《Solangelooo》Chaster 12


Who knows how long

I've been awake now?

The shadows on my wall don't sleep.

They keep calling me,


POV Nico


I open my eyes. Where in the name of Hades? Where did I land? I see lights. Then, I see a street. Then, my vision sharpens. I'm in an alley. I sit up, leaning against a wall. "Where am I?" I mutter and it all goes black.

In the dream, I'm happy. I'm holding Will's hand. I'm smiling at him and he wraps his arms around me. We're lying down on the hill next to the beach, staring into the sunrise. Then, all my friends come to us. Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Jason, Hazel, Frank, Lauren, Sidney and Reyna.

We're all talking. We're all laughing. We're all happy. Then, everybody leaves but me and Will. I lay my head on Will's chest and we look into each other's eyes. Without noticing, his hand trails over to my cheek, running his knuckles up and down it, and then cupping it with one hand. I stare into his eyes and notice that they're getting brighter after every passing second.

He sighs, clearly satisfied about something. "I love you Nico" he says. I stare at him. How could I get so lucky? How does someone so amazing love me? "I love you to Will, more than you can ever imagine." I say. He pulls me closer by the hand cupping my cheek and kisses me.

Wait. This isn't real Nico. Wake up. I tell myself and my eyes shoot open. It's just a dream. I slowly get up, brushing the dust off my clothes. I get up, determined to find out where in the world I am. I walk into the street and stop a lady. "Excuse me miss, what is the time?" I ask and she covers my mouth. I collapse to the ground and the last thing I see is the woman picking me up with a tail, lifting me by... the tail, by the foot, and for the second time, I black out.



AN: Thank you guys so much for reading, I promise there will be a satisfying ending, when it comes to Solangelo shippers I'm as big as they come.

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