《Ninjago Perfect Match Boyfriend Scenarios--Jay》Last-Minute Preparations


"Why do people wear white wedding dresses, anyway?" you ask. "I mean, white stains really easily, so..."

Nya shrugs from where she's helping you button up the back. "I have no idea. Maybe it's because it's supposed to look nice?"

"It's 'cause they're more expensive that way so people make more money!" b/f/n yells.

You and Nya share a look. "No, I don't think that's it."

"Wedding dresses are white because white symbolizes purity," Zane offers from outside the door. "Historically, wedding dresses were made in a variety of colors. White wedding dresses only became the traditional color of choice after a very famous ruler wore white at her wedding just under two hundred years ago."

"Thanks for the history lesson, Zane," you call back. "Is Jay ready to go?"

"Indeed he is," Zane replies. "His suit has been repaired and fits him excellently." You think you hear him snickering when he mentions the repair, but that could just be your imagination.

"Why did Jay's suit need to be fixed?" Nya asks. "There you go, all dressed."

You pick up your bouquet of blue roses and turn to look at yourself in the mirror. "Thanks, Nya. I never would have gotten that done. And it's kind of a long story, but Jay tore a hole in his tuxedo last time he wore it, so he had to ask Zane to fix it."

This time, you definitely hear Zane snickering from outside. "It isn't funny, Zane!" you yell. You smack the wall for good measure.

"Pardon me, I think I need a drink of water," Zane chokes out. You can still hear him laughing while he retreats down the hallway.

Two seconds later, someone knocks on the door. "Can I come in?" Cole asks.


"Sure, go ahead," you call. The knob turns, and Cole steps into the room.

"Wow. You look fantastic, y/n," Cole tells you.

You flush and tug awkwardly at your dress. "Thanks, Cole. Do you think Jay will like it?"

Cole smiles. "Of course he will. He always thinks you look amazing."

"Speaking of Jay, why aren't you upstairs calming him down? He's probably freaking out right now. I feel like freaking out right now."

"He'll be okay for another two minutes. I just needed to give you a big hug before the wedding. I'm really, really happy for you, y/n."

You and Cole hug each other, being careful not to wrinkle your dress. "I'm really happy too," you admit. "I thought I'd never have a day like this. I'm glad I was wrong. And I'm especially glad I get to have it with you guys."

B/f/n sniffles loudly from the corner. "I'm happy for you too, bestie!"

Nya raises her eyebrows. "Don't people usually wait until the wedding actually starts to cry?"

You shrug. "I think it's the caffeine. She'll be okay. She does stuff like this all the time. Hey, b/f/n, why don't you go keep Zane company?"

"Good idea!" b/f/n skips out the door, nearly running into both Cole and the doorframe in the process. "Later, bestie!"

"What did Zane do?" Cole asks.

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