《Legends of Ninjago Book 1: Brotherhood (Ninjago AU, Cole, Jay, Zane, Kai)》Epilogue


From that day forward, Kai, Jay, Zane, and Cole were different people, sworn to a path of honour, discipline, and sacrifice. Keaton surely enjoyed having the extra company, but Ann remained indifferent. And Nya? Nya was ever watchful, and bent on helping any way she could, be it retrieving water, cooking, cleaning, or practising medicine. The days at the monastery, although very taxing and gruelling, were days full of light, and happiness, and brotherhood. Together, the ninja looked out over a Ninjago filled with joy and celebration, and they smiled knowing that they helped make it possible.

Radio reports came in every day bringing more and more good news to the public. It seemed as though Garmadon was slowly fading away from memory, and the land was beginning to heal.

However, not everyone was as ecstatic about all of this. Wu paced in his office almost every day, worrying about one thing in particular.

"Lord Garmadon's absence will not simply go unnoticed. There are others who would wish to cease his—now, ownerless—power," he said to Ann one day, stroking his beard. "One in particular has shown extremely irrational behaviour as of late, and I fear what he may do with an army of vengeful Skulkins at his beck and call."


"My nephew."

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