《Ninjago Perfect Match Boyfriend Scenarios--Jay》Meeting Him Online


(Yes, this is NyaxCole, so that Jay is single, so you can date him. All the other scenarios will be NyaxJay.)

You sprint into your room, drop your backpack, and collapse onto your bed, crying. Your boyfriend just broke up with you for a girl he met on the internet, and all you want to do is disappear.

Your phone buzzes. You check it and find a text from you boyfriend (ex-boyfriend, now). I’m really sorry, it says. I swear I didn’t want to hurt you. I’m just not in love with you anymore. Can we still be friends?

You throw your phone across the room, bury your face in your pillow, and cry.

You finally look up half an hour later, when your computer chimes with an alert: you’ve been matched to somebody named ‘Zaptrap’ on PerfectMatch.com, and he’s sent you a chat request.

Oh, right. Your ex-boyfriend insisted that you sign up for Perfect Match a few weeks ago. You laughed at the idea, because you thought the two of you would be together forever. You feel another stab of pain and betrayal as you realize that your ex was probably setting up this breakup for months. How long was he cheating on you?

You fight back some more tears and look back at your computer screen. A few hours ago, you wouldn’t have dreamed of answering Zaptrap’s chat request. But things are different now. You hit the enter button, and a chat window appears on the screen.

Zaptrap: So, what’s wrong with your world?

(Your username): My boyfriend just broke up with me for a girl he met online. I think he’s been cheating on me for a few months. Sorry, you probably don’t want to hear about it…

Zaptrap: It’s okay. My girlfriend just broke up with me for one of my best friends.


Y/u: That’s not cool. At least my boyfriend’s new girlfriend isn’t someone I know.

Zaptrap: Wait, it gets worse. My ex-girlfriend is also my other best friend’s sister.

Y/u: Ow. That makes my breakup sound like a walk in the park.

Zaptrap: You want to hear a joke?

Y/u: …Sure…

Zaptrap: Why was 6 afraid of 7?

Y/u: Because 7 8 9. Everybody knows that one. Why did the ninja cross the road?

Zaptrap: He was standing on the chicken. What goes ha, ha, ha, plop?

Y/u: Someone laughing his head off. That one’s even easier.

Zaptrap: Dang, you’re good. Ummm…okay, want to hear the joke about the bed?

Y/u: Ummm…Uh…Um…Don’t tell me…

Zaptrap: *Whistling casually* Need a hint?

Y/u: Okay, I give up! Tell me the punch line!

Zaptrap: It hasn’t been made yet.

Y/u: Dang it! I knew that one!

You and Zaptrap exchange jokes all evening. When you finally turn your computer off and climb into bed, you can’t wait for tomorrow, so you can chat with your new friend.

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