《Treacherous | Hermione Granger Book II》|01| Chapter One



very few things that Saffron considered even remotely pleasant or beautiful about Squires was the location in which the 'Care Home' was situated. Right on the coast of Holyhead, Wales, was where they called home. She took a moment to appreciate the sun setting on the horizon, splitting the stones in the most peculiar mixture of yellow and orange. It made even Squires have a nice atmosphere for a few moments. Although, she was brought back to the harsh reality when Rowan blocked the view of the window beside the door, holding up a dirty piece of kitchen roll, full of dust, awaiting Saffron to hold out the black bag in which he would throw the kitchen roll into.

Squire placed much emphasis on learning how to do things the 'muggle way', which was how she justified the Mitchells doing the jobs when she could complete them with ease. Saffron figured that barring the actual work, it wasn't that bad. It usually gave her one-to-one contact with one of her siblings, which was always nice for her as touching base with each of the three other Mitchells was more important to her than ever before.

The revelation that Maya supplied Saffron with as she exited her previous, alternative life at Hogwarts, that she knew what the term 'Clairvoyant' meant for them, caused a shift in the lives of the Mitchells.

She didn't just give Saffron the insight, but Rachel and Rowan too. She prefaced the explanation by stating that there was a lot of moving pieces within what she had discovered and that she couldn't be certain that the clarity she had gained aligned to their situation precisely. Regardless, it was more than they had known previously. In the twin's case, it was a complete revelation as they hadn't any clue as to what the Grey was or could have been for them, beforehand.

As Saffron and Rowan cleaned, she had more pressing issues to discuss with the boy as their Clairvoyancy was month old news. The day had finally come for Rachel and Rowan to go to Diagon Alley and receive their school supplies, most importantly their wands, and Rowan seemed surprised that Saffron had inquired about it as soon as they were free of Squire. When she finally posed a question towards him, he voiced that surprise.


"Took you long enough," Rowan grinned looking up from his piece of kitchen roll. "I thought you'd never ask,"

"Sorry," apologised Saffron and her apology was sincere. This time a year ago, she made her first proper experience with magic outside of Squires the focal point of all of their lives. She felt awful for not doing the same for Rowan, as he of all people would not be one to force it down her throat. She should have asked instantly. Her excuse, Rowan thought, was reasonable. "I've just been thinking about Harry a lot today, it's his birthday you see,"

"He still hasn't responded, then?" asked Rowan, in spite of having immense confidence in the answer coming his way.

Saffron shook her head. "No, but that doesn't matter right now. Tell me everything, Ro, start with your wand, what is it? I'm sort of hoping yours is rowan wood like mine," Saffron smiled fondly, reminiscing over how Mr. Ollivander, the wand maker, stated that a wand made out of eight and a half inches of rowan wood and a unicorn hair was the one for her.

"Not rowan wood, but he did talk a lot about it," Rowan confided in her, splitting his attention between the task Squire gave him and discussing the day he had experienced in Diagon Alley. "He talked about you, Maya and dad, he remembered you all so well,"

"Yeah," said Saffron. "He told me that he never forgets a single wand that he's sold,"

"He really sees the wands as being alive, I felt nervous about breaking the ones he gave me, and he gave me a lot," Rowan told Saffron briskly. "Rachel got hers on the second try, ten and three-quarter inches made of poplar wood with a dragon heartstring core - it was really smooth,"

"And what about yours?"

"Eleven inches exactly, it's made out of ebony and unicorn hair. Mr Ollivander said that he hasn't had a match as good as me and Blott for a long time," said Rowan impressively, grinning from ear to ear.


"Blott?" Saffron furrowed her brow.

"Um-hum," Rowan nodded.

"Who's Blott?"

"My wand,"

"Your wand?" Saffron almost spat out, her lips curling into a smirk. "You named your wand?"

"You didn't?" said Rowan, completely undeterred from her mocking. "If it's going to be with me forever, I might as well treat it well. Like it's my friend, and the best day to do that is to give it a name. Mr Ollivander said it was a good idea,"

"You told him you were naming it?" Saffron could contain the laugh that came out of her mouth a second later.

"I did," said Rowan rather stubbornly. "Why's that so funny to you?"

"I don't know anyone who's ever named their wand before," said Saffron with honesty, the humour of the situation still lacing her voice. "And why Blott of all names?"

Rowan shrugged his shoulders. "I couldn't think of any, then we walked past a shop called Flourish and Blotts, so I thought Blott sounded nice, so I'm calling it Blott," He uttered the last part of his sentence with defiance.

"I think it's a great idea," said Saffron, still smiling. When she thought about it, she thought perhaps it could be a good way to keep the wand safe and honour it as something sacred, as in a sense it was. It was their tool to produce magic and that wasn't something that should be taken lightly. "Blott sounds . . . um, nice, too,"

"Ha-ha," Rowan rolled his eyes. He felt certain that Saffron thought that it was anything but a good idea. "Whatever, I like it," He hastily changed the subject. "What did you get up to today?"

"I went down to the beach by myself for a couple hours," Saffron informed him. "The water was actually really nice today. Then I messed up Maya's skirt," She showed her sand stained skirt to her younger brother.

"I thought she gave it to you," said Rowan confusedly, now focussing primarily on the job at hand.

"Apparently not," said Saffron bitterly. She couldn't help be disappointed. The skirt was a perfect fit for her, the exact thing that her friend Lavender wanted to see her in. Lavender was effectively a mini fashion guru and Saffron was all for it. "Then I tried to write a letter to Harry, but I couldn't even find the words anymore. I've said it all already,"

Rowan noticed the nervousness and disappointment in the way his sister was carrying herself. He had never had a friend outside of his siblings, let alone a friend who was ignoring him. He too wasn't sure if Harry was being deliberate or not, but he leaned more towards the side of him not being deliberate for one paramount reason.

"Don't be too hard on yourself," said Rowan soothingly. "His parents knew our parents, and even though I didn't know mum and dad, I know they were friends with nice people, I just know it. So Harry must be nice, he's friends with you so he must be," He paused. "Maybe his family have locked him away, like in that book I read in the muggle library. What was it called again?"

"Cinderella," answered Saffron, idly throwing her dirty cloth in the bin.

"Exactly," said Rowan brightly. "Maybe Harry's Cinderella, all he needs is his Prince Charming to set him free and he'll be responding to your messages again, you'll see,"

Saffron thanked him. She felt unbelievably feeble at the fact that her younger brother was the one providing her with emotional support, not the other way around. However much the support was appreciated, Saffron didn't believe that his conclusion would come through. She couldn't see a Prince Charming coming to Harry's rescue and presumed that only on Septemeber first would she know if he was indeed okay.

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