《Treacherous | Hermione Granger Book II》|70| Chapter Seventy



'old normal' of Hogwarts, even if it was only for a few days, was utterly refreshing for Saffron. It felt like it did back in September when she didn't really have a care in the world, especially in comparison to how the year unfolded.

The primary reason for it feeling like the start of the year again was that, for certain people, it was. The likes of Colin and Emilia had spent almost the entirety of their first year in magical education unable to do or experience anything magical. They were now going to have to take Summer school in order to catch up. Then there was the person that Saffron had been looking forward to seeing, being Olly.

There was a sense of unfinished business between them. They had hung out at the Duelling Club for the first time outside of classes and Saffron had hoped that it would lead to a friendship. But, due to what happened after the duelling accident, that ended up not being the case. They remained stuck in the phase of friendship they had been in all those months ago, or, to Olly, days ago. But Saffron took a silver lining in being able to, hopefully, build on it next year, which they agreed on doing when they met up once Saffron was out of the hospital wing.

"You're awake," Olly said to her with a grin, as the pair of them sat down on the edge of the Black Lake. Saffron had been out for a walk with her brother, but upon seeing the second year Ravenclaw sitting by himself on the sand, she made her way over to him, eager to see how she was doing.

"You're awake too," Saffron smiled with a nod. "It only took six months,"


"It really was an awfully long time," agreed Olly. "It only took you a few days, but I think those few days must have been much worse than the six months I had,"

"I don't think so," said Saffron truthfully. "I don't remember much, it was only when I woke up that I felt sore. Besides that, it wasn't too bad, I survived so I guess that's enough,"

"Luna told me you visited me with her," Olly then said what he had been meaning to say to her. "Thanks for that, I would have visited you too, but . . . well, I didn't want to overwhelm you since so many people wanted to see you,"

"That's okay," said Saffron with a small laugh. "And Luna's been lovely, she would change your flowers every day and make sure that all your cards were lined up nicely, things like that," She paused. "Have you been talking to your family?"

Olly nodded. "Yeah, I've sent them a long letter trying to explain what happened. I don't think either of them understands. My mum was sort of put off by magic in the first place so this happening hasn't exactly made it any easier. My brother wasn't happy either, I wrote to him every day so for that to suddenly stop, well, I felt terrible about it,"

"That's awful," frowned Saffron. "I can't imagine how they must have felt,"

"I just keep telling myself that it could have been so much worse, so I really haven't got too much to complain about. Because I'm going to get to see them soon, but thinking about them not knowing for sure if I'd ever wake up, it's the worst feeling I've ever had,"

Saffron scrunched her nose. She could feel his pain vividly from sitting next to him. In putting herself in his shoes, she could start to understand how bad he must have felt for the impact his absence on his family considering they couldn't comprehend what had actually happened to him.


"But it's over now," he continued brightly. "It'll just make me realise how amazing everything I have is, and to never take it for granted," He sighed. "It sucks though, that me, you and Luna never got to finish that night together,"

"Yeah," replied Saffron. "I was really enjoying myself until we found you and Emilia in the bathroom. It was nice to be with different people for a change,"

"Right?" agreed Olly. "So many times in this school people just stay in their houses and never get to know anyone else, but if I did that I never would have gotten to meet you. I'm glad I didn't follow that way of thinking, it's like some of my friends, Terry, Lisa, their only friends are in Ravenclaw,"

Saffron looked up at the sun which was slowly fading away behind one of the mountains off in the distance and setting on them, leaving a beautiful glistening lake in front of the pair.

"I think if I hadn't of met you I probably never would have looked outside of Gryffindor," Saffron informed him with sincerity. "I don't know what it is, but I never really force myself to do anything I don't have to do until I have to do them. That ends up with people just doing it for me, it seems,"

"I think you're doing a pretty good job," grinned Olly. "You're too busy solving mysteries adults can't figure out to focus on any of the things the rest of us have to focus on,"

Saffron rolled her eyes playfully. "Not at all, Hermione solves them, the rest of us sort of just follow on,"

"If you say so, but I know for a fact that I wouldn't even follow on,"

Shaking her head in disagreement, Saffron said: "I think you would, most of the time you don't really know how you'd react in a dangerous spot until you're there. I never want to put myself through it but I do, even if I know it could end up terribly for me, like with the Chamber,"

"That doesn't make it any less incredible," Olly complimented her. "I think you should be proud," Before Saffron could dismiss the compliment, he hastily continued. "Hopefully we can use next year to become even better friends, I know I'd like that and I'd say Luna would too. So it's up to you,"

The sun had set now and Saffron couldn't help but beam at his words. He stood up and offered her his hand. Saffron wasn't sure if it was solely to help her up or to agree on being better friends the next year. But what she did know was that she was accepting it on both terms that she considered.

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