《Ninjago Perfect Match Boyfriend Scenarios--Jay》Fashion Problems


You're wandering around the monastery, trying to avoid getting dragged into wedding preparations, when you hear Jay talking to himself in his room. Jay talking to himself isn't unusual—he mumbles instructions and reminders to himself all the time while he's working on his inventions—it's what he's talking about that's odd. He seems to be complaining about a bow tie?

You peek into Jay's room and immediately understand what's going on. He's standing in front of his bedroom mirror, wearing a tuxedo that he probably plans to wear at the wedding. It looks good on him, except...wow. That could be embarrassing. There's a hole in Jay's pants, right on his rear. You quickly focus on the back of Jay's head, face going hot when you think about what you just saw.

"Um, Jay," you whisper, trying not to startle him. Jay doesn't seem to hear you.


Jay continues to fiddle with his bow tie, apparently oblivious to your presence. "Ugh, does it go around and then through, or through and then around? I can never remember..."

"Beloved fiancé..."

"Or maybe I'm supposed to put the other end through and pull first? Wait, hang on, I see, it goes this way, right? Yes! I think I got it!


Jay jumps, accidentally yanking his bowtie too tight around his neck. He chokes, loosens his grip, and turns to face you "Aw, come on, y/n, I almost had it!"

You blush at the sight of Jay in a suit (he really does look good like this) but forge ahead with your question. "So, is that what you're wearing for our wedding? It looks good."

The ninja beams proudly. "Yep. Why do you ask?"

"Why is there a hole in your pants?"

"There's a what?" Jay asks, twisting to look in the mirror over his shoulder. When he spots the hole, his eyes widen and he squeaks, "Eep!" before clamping both of his hands over it. His face turns red enough to rival Kai's ninja gi. "Forget you ever saw that!"


"I wasn't really planning on remembering," you tell him, making sure not to look anywhere near the spot. "I just thought you'd want to know so you didn't moon everyone at the wedding. How do you even get a hole in your pants like that?"

"Snakes," Jay complains. "See, the first time I took Nya out on a date, I dressed up because I wanted to impress her, but I accidentally pricked myself on a Fangpyre fang, so right in the middle of the date I grew a tail and it tore a hole in my pants! Please don't laugh."

"I won't," you tell him, valiantly holding in the giggles you want to let out at that moment. "But you should probably get that fixed sooner rather than later."

Jay's face is still pink. "Yeah, I'll ask Zane to take care of it. He's great at stuff like this. Can—can you leave now so I can put pants that aren't torn on, please?"

"Sure. See you later, Jay."

You walk away and look for somewhere to laugh where Jay won't hear you. Behind you, you hear him complaining, "Stupid Fangpyres. Stupid ripped pants! Zane's gonna laugh at me for weeks..."

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