《Solangelooo》Chapter 5-The gays, the hot girls and the other tree.


I wake up with a plate of fruit and a note.

I know that for some reason, you're mad at me, but please eat. I'll know if you don't and you're beginning to worry me, you're too thin.

I'll visit you at about 1 pm, and if you're asleep, I'm gonna wake you up.


I let a few tears stream from my eyes and laugh a bitter laugh. "Why do all my crushes think I'm mad at them?" I ask myself. "It's always myself I'm mad at. You little idiot" I say to myself bitterly and bite into a peach. Wait, isn't it already 14? I look at the clock imbedded into the wall as I eat an apple after finishing the peach. Yes, it's 14 o'clock. Will forgot. I sigh, changing my clothes, and walk out the door.

I wander around camp for a while until I see the one and only Melanie! Wrapping her arm around Will's neck. Oh, how obvious. Yeah, Will is definitely straight. I silently sigh and begin walking into the woods, completely un-noticed. I climb a tree and sit there for a few seconds until I hear a voice.

"Are you also sitting on a tree to hide away from your problems?" the voice with the slightly southern accent asks. I turn around and see a pretty blond 14 year old with a tear covered face sitting on the tree next to mine. she quickly climbs to mine and sits in the same branch as me, but closer to the log. "Leave me alone" I mutter. "That's what I always say. Lauren." She says and puts out a hand, completely care free for a person who's sitting on a tree, about 10 meters from the ground. I shake it, tightly gripping the branch with my other hand. "Nico" I say.


"Yeah, I've heard of you, you seem okay. So here's the deal-I tell you why I'm here, you tell me why you're here, we help each other and never tell anybody else." She says. "Fine" I say.

"So here it is-I have a crush. Had it for months. The problem is-it's a girl names Jessica and she's from Mississippi. When I told her how I felt, she called me a gay girl and ran away from me, telling everyone not to talk to me. So here I am. I've been here the past 2 days; I have food and a big bottle of water in a bag I tied to my tree. You?" she asks, her bright green eyes staring at me.

"Yeah, I know Jessica, she seemed like a nice girl" I say. "Yeah, apparently not." she mutters bitterly. Well, at least I don't need to worry about her being disgusted by me; I'm in the exact same mess she's in. so I tell her what happened. "Oh..." she says, brushing her fingers through her hair, playing with her necklace. "I know Will, he took care of me when I got stabbed in the titan war" she says and I nod.

"Listen, you need to tell him, and better sooner than later, I was practically obsessed about her when I told her and look where it got me. My advice to you-we'll get off this tree together, you'll tell Will, and I'll tell Jessica she's a homophobic bitch, and if you're right and he's straight or homophobic, we'll both move on, maybe I'll even be able to find you someone." She says.

"Sounds like a plan" I say and we both get off the tree, I slowly climbed down and she just jumped off, completely unharmed, rolling on the ground, and started walking. "How the hell did you do that?!" I ask, amazed. "I'm a monkey girl" she simply says, wiping the tears off her face and smiling.


We both walk back to camp, talking about random things, and a girl and a boy run towards Lauren and hug her. "Where were you?!" the boy with the black hair asks. "We were worried sick!" the girl with sand colored hair asks.

''I was up on the tree." Lauren says. "That damn tree" the girl mutters and looks at me. "Who are you?" she asks. "The person on the other tree" I say and I laugh, Lauren soon joining me as the other two just stare at us.

"But Sidney" Lauren says. "I thought you wouldn't ever talk to me again... I'm gay" she adds and Sidney shakes her head. "Honey, I'm gay to, it's perfectly fine, there's nothing to be embarrassed about, now let's go talk to that bitch Jessica" she says and the three walk away, Lauren somewhat stunned.

"W-wait, Nico, tell me how it goes with you-know-who! I'm Hecate's daughter, talk to me!" she says and as I nod with a smile, she looks away. I see Will and Melanie walking my way.

It's time, I think. Time to tell Will I'm gay.

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