《Am i finally in love》First day, first impressions


After Wednesday had failed to kill that boy her parents sent her to Nevermore academy. It was the last school that would take her. Wednesday hated this idea, she hated how her parents were forcing her to go somewhere she knew she wasn't going to like. She hated the idea of new annoying kids. She hated it.

" We fell in love" her father says about to kiss her mother. Wednesday blinks slowly, unimpressed. " I don't plan on falling in love father" Wednesday says slightly shifting in her seat. " You better not. Nonetheless Nevermore is our legacy, your children will one day attend the academy." Her father says making movements with his hands. He's like an actor, exaggerating everything he does.

' IF I have children' Wednesday thinks. Life is explained and showed in a specific way. Be born, go to school, find the person you will end up marrying, marry that person and have too much " fun", have a child- possibly get divorced, then you die. Wednesday only liked the ending. Dying. Death is what fascinates her, every second, year, day is just a reminder of how close she is to dying. And she loved the idea of this.

The car comes to a stop. The driver gets out and jogs over to the door, opening it. Wednesday and her mother exit first, her father following. After getting everything settled and Wednesday telling her parents goodbye, she grabs her suitcases and walked to the main gate. A girl waited for her, she was slightly jumping up and down. Wednesday already hates her.

" Hi I'm Enid, Enid Sinclair. I'm your roommate. The school asked me to show you around- " she says " Oh I can help you with your bags" as Enid reaches out for Wednesday's bag Wednesday pulls away. " Don't touch my things." Wednesday states.


Enid retreats. " Okay then let's go to our dorm then I'll give you a tour" Enid says a bit too happy. ' How does someone have so much energy?' Wednesday thinks.

As Enid happily jogs up the stairs wednesday follows next to her. " So why did you transfer?" Enid asks. " I got expelled" Wednesday says in a flat tone. " oh- why?" ' You ask too many questions' Wednesday thinks to herself. " This boy was bullying my brother, so I released piranhas into the school pool. They said it was attempted murder. Now it is on my record that I failed to actually kill him." They stop at their dorm room.

Enid, slightly afraid now, unlocks the door to reveal a small room, one side was clearly winds decorated with pink and popping colors. Photos of family and friends hang above her bed. Across from Enids side was a dark corner. It was plain with cobwebs. A simple bed was there with only its frame and mattress.

" No one really rooms with me" Enid says with a slight chuckle. ' I can see why' Wednesday thinks. Enid sniffs a couple of times before touching her head " ah- do you use a scented lotion?" She asks. Wednesday raises an eyebrow. " Sorry, I'm a werewolf, I'm sensitive to strong smells like strong lotions..." Enid says, her voice slowly fading as she gets quieter.

" You werewolves are so odd" Wednesday says out loud. She didn't mean to but at the same time she did, but she already said it, it's not like she can take it back

" Yeah well... anyways that's your side obviously" Enid says ignoring what wednesday said. It was obvious the comment had hurt Enid a bit, why should Wednesday care though. Wednesday walks over to her side with intentions to unpack . " oh, I'm supposed to give you a tour" Enid says stepping in front of Wednesday


Enid and visibly taller than Wednesday, she has to look down at wednesday in order to look her in the eyes. " Get out of my way." Wednesday states. Now it should be mentioned at this point that Enid is a prankster, she likes to tease people. They usually find it funny.

Enid leans down, whispering " and what if I don't ". Wednesday doesn't say anything, typically people are scared enough that they move with no questions. Wednesday couldn't do anything, she wasn't exactly a fighter. " I'm just kidding," Enid says as she walks away from Wednesday

' God I hate her' Wednesday thinks

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