《izuku :the king of dragons and successor to the legends》Chapter 2
In the original world every student in class 1B and 1A as well as some pros affiliated with Izuku are in the auditorium izumi had just come back from her girls week with Inko and is currently sitting next to her friends Tokoyami and Iida little did she know she was gonna hate Iida.Nezu got on stage and stared at everyone taking in a deep sigh he spoke"thank you all for comming today because today we were told something awful happened a incident we never intended to happen "this got everyones attention the pros and some girls of 1B and A were all pissed of with what happened to izuku
Miriko:Tch i dont even know why i came with what you did to zuzu i should kick all your asses
Mt Lady:im shocked i haven't stepped on you all considering i hate you with a passion
Mandalay:your telling me
Ryukyu:belive me i want to kill them as much as the next person
Nejire: i hate UA
izumi:whats going on guys and where is izuku
Uraraka:that piece of crap traitor
Iida:we became heroes and saved everyone by sending him thousands of miles away into a prison at the bottom of the sea
Aaoyama:so not pretty
Izumi:how dare you speak about my bro like that he loved hold on no he didn't he loved Sho haha
Nezu cleared his throat gaining everyones attention"yes well it seems izuku was innocent the whole time "inko brightened up and 1A went wide eye shocked and confused the pro heroes were happy and smiling so were the girls who loved izuku(*cough*everyone well some*cough*)"so let my baby boy go"inko said until she looked at Nezus eyes they were shaking with tears on the verge of comming out "im sorry but we cant do that"nezu replied .
Izumi:why not
Nezu:because because
Nezu:BECAUSE HE'S DEAD his body was found at the bottom of the sea impaled by a large rock
everyone went wide eye in shock the girls fell to their knees shotos eyes were shaking in sadness "NOOOOOO"she shouted releasing an abnormal amount of frost feezing the entire gym pure rage radiated off of her and all the other girls"I'll KILL YOU"she shouted charging with frost until inko stopped her and hugged Shoto "mother let me go i'll make him pay i'll make him suffer i'll make them all pay like they made izuku i'll kill them all "she shouted trying to get through but inko didn't let go she was in so much pain her heart was breaking "izuku why him why "she said falling to her knees in inkos arms and from that day on the people of UA split hating the ones who took away the emerald child and the ones who protected him.
In One Piece
Izuku and Luffy are currently running away
from a group of girls from the amazon island ruled by Boa Hancock "LUFFY THEY TOOK MY SWORD I NEED MY SWORD"izuku said as he ran full speed scared of what the girls may do it
some where else the snake princess had just returned and the lives of all who lived in amazon lilly cheered for the arrival of their snake princess the rumored to be the most beautiful woman in the sea .The crew of her ship were placing the cargo they stole and piled up onto the land and the other woman were writing down what they captured and grandma niyon was wondering if they had books .Meanwhile the snake princess was walking through the halls of her somewhat castle with another woman holding a gift for the princess and they were discussing how it felt ot be back.
Woman"were so glad to have you back snake princess
Boa:me to it's good to be home
she replied not even taking a look or stopping her walk forward
Woman:i thought you might like to enjoy your spoils of war so i've polished the most exquisite item amongst your cargo"
Boa:Oh"she said stopping looking at the box before taking the lid off and finding a beautiful sparkly green gem inside of it and taking it out she admired the object but threw it awat shocking all the girls who were standing by"a goddy rock like that would be an unsitely blemish upon my beauty"she said before looking to the side seeing an strange statue that was built of clay "anishida what is this "she said walking towards it and the now known girl as Anishida followed"oh that's a gift from the children they crafted a statue lovingly from your likeness they wanted to show their thanks for always protecting tham and giving them homes its endeering how much love and effort they put into such an creation"Anishida finished recalling the children whome showed up with said statue and asking her to give it to the snake princess."it's me "she said before smiling"but made out of mud"she finished her snake began sweating bullets before moving back as Hancock pushed it onto the ground shattering it shocking each girl who gasped from her cruel action.Several girls ran to the broken statue"don't bring such filth to the castle it falters the elegance so clean it up at once"boa hancock remarked walking away leaving the girls to clean her rubbish while boa walked she called out to anishida"i'm curious anishida i couldn't help but notice the city defenders were all but gone from their posts is there a reason for that"Boa asked still walking"oh well you see recently a large monkey and a rocket were seen around the village it's strength was inhuman so they wen't to hunt it "she said "i see" boa replied.
Somewhere in the forest
Meanwhile Izuku and luffy were swinging through the trees luffy with his arms and Izuku with whips made of darkness Izuku and luffy were having a blast izuku was banging on his chest like an idiot going "AAAAAAAAA"like tarzan .The two let go off the trees and began descending down the mountain towards a river and trees the amazon girls were all reaching a stop infront of a river asking if anyone saw the two men they then spotted the two boys gliding down towards the water and one girl reeled in her arrow and fired at the two boys nearly hitting them but Izuku created smoke from his hands and exploded it hiding the two boys as well as making them both dodge the arrow from the wind pressure and then they fell into the water"has those beasts finally met their end"one girl asked before another pointed to the water "look he's there "she said before a giant fish swan out the water holding luffy by his hat and Izuku who was holding onto luffys lower half as both boys screamed while the monster dived and jumped out the water swimming away"so not think you can escape your death"one of the girls said starring at the water.
In the castle
Boa hancock was walking towards her bed "do not be concerned they'll be here shortly"Anishida said to the princess as the princess's snake slithered and wrapped itself around a pillar of wood holding the roof of the bed up."im really sorry they weren't there to greet you"anishida said "no matter"boa hancock said before sitting on her snake which was on her bed wrapping it's massive body around it's self over and over again creating a large seat in which boa sat on ."well then would you like a drink"anishida asked as boa crossed her legs"white sake "she said with her eyes a closed
but then someone spoke pissing the princess off"go ahead and make that two "the old lady said"granny nion"
she said her voice filled with spite"how nice of you to defile my private chambers "boa said .The girls then noticed the old lady and began looking at her asking questions as well"get rid of her"Boa said with her eyes closed "hold on listen snake princess"she announced boa looked up "you forgot please"she said with her eyes closed again leaving the old ladies mouth agape "now say it"she said "mm please listen snake princess i've learned there is a marine ship nearby with express purpose of summoning you have they niot"she asked"the subject government has ordered you into active duty"she said while boas eyes remained closed"that's right they wan't me to go to war"she said "why are you here you must go you must uphold the agreement or they'll remove your title i kniow you've just returned but surely nyou still have the strength to fight"Nion finished Boa then acted cute and said"but i'm scared"giving everyone hearts in there eyes "awe she's like a kitten"nion said "no no enough"Nion said shacking her head'NOW think this through all that is protecting our nation is your title as warlord and if that title is removed all the innocent lives children and elderly alike will perish woman are here because it's a safe haven for them and if that were to be destroyed then they will perish along side it"."now your the one who sounds scared"Boa said nonchalant by her speech "im old i can drop dead at any moment "nion said droping her snake staff which turned into a somewhat sack like object and she placed a crystal ball on it "gaze into your future "she said before walking around it making sounds and then stopping presenting the ball with the words go it was clear as day that she herself wrote it thinking she could trick the princess but it just pissed her off and made her shatter her glass cup"you idiot "she said she then stood up and shouted"THROW HER OUT RIGHT NOW"the females obliged with her command and forcefully lifted up the old woman .Boa then walked towards her "i listened respectfully and you treated me like a fool did you think i'd fall for your chicanery your rain here ended well over three generations ago"Boa said standing infront of the old lady staring down at her "listen Gloryosa i could lay waste to every corner of our nation and i would be forgiven because i'm beautiful"Boa finished pointing at the old lady"why should i listen to a disgraced ruler who abandoned her people to wonder about the outer seas"she asked pulling the old lady up by her hair"so i live on the outskirt of the village nonono"Nion finished "that's exactly where you should be don't you dare act like queen around me do you understand you FOOL"she shouted tossing the old lady out the window but the old lady landed on her feet when she reached the floor"still got it "she said .Back in the palace"i touched her "Boa said looking at her hands appalled"prepare the bath"boa said as the females did as told .
Meanwhile with Luffy and Izuku
Izuku and Luffy were then thrown off the back of the fish and flew into the forest screaming and then they were chased by animals and still screaming the girls hunting the males heard them and wen't onward to find them Izuku and Luffy were being bitten by snaked and they were running so fast screaming they even ran up a mountain the snakes let go and flew down but Izuku and luffy kept screaming and running the girls saw where he went and believed he was heading back to the village.Once Izuku and Luffy stopped running they found that they were on top of a wall and they sat on the ledge thinking of how to leave the island and where to get a boat "hey Izuku if we want a boat than we have to ask someone important and to find someone important they are likely to live up high right "Luffy said hurting himself as he was thinking "hmm you may be right luffy the people who live here are quit primitive so just maybe in any case let's try your idea out"izuku finished they both jumped to the ledge infront of the village and counted down"1 ...2....3"they then jumped and screamed while falling .They landed on a roof and then the roof broke making the two fall down and into warm water the boys were screaming in the water"WERE GONNA DIE AAAAAAAAHHHHHh"but then they noticed it was shallow and they stood up.Looking around the two saw a woman standing infront of them they saw her back and izuku instantly knew it "that symbol on your back i know it "luffy said as she looked at them horrified all of a sudden the door opened and a tall greenhaired girl(sandersonia) along with a fat tall orange haired girl(marigold) came in
am i seeing things /whats a man doing on the island "they both asked as boa stood up and walked backwards while facing the boys her sister placed a robe over hancock"my secret is out they saw my back"she said shocking her sisters"then we can't let them leave the castle alive"the sister said as the two girls gripped there spears"why not we just saw her back"luffy said backing up"tell me you three were slaves weren't you "Izuku said surprising Luffy"Izuku what do you mean"Luffy asked"i remember those symbols they belong to the slaves captured and sold by the celestial dragons the bastards "Izuku said clutching his fist and luffy nodded in understanding"this secret is one we'd die to protect or rather kill in this scenario "she said"wait hold on"luffy pleaded to deaths ears as boa made her hands into a love hart shape and said"love love beam"she then fired a beam made of love hearts at Izuku and Luffy."wait a beam it'll make me slow"luffy said before it touched the two and Izuku and luffy went and said"OOHH NNNOOO IIITT"S MMAAKKIINNGG MMEE SSLLOOWW"they said while acting slow with their eyes closed.They then opened there eyes noticing no change "hmm luffy were still normally moving"Izuku said clutching his hand.She tried again but Luffy and Izuku still did the same thing act slow but nothing happened the four tilted their heads in confusion"WHY AREN'T YOU TWO TURNING TO STONE DON'T TELL ME YOU DON'T FEEL ANY EXCITEMENT WHEN SEEING ME IN THE BATH I AM WITHOUT FLAW"Boa finished "BUT THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE YOUR SUBLLIME FORM SHE'D EXCITE EVERY AND ALL CREATURES "one sister said "THEIR FEAR OF DEATH MUST BE OVERWHELMING HIS LUST HE'S A COWARD BUT A LUCKY ONE"the other sister said "no I just don't think your completely beautiful plus i have two girlfriends Vivi Neferati and Nico Robin Luffy here doesn't feel lust nor do I because were pure to a fault now excuse us"izuku finished before he and Luffy began running away. Izuku and luffy jumped out the window the three girls ran and saw the two boys "this high up there insane"one sister as Boa said"i've got thi"she then kissed her finger and a pink love heart appeared she shot and shouted "pistol kiss"it shot like a bullet to the two but Izuku saw so he lifted his hand and shouted"REJECTION"slapping the kiss away making Boa angry as the two boys crashed onto the ground Boa told all the girls to capture Izuku and luffy they surrounded the two but Izuku and luffy flew away Luffy using his gumgum rocket and Izuku usedand his dragon armor appearedthen two black dragon wings appeared on his back
as he flew away at super speed the two wen't around the city looking for safety and they then landed infront of a shop grannny nion was sitting reading her news paper but Luffy grabbed her meat and ate it as the two ran she shouted"HOLD ON"they didn't listen so she shouted "I SAID HOLD ON" jumped and kicked both boys backs sending them into a wall .They surrounded the boys granny Nion knew who the two were since on the news paper it showed luffy who punched a celestial dragon and Izuku who killed all the buyers and celestial dragons then freed the slaves .
Now in an Arena
The entire Arena was filled with Woman shouting complains on the only two men who have ever been on the island Izuku and Luffy were on the ground tied up by black snaked and they struggled to free themselves"what the hell these snakes feel like they're made of Iron"Luffy said the girls who were hunting the two stared at him from the stands one hoped they'd kill them right away but margaret knew they would kill the two no matter what."whats with this country they really weren't lying when they said no humans lived here"Izuku said looking around the two looked up and saw Boa hancock and her sisters sitting next to eachother"so tell me how did you get here and why are you here"she asked "i dont know i'm as confused as you we were sent flying here"Luffy said "don't bother lying to me it will only lead to an excruciatingly painful death i know you want something "she said nonchalant"well i do need a ship but it'd be better if you could give me a lift so what do you say would you help me out I just want to see our friends please ".Luffy finished and then all the girls began to shout insults at him making Izuku angry because luffy didn't do anything wrong and he just wanted to see his friends to help them so did Izuku"the only way you leave this island is by dying and your departure is immanent"Boa said shocking Margaret she looked at the two Luffy was just sitting there his hair covering his eyes Izuku just layed down pissing everyone off 'HOW DARE YOU LAY DOWN IM TALKING TO YOU TWO"Boa said Izuku just looked up but all that responded was blood lust and it made the air pressure heavy
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Brother's band mate✔️
Y/n: 18Corbyn: bestie 19Zach: bestie 18Jonah: bestie 21Daniel: bestie 20Jack: brother 20Sydnie: sister 21Ava: sister 17Kristin: mum 43Isla: sister 15Gabbie: bestie dating Jack 19Tate: bestie dating Jonah 20Jc: bestie 22Franny: bestie 19Nessa: bestie 20Crawford: bestie dating Nessa 21Eben: bestie 20Anthony: bestie dating Sydnie 24Y/n is Jack Avery's sister, she moves in with her brother and the boys to the why don't We house. What will happen when they have a house party, will Y/n and Corbyn have something or will they keep it as friends? Will they have a secret relationship or will someone find out and tell Jack?Started: 21/11/20Completed: 30/11/20#10- jccaylen#21- crawfordcollins#2- avastanford#12- frannyarrieta#5- sydnieavery#3- islastanford#54- jccaylen #20- crawfordcollins#4- islastanford #6- avastanford#42- jccaylen #11- frannyarrieta#8- sydnieavery #6- islastanford #10- avastanford#352- crawfodcollins
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