes and puts the plastic bag in your hand.

"You're great, Y/N. See you around." He then leaves you in the middle of the street as you were still dumbfounded. You open the plastic bag and see the album and a small paper. It read:

I like you Y/N and I look forward to hanging out with you more. Call me. **** *** ****


A smile crept up your face and saved his number on your phone as you wished to hang out with him again soon too.


I was recently buying tickets with my boyfriend, Chan. Since it was HIGHLIGHT's final concert for their tour, we desperately wanted to go. After buying our tickets, we were infused with excitement knowing that we'll see all of them in person together.

"Oh my God, Chan! I can't wait!" I exclaimed. "Me too!" We felt like dying from so much emotion. This is one of the most occasional moments I could experience since Chan is always busy so I rarely get to bond with him, but now, I get to see HIGHLIGHT in person for the first time with him.

I've always adored him because of his loyalty to HIGHLIGHT. Among boys, it's quite rare to find people like Chan. With that, I just couldn't thank enough the heavens above for bringing him to me.

We finally arrived outside the venue of the concert. We saw so many fans waiting in line, ready to meet them. My hands were shaking with so much enthusiasm so I was holding Chan's hand tightly.

As we got in, the place was so colorful and it was lively and wondrous. We went to our assigned area, which was VIP Standing. This moment was yet so unbelievable from all the years of fangirling over them.

When the concert finally began, we started screaming and cheering as the music started. "I love this song," Chan said as they danced to their recent comeback 'Can Be Better' which is the main track. "Well, I mean you like all their songs." I giggled as he replied, "You know me so well." I really admired his charisma and passion at this very time. In fact, I'm unsure if I should look at him or them.

After some performances, they started to do a segment wherein they talk to us LIGHTs and both of us felt at ease after cheering and screaming so much. His bias, Kikwang, walked past him and he actually got noticed. Well, he really deserves it.

"We are going to send two lucky fans here onstage to take a picture with us." The leader, Doojoon said. I was hugging Chan tightly and I can't stop myself from screaming. "How about you two lovebirds?" Junhyung went in front of us.

Our jaws dropped and we excitingly went with them. "Yes!" We agreed together. My whole body was trembling and I felt like I could faint at any second now. We took a picture with them and my hands went numb from all the built-up tension. "Thank you!" We thanked them as we went back to our places. "I was holding my breath the whole time," I whispered to Chan and we both were grinning widely.

after the concert . . .

We felt like our souls withdrawn from our bodies after everything that happened. This day is very unforgettable. "I think I lost my voice," I said. "Hey, I told you not to harm your voice." He said, suddenly feeling worried about me. "I can't help it, you know?"

"It's fine. It's hard to not scream anyway. And I'll love you even if you really lose your voice." He sweetly said to me. Sounds cheesy, but cute.

"Aw, thanks!" I said and hugged him. "But what if I really lose my voice?" I asked. "Please don't say that."

We both chuckled at my own words as we went home happily.

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