《Solangelo》Part one bc I'm not good at titles


Then he walked back across the green, to where Will Solace was waiting.

"What did you tell Percy? He looks like you just said that you wanted to marry Mrs. O'Leary", Will asked when Nico stood next to him.

Oh..." Nico was not sure whether to tell Will or not. He was quite nice and cool but they didn't knew eachother very well. Maybe he was a homophobe ?? Nico didn't think so but he wasn't completely sure.

"Are you okay?" Will asked and Nico nodded.

"Sure. Basically. I... I told Percy that..." he hesitated and Will nodded.

"You don't have to tell me now. It's okay if you need time or if you don't want to tell me anyway."

Nico felt relieved. "Maybe... if we know eachother a little better. I'm not used to, you know... being accepted or something..."

Will shook his head in disbelief: "Of course you'll be accepted here, death boy. If anyone says otherwise, just tell Piper and she'll make them jump of a cliff or something."

Nico smiled lightly. "Thanks man... But don't call me death boy ok thanks."

Will grinned. "Sure. Also we've been here for way to long now, you need to get some sleep, let's go to the infirmary."

Nico felt like disagreeing, but he was actually tired so he just nodded and followed Will. Though the son of Apollo looked surprised, he didn't say anything and showed Nico his room in the infirmary, which he shared with another guy.

"Just lay down here and I'll bring you some food or something."

"I'm not hungry."

"Dude, you need to eat something. Have you ever looked at yourself? You're so skinny it's not healthy."


"Doctors Orders."

Nico wanted to say something, but Will looked him straight in the eyes and Nico interrupted himself.


"Uhm... Nevermind. Imma just... sleep because I'm tired as hell. See you then."

With these words Nico turned around and snuggled into the sheets. Will looked confused for a moment but then he turned around too and left the room.

When Nico awoke it was dark outside.

On a table next to his bed were a plate with fruits and Toast and a glass full of Nectar.

Nico was about to grab a pomegranate when someone next to him said: "Hi."

Feeling confused, Nico turned his head and saw a guy with blonde hair and brown eyes. He had freckles and white teeth and just looked gorgeous. "Hi", he said again and smiled brightly at Nico, "I'm Sam, Son of Aphrodite. Nice to meet you."

"Hi", said Nico, who was still confused. "I'm Nico... Son of Hades."

Sam smiled at him. "So why are you here in the infirmary?"

Nico didn't wanted to sound rude but he really didn't want to talk. So he shortly answered: "Too much underworld stuff. I don't think I need to stay here but Will says so and I guess he's the doctor..."

Sam grinned: " Yeah he's the kind of guy for that."

That confused Nico even more. "Do you know him very well?"

Sam nodded. "We've been friends for kinda a long time... I got injured in the battle but I quite like staying here and spending time with one if my closest friends... Well at least if he's here."

Nico smiled unenthusiastically.

"Thats cool. I'm happy for you." He didn't know why but the thought of some other guy, who also looked like an Adonis, spending time with Will made him uncomfortable. He had no interest in talking to this Sam - guy any longer so he said: "Well I'm kind of tired... Imma sleep now again, sorry. See you then."

"Good night", said Sam and Nico closed his eyes and just asked himself what was going on in his life.

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