《Supernatural x Male!Reader Season 2!》Supernatural x Male!Reader! Part 67!


Last part for season 2, will continue to season 3


Episode: Season 2 Episode 22

Part: 2


(M/n) = Male Name

(L/n) =Last Name

(D/n) = Demon Name

(N/n) = Nickname

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happen in this show/fandom



Ellen and Bobby were sitting at a table. He poured her a shot of liquid from a flask and pushed in towards her.

"Bobby, is this really necessary?"

"Just a belt of Holy Water. Shouldn't hurt." He replied

"She lifted the hot glass to her lips and swallowed the water. "Whiskey now, if you don't mind."

"Ellen, what happened? How'd you get out?" Dean asked.

"I wasn't supposed to. I was supposed to be in there with everybody else." She scoffed. "But we ran out of pretzels of all things. It was just dumb luck." She drank the whiskey Bobby poured for her. "Anyway, that's when Ash called. Panic in his voice. He told me to look in the safe. Then the call cut out. By the time I got back, the flames were sky-high. And everybody was dead. I couldn't have been gone more then fifteen minutes."

"Sorry, Ellen." Sam said.

The woman teared up. "A lot of good people died in there. And I got to live." She scoffed again. "Lucky me,"

"Ellen, you mentioned a safe." Bobby said.

"A hidden safe we keep in the basement."

"Demons get what was in it?"

"No." She pulled out a map from her pocket, unfolding it and setting ir down on the table. It had several black lines and X's on it.

"Wyoming. What does that mean?" Dean pointed to the lines.


Bobby was reading from a large book. "I don't believe it." He set the book on the table.

"What? You got something?"

"A lot more than that. Each of the X's, is an abandoned frontier church-all mid 19th century. And all of them built by Samuel Colt."

"Samuel Colt, the demon-killing, gun making Samuel Colt?"

"Yep. and there's more. He built a private railway lines." Bobby pointed at the black lines. "Connecting church to church. It just so happens to lay out like this. "He connects the points until it made a star.


"Tell me that's not what I think it is."

"It's a Devil's Trap. A 100-square mile Devil's Trap." Sam said.

"That's brilliant. Iron lines demon's can't cross."

"I've never heard of anything that massive."

"No one has."

"And after all these years none of the lines are broken? I mean, it still works?"


"How do you know?"

"All those omens Bobby found. I mean the demons, they must be circling and they can't get in."

"Yeah, well...They're trying."

"Why? What's inside?"

"That's what I've been looking for. And, uh, there's nothing expect an old cowboy cemetery right in the middle." Dean said.

"Well, that's so important about a cemetery or...what's Colt trying to protect?" am asked.

"Well, unless..."

"Unless what?"

"What id Colt wasn't' trying to keep the demons out? What id he's trying to keep something in?"

"Now that's a comforting thought." Ellen said, taking another drink.

"Yeah, you think?"

"Could they do it, Bobby? Could they get inside?"

"This thing's so powerful, you'd practically need a A-bomb to destroy it. No way a full-blood demon gets across."

"No." Sam paused. "But I know who might can."

Dean's eyes widened. "No, he couldn't."

~Wood's Day~

(M/n) walked up to the railroad tracks. After a few minutes of looking at the steel. He then turned around to see Yellow Eye's standing behind him.

"Howdy, (D/n). So did you have a nice trip?"

"You really need to stop saying howdy, it's getting annoying. Now what?"

"Fifty miles, that away. There's a cemetery. A crypt. You got to open that for me. Think you can manage that, sport?"

"Why don't you go do it yourself?" (M/n) crossed his arms and smirked..

"You know why I can't do that. But you...You're special. Not like another demons. You can't be retrained by a trap."

The boy just looked at the demon.

"Here, you're gonna need a key." Yellow eyes pulled out the Colt. He handed it over to the other demon, who just held it in his hand, who then in turn aimed it at Yellow eyes head. "Oh, my. I'm shocked at this unforeseen turn of events. Go ahead. Squeeze the trigger. Be all you can be. This'll all be over. But, you still have to run. And you wont see your lover ever again. You open that door, and that'll be one step to seeing him again."


The demon thought before lowering the gun. Yellow Eyes smirked. "Attababy."


It was night. The boy opened the cemetery gate, easily going over the devil's trap. They never really had an effect on him....Just like his...No, he didn't want to think about him right now.

Once he walked into the crypt, he saw Dean standing behind a large tomb, a gun in hand.


"Howdy, (M/n)." Sam said, him, Bobby, and Ellen appear from the shadow's, guns raised.

"Wait...Sam? Are you supposed to be dead??"

"What you mean? You patched me up, Dean said so." (M/n) looked at Dean, then realized what he did. Dean looked down.

"No, I didn't...." Sam looked at his brother.

"Don't do this son." Bobby said.

"I'm sorry. I have too. I need to see him again." Everyone dropped their guns as (M/n) made them. He pulled out the Colt and inserted it in the crypt. "I'm sorry...."

He then got shot four times in the back. Falling to the ground. The demon saw Sam had shot him.

"(M/n)!" Dean ran to the boy and held him.

"Get out of here, now!" (M/n) said.

All four looked at the crypt as two separate engravings on the crypt spin in different directions, then stopped.

"Oh, no."

"Bobby, what is it?"

"It's hell."

(M/n) then got up and pulled the Colt from the crypt and gave it to Dean. "Take cover, now!"

The four ran behind tombstones as the door to the crypt doors burst open. A large black mass erupts from the other side and shoots outward. Demons started breaching the Devil's Trap and escaped. (M/n) had hid, so they didn't notice him.

Black demon some kept pouring from the crypt, with individual trails of smoke haring off in different directions. Bobby, Ellen, Dena, and Sam were taking cover.

"What the hell just happened?!" Dean yelled.

"That's a devil's gate. A damn door to hell."

The railway iron started to bent and a pair of legs crossing, while a black demons smoke trail went out the other way.

"Come on We gotta shut the gate!"

"If the demon gave this to (M/n)....Then maybe..."

Thunder crashed and the Yellow Eyed Demon appeared behind Dean. He flung the Colt out of Dean's hand and into his own. Dean look astonished.

"Boys shouldn't play with daddy's guns."

He threw Dean into the sir, where Dean hit his head on a tombstone and lied there, stunned.

Bobby, Ellen, and Sam were struggling to close the crypt door. Sam looked over to see Dean down, and then sees yellow eyes smiling at him.


He lets go of the gate door and ran to his brother. The demon threw Sam against a nearby tree. "I'll get to you in a minute, champ. But I'm proud of you, knew you had it in you." Dean struggled upright. Yellow eyes throws him again. "So, Dean...I gotta thank you. You see, demons can't resurrect people, unless a deal is made. I knw, red tape, it'll make you nuts. But thanks to you, Sammy's back in rotation." He laughed. "Now, I wasn't counting on that, but I'm glad. I liked him better then Jake, anyhow. Tell me-have you ever heard the expression, 'If a deal sounds to good to be true, it probably is'?"

"You call that deal good?"

"Well, its a better shake than your dad ever got."

As the two talked, Sam looked horrified. As yellow eyes cocked the Colt and aims it at Dean, John grabbed the demon from behind. The body the demon possessed falls to the ground, the gun still in hand, while John and the cloud of smoke wrestle. The demon pushes him to the ground and enters the body once more. When he stood up, (M/n) shot him in the heart. The demon fell to the ground, dead.

Bobby and Ellen finally close the gate doors and turn to see John. Dean stood up and faces his dad. John walked forward, and smiled at Dea, putting a hand on his sons shoulder. Both were teary eyed, and Sam came up to the two. John and Sam nodded at each other. Then John went into a white light.

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