《Am i finally in love》Parties


Idk why but I got the biggest idea of drunk Enid and caring Wednesday.


The next morning Wednesday found Enid in her bed. This of course startled her and she fell out of her bed waking Enid up.

" oh- Babe you okay?" Enid asks getting up from the bed and helping Wednesday up.

" How did you get in there" Wednesday pressed.

" Do you not remember last night?..." Enid whispered. Wednesday face widened as she tried to recall the previous nights memories. Wednesday's mind didn't remember the night before.

" Was I drugged? Addams have amazing memory" Wednesday said

" NO! NO WILLA GOD- I HAD A NIGHTMARE!" Enid says walking to her closet to get dressed.

Once both girls were ready they walked out of their dorms and went their separate ways. Their day went on as usual. When they returned Enid was extra excited.

" Why are you so happy?" Wednesday questioned the blonde.

" Yoko invited me to a party, do you wanna go?" Enid asked.

" No."

" Willa!" Enid whined

" I'd rather be in the dorms then be surrounded my hormonal teenagers. " Wednesday said flatly.

" I'll go alone then"

" By all means"



"Fine!" Enid said louder. She changed out of her uniform and headed out the door.

Hours passed, it was now 1:26 am and Wednesday couldn't sleep. 'Where is she? ' she asked herself. Suddenly she hear steps and arguing.

" Enid stand up!" Yoko yelled, " Where the hell are your keys " she asked

Wednesday heard a hiccup and mumbling.

" You idiot, stand up before I drop you" Wednesday heard from behind the door.

The door finally opened and in came Yoko and a very drunk Enid. Wednesday stood from her bed and walked over to yoko and the drunk blonde.


" What did you do!?" Wednesday interrogated yoko.

" Me!? Your stupid little roommate here got drunk" Yoko said trying to keep Enid on her feet. " I told her not to drink so much but did she listen? No." Yoko says practically dragging Enid to her bed. Yoko threw Enid down and Enid groaned.

Wednesday stepped towards Enid and all of a sudden Enid had the energy to pop up.

" Now you're okay?" Yoko scoffed

" Wil- *hiccup* Willa" Enid says standing up to hug Wednesday. She immediately fell into wednesdays arms. She smelt of different alcohols from beer to tequila.

Wednesday struggled to keep her balance. Yoko had to grab enid and pull her away.

" No no!" Enid said like a toddler getting denied a toy. Enid turned her attention to Yoko who was holding her up. " Isn't my girlfriend so pretty?" Enid asked Yoko.

" Girlfriend?" Yoko said looking at Wednesday. Wednesdays eyes widened and she grabbed enid.

" You can leave now" Wednesday said. Yoko laughed and placed enids phone and keys onto her desk.

Wednesday struggled to get Enid onto her bed. When she finally did Enid grabbed her and bear hugged her. Wednesday couldn't get out of her grasp.

" Enid let go." Wednesday said. It was too late by then. Enid had already fallen asleep. " Let go you dumb dog" Wednesday says while attempting to break free of Enid.

Enid only held on tighter. " I know you're awake Enid." Wednesday said. When she didn't get a response she accepted her fate.


Enid held onto Wednesday the entire night, almost suffocating her once. In the morning enid let go of Wednesday and threw wednesday off of herself. She ran to the bathroom where she puked her whatever she drank out.


Wednesday woke up due to being thrown and had realized enid was throwing up pretty quickly. Wednesday walked to the bathroom and stood in the doorway.

" You're hungover aren't you?" Wednesday asked with her arms crossed like an angry mother.

" Shut up" Enid said leaning against the toilet bowl.

" You told Yoko about us last night" Wednesday said.

" I DID WHAT?" Enid says with a scared look on her face.

" ' Isn't my girlfriend so pretty'" Wednesday mimicked, " You're lucky I kicked her out before she asked questions"

" oh my gooooood" Enid groaned. She stood up and flushed the toilet. She walked to the sink, brushed her teeth, and threw her toothbrush away.

She walked to Wednesday who had a stern look on her face. " I hope you're sober now" Wednesday said. Enid leaned in to kiss Wednesday. Wednesday backed up quickly.

" You're gross"

" I brushed my teeth"

" Come back to me in 2-3 business days." Wednesday says. Enid quickly kisses Wednesday causing Wednesday to jerk back and hit her head on the door frame

Enid laughed and pulled Wednesday into a hug.

" You smell like alcohol and puke."



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