《Alexithymia | STRANGER THINGS》four | the body
Without even bothering to knock on his brother's bedroom door, Mike quickly walked into Matthew's room and said to him, "Get up."
While repeatedly tossing a balled-up piece of paper into the air from where he was lying down on his bed, Matthew replied, "And a good morning to you too, Mike." When Mike didn't respond, Matthew said to him, "I'm doing great this morning. Thanks for asking."
Mike told him, "Cut the bullshit, Matt. I need you to come with me."
Matthew retorted, "And I need you to get lost. I have better things to do than to deal with your bullshit today, Michael."
Mike said to him, "It's about Will."
With a sigh, Matthew replied, "What about him? Last I checked, the kid's dead, Michael."
Mike told him, "But he's not." After watching Matthew slowly turn his head to look over at Mike with a raised eyebrow, Mike said to him, "I'm serious. I was in the basement with El last night, and I heard him over the radio. Her-Her nose was bleeding and everything. I heard Will."
With his eyebrows furrowed, Matthew asked him, "And why the hell are you telling me this? Last I checked, Byers isn't my friend, so I don't see what this has to do with me." When Mike didn't respond, Matthew asked him, "And what do you mean you heard him? How could you have heard him over the radio, if they found his body last night? And what does El's nose bleeding have to do with anything?"
With a roll of his eyes, Mike ran over to his brother and harshly tugged on Matthew's arm, which got Matthew to simply stare at his little brother with a blank look on his face, while Mike tried to pull him off of the bed.
After a couple seconds of just watching Mike do that, Matthew quickly grabbed Mike by the arm and pulled his brother close to himself before he said, "You have exactly five seconds to tell me just what the fuck you think you're doing before I kick your ass, Michael."
With a groan, Mike yelled, "Just-Just follow me! Okay?! Just follow me, and you'll see!"
With a roll of his eyes, Matthew got up off of his bed and reluctantly followed his brother out of his room and down to the basement.
After some whimpering was heard over the radio, Mike asked his brother and his two friends, "We keep losing the signal, but you heard it, right?"
Lucas replied, "Yeah, I heard a baby."
In turn, Mike said, "What?"
Lucas told him, "Mike, you obviously tapped into a baby monitor. It's probably the Blackburns' next door."
Mike asked him, "Uh, did that sound like a baby to you? That was Will!"
With a roll of his eyes, Lucas said to him, "Mike..."
Mike said to him, "Lucas, you don't understand. He spoke last night. Words! He was singing that weird song he loves. Even El heard him!"
Lucas replied, "Oh, well, if the weirdo heard him, then I guess—"
Then Dustin asked Mike, "Are you sure you're on the right channel?"
Mike told him, "I don't think it's about that. I think, somehow, she's channeling him."
In turn, Dustin said, "Like... like Professor X."
While Matthew only rolled his eyes to himself with a sigh, Mike said, "Yeah."
Then Lucas asked Dustin, "Are you actually believing this crap?"
Dustin replied, "I don't know, I mean... Do you remember when Will fell off his bike and broke his finger? He sounded a lot like that."
As he looked between his two friends, Lucas asked them, "Did you guys not see what I saw? They pulled Will's body out of the water. He's dead!"
Dustin told him, "Well, maybe it's his ghost. Maybe he's haunting us."
With a nod of his head, Mike said, "It's not his ghost."
Lucas asked Mike, "So how do you know that?"
Mike replied, "I just do!"
With a sigh, Matthew muttered under his breath, "What I'd like to know is why the hell Mike had to fucking drag me out of bed just to hear this bullshit."
While El glanced over at Matthew, Lucas asked Mike, "Then what was in that water?"
Mike yelled, "I don't know! All I know is Will is alive. Will is alive! He's out there somewhere. All we have to do is find him."
It wasn't until after the sound of the radio crackling was heard yet again that Mike said, "This isn't gonna work. We need to get El to a stronger radio."
With a smile on his face, Dustin said, "Mr. Clarke's Heathkit ham shack."
With his eyebrows furrowed, Matthew said, "Mr. Clarke's what?"
While choosing to ignore his brother, Mike said with a smile on his own face, "Yeah."
Lucas told them, "The Heathkit's at school. There is no way we're gonna get the weirdo in there without anyone noticing. I mean... look at her." While El looked at the three middle-schoolers with furrowed eyebrows, Lucas turned to Mike and said to him, "And let's not get started on your brother."
Mike replied, "What about him?"
Lucas asked him, "Do you really think anyone at school is gonna let him into the school? Especially after all the shit he did when he still went to that school?"
While Matthew only shrugged to himself with a tilt of his head, Mike told him, "Don't worry about it. I'll just say that our mom wanted him to keep a close eye on me, while he's still suspended from his school. You know, with the whole Will thing and all."
With a scoff, Matthew replied, "Yeah, no. I'd rather not waste my time going to a school that I just really, really hated. Not happening. Last thing I need is to see some old teachers of mine that really pissed me off when I was still going there."
It wasn't until El had grabbed Matthew by his arm that he let out a groan before he said, "Fine. Whatever. I'll be there. Anything to keep her from crying or something."
Dustin opened his mouth to say something to Matthew, only to stop when he saw the way that Matthew was now looking at him.
After the five of them had entered the middle school, Mike said, "Okay, remember, if anyone sees us, look sad." Then he looked over at Matthew and said to him, "Except for you. Just-Just be your usual douchebag self."
While Matthew simply rolled his eyes at his brother, a man over the intercom had said, "Attention students, there will be an assembly to honor Will Byers in the gymnasium now. Do not go to fourth period."
After pulling away from the door, Mike said with a sigh, "It's locked."
As he had also gone up to the door, Lucas said, "What?"
Then Dustin turned to El and asked her, "Hey, do you think you can open it? With your powers?"
Not long after he said that, Mr. Clarke made his way around the corner and said, "Boys?"
After the five of them had turned to look over at Mr. Clarke, Lucas said to him, "Hey."
Mr. Clarke told them, "Assembly's about to start."
Mike replied, "We know. We're just, you know..."
With a smile on his face, Lucas said, "Upset."
Then Dustin said to him, "Yeah, d-definitely upset."
Mike told their teacher, "We need some alone time."
Then Dustin said, "T-To cry."
Mr. Clarke replied, "Yeah, listen... I get it. I do. I know how hard this is, but let's just be there for Will, huh? And then... the Heathkit is all yours for the rest of the day. What do you say?" While Dustin simply smiled at him, Mr. Clarke looked over at Matthew and asked him, "What are you doing here? Didn't you start going to the high school just two months ago?"
With a nod of his head, Matthew told him, "I did, but I got suspended from school a couple days ago and don't go back for another couple of weeks, so Mom figured that with everything that happened with Will that it'd be a good idea for me to be around Mike and try to take his mind off of what happened to his friend. So that's why I'm here." When Mr. Clarke didn't respond, Matthew slightly raised his head and said to him, "I mean, if you don't believe me, you could always give her a call and have her express just how angry she would be with you for trying to separate her two sons away from each other in Michael's time of need."
The three middle-schoolers quickly shared a look with each other, just before Mr. Clarke said with a sigh, "No, there's no need. I'm just glad that you're here and doing what you can to help your brother."
After Matthew only raised his eyebrows at Mr. Clarke, Mr. Clarke looked over at El and said to her, "Uh, I don't believe we've met. What's your name?"
After a couple seconds of silence, El said to him, "Eleven—"
It was then that Mike told him, "Eleanor! She's our, uh—"
Then Lucas said, "Cousin."
With two fingers raised, Dustin said, "Second cousin."
After letting out a sigh, Mike told their teacher, "She's here for Will's funeral."
Mr. Clarke said to her, "Ah, well, welcome to Hawkins Middle, Eleanor. I wish you were here under better circumstances."
With a nod of her head, El said to him, "Thank you."
With his eyebrows furrowed, Mr. Clarke asked her, "Uh, where are you from exactly?"
With a shake of her head, El said to him, "Bad place."
Then Dustin said, "Sweden!"
Mike told Mr. Clarke, "We have a lot of Swedish family."
Then Dustin said to Mr. Clarke, "She hates it there."
With a raise of his eyebrows, Lucas said, "Cold!"
With a finger pointed at Mr. Clarke, Dustin said, "Subzero."
While faking a cough, Matthew said, "Morons."
After the three middle-schoolers had quickly glanced over at Matthew, Mr. Clarke said, "Shall we?"
With a nod of his head, Lucas replied, "Yep!"
With furrowed eyebrows, Matthew asked, "Uh, since I don't go to school here anymore, do I still need to go to that assembly?" After El had quickly grabbed his arm, he said, "Never mind. I guess I do."
And while they each walked towards the gymnasium, Matthew muttered under his breath, "Jesus fucking Christ."
While standing in front of the microphone, the principal said into it, "At times like these... it is important that we come together as a community. We come—"
After the door to the gymnasium was thrown up against the wall and Dustin found himself stared at by everyone in the gymnasium, he said in a whisper, "Abort."
After being forced to walk into the gymnasium by Lucas, Dustin turned to walk towards the bleachers with his two friends, El and Matthew close behind him.
While the doors to the gymnasium started to close behind Mr. Clarke, the principal said into the microphone, "We come together to heal... we come together to grieve..."
While still standing in front of the microphone, the principal said into it, "Will Byers' death is an unimaginable tragedy. Will was an exceptional student and a wonderful friend to all of us. It's impossible to express the hole his loss will leave in our community. I'd like to introduce you to Sandy Sloane. She's a local grief counselor from the church over in Jonesboro. But before she comes up here, I just want those of you who are having trouble dealing with this tragic loss...to know that—"
Then Mike turned to Lucas and said to him, "Look at these fakers."
Lucas replied, "They probably didn't even know his name till today."
It was then that two other middle-schoolers started to laugh, which got Matthew to slowly turn his head in their direction, just in time to hear one of them say, "Who is interested in this? This is so stupid. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah... Oh, he was such a great student. Oh, he's going to leave a hole in the community."
While Matthew stared over at them with narrowed eyes, El said, "Mouth breather."
While quickly walking after the middle-schooler that was laughing earlier, Mike yelled, "Hey! Hey! Hey, Troy! Hey, Troy!" After Troy and his friend slowly turned around to look over at Mike, Mike asked him, "You... you think this is funny?"
With a tilt of his head, Troy replied, "What'd you say, Wheeler?"
Mike told him, "I-I saw you guys laughing over there. And I think that's a real messed up thing to do."
Then the other middle-schooler asked Mike, "Didn't you hear the counselor, Wheeler? Grief shows itself in funny ways."
Then Troy asked them, "Besides, what's there to be sad about, anyway? Will's in fairyland now, right? Flying around with all the other little fairies. All happy and gay!"
While Matthew slowly tilted his head with a clenched jaw and his nose flared, Troy moved around in a circle and started to imitate a fairy.
It wasn't until after Troy and the other middle-schooler had turned their backs on them and started to walk away that Mike quickly walked after Troy and pushed him onto the gymnasium floor.
While pushing himself off of the floor, Troy yelled, "You're dead, Wheeler! Dead!"
After seeing Troy start to run towards his brother, Matthew started to quickly make his way over towards them, only to stop when Troy had suddenly come to an abrupt halt.
While Matthew slowly tilted his head and simply eyed Troy, one of the other middle-schoolers said, "Dude, Troy peed himself."
While the other middle-schoolers started to laugh, Matthew carefully took a couple of steps towards Troy and did what he could to avoid his puddle of pee before he quietly told him, "Try and come after my brother again, and you fucking pissing yourself will be the least of your problems."
After El had sat down in a chair in the room, Dustin asked, "Now what?"
Mike told them, "She'll find him." As he messed around with the radio, he said, "Right, El?"
After Mike had changed the station a couple of times, El closed her eyes and silently sat there.
While Matthew looked between El and the radio with furrowed eyebrows, Mike said, "She's doing it. She's finding him!"
From where he stood behind El, Dustin said, "This is crazy."
Lucas replied, "Calm down. She just closed her eyes."
Not long after he said that, the light above them had suddenly shut off, which got the three middle-schoolers to let out a gasp and Matthew to start to frown to himself.
While the three boys continued to stare up at the light that had just turned off, Dustin said, "Holy..."
It was then that thuds were repeatedly heard coming from the radio, which got Dustin to ask them, "What is that?"
Not long after he said that, they all heard a voice say through the radio, "Mom?"
With a rather confused look on his face, Matthew said, "What the fuck?"
And while Matthew repeatedly looked between El and the radio that they just heard Will's voice coming from, Lucas said, "No way!"
Then they heard Will say through the radio, "Mom... Please... Mom! Mom!"
Then Mike's friends started to yell Will's name before Lucas yelled, "Will, it's us! Are you there?"
Then Dustin asked, "Can you hear us? We're here!"
While Matthew started to pull at his own hair and pace around the inside of the room, Will said, "Hello? Mom?"
Lucas asked them, "Why can't he hear us?"
Mike replied, "I don't know!"
With a wave of his hand, Matthew yelled, "The better question here is just how the fuck this shit is even possible! I mean, what the fuck, man! El is just a regular girl that apparently gets nose bleeds and has a fucking shaved head! Shit like this is literally not possible." When no one said anything, Matthew said to himself, "For fuck's sake, man. This is what happens when I'm fucking nice to a girl that has a shaved head. I get dragged into shit that I can't even explain. Like, what the fuck, man?"
Not long after he said that, Will said, "Mom? Mom! Mom... Mom, it's coming! It's like home, but it's so dark... It's so dark and empty. And it's cold! Mom? Mom! Mom, please!"
Sometime after they heard Will say that, the fuse to the radio started to blow, which got Matthew to snap out of his own world and quickly pull Mike away from the now burning radio.
While El continued to sit in that chair with blood leaking out of her nose, Dustin grabbed a fire extinguisher and started to spray it at the flames.
After slapping his brother's hands away from him, Mike quickly turned El to face him and asked her, "El, are you okay?" With Lucas now crouched on the other side of her, Mike asked her, "Can you move?"
When El only stared at him, Mike looked over at Lucas and said to him, "Here, help her."
With a sigh, Matthew said to them, "Move aside, losers. I've got it."
After sitting El up against a wall, Matthew crouched down in front of her and picked her up before carrying her in his arms out of the room and then eventually out of the school.
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