《Rescue My Drowning Heart | COMPLETED》Draw The Lines Of My Soul
"Guess it's true, I'm not good at a one night stand. But I still need love 'cause I'm just a man. These nights never seem to go to plan, I don't want you to leave will you hold my hand?"—Sam Smith.
When I get to my dorm room April is on the bunk bed painting her fingernails while Yuna and Tia are sitting on the floor's mat painting theirs. It appears they are getting ready to head to another party. And at this point, I strongly suggest that this university makes partying a part of their curriculum.
They look up at the closing of the door, greeting me with kind smiles.
"Hey Harmony," April says, steadily applying the purple paint onto her thumbnail. Her hand shifts and she loudly curses, reaching for a napkin while she tries to position the transparent bottle onto the bed. I watch her anxiously, inwardly praying she doesn't get that stain liquid all over my mother's favorite bedsheet.
"Where you guys going?" I place my bag onto the table, pulling down the sleeves of my sweater.
"A restaurant downtown." Yuna smiles. "Do you want to come with us?"
I shake my head quickly as I perch against the rim of the table. "Nope. I have some studying to do."
And some sketching to do with the sophomore that you all warned me to stay away from.
"Studying?" Tia makes a face, her small button nose scrunching up slightly. "Who studies a week of being at University?"
"Well, Harmony Skye does." Yuna chuckles, stretching her slender fingers out to examine her work. "That's good, girl. Get that degree." And they all smile.
I titter lightly, my face contorting bewilderedly. They make it sound like they don't intend on 'getting that degree.' What's the purpose of saving up for half of your life and spending so much money on tuition if, in the end, you won't graduate with that certificate? I don't know how I would face my mother if I were to squander away these four years.
April gets up from the bed and walks over to the small closet in the corner of the room, sticking her fingers away from each other as she daintily opens the doors. "I am not sure of what to wear, formal or semi-formal?"
"Semi-formal," Tia advises before she blows on her nail. Her chosen color of nail polish is nice. It is a deep shade of rose-colored pink that looks great with her brown hair.
"Are you really not coming Harmony?" April checks as she twirls around to look at me. Her lips are pouted while she gives me big, blue puppy eyes. That won't make me change my mind though—as persuasive as she looks right now.
I shake my head in finality. "Another time."
"Okay sweetheart, won't force you. But don't forget that you promised to come to a party with us next time."
Oh God, you don't say.
"Next week there is a party at Blaze's home in Grissville. You should come." Tia shrugs.
Blaze is having a party?
He didn't mention that to me, but maybe he discerned that I am not the party type and so he didn't feel the need to offer an invitation and I must say, I am glad.
"So, coming next week?" Tia presses.
I sigh then half-shrug. "Uhm...yeah, I guess I could drop by."
They all erupt in a chorus of happy cheers, and it takes me aback because no one has ever been that happy to have me around.
"Awesome! I can't wait!" April chuckles, and I smile genuinely.
I fix my palm beneath my head, swinging my legs comfortably while I scroll down my Instagram feed. Why do people use social media? It's madly boring.
I glance over my cellphone at James, who is lounging back on the couch while watching an episode of 'Lucifer.' He looks so quiet and peaceful, and his tranquility annoys me. Smirking, I stealthily pull the pillow from underneath my head, quietly fixing it into a firm ball before tossing it into his nape. His head thrust forward from the impact and I laugh hard as I sit up, reaching for my snicker from the nightstand.
"You know you have serious issues," he complains, and I smile softly, ripping the plastic and taking a bite.
"Hey. You need to leave the dorm; Harmony is coming over." I tell him through my chews, and he looks back at me, his lips spreading in a cheeky grin.
If he knew how much he looks like 'Joker' from 'Batman' right now, he'd stop.
"Someone's moving in fast." He chuckles and I roll my eyes.
"She wants us to draw." I exaggerate the last word, and he picks up on the hidden meaning, erupting in laughter as he falls over against the couch.
I chuckle to myself as I get up, throwing the wrapper in the bin, and adjusting my chain around my neck. "I don't know which draw she's talking about, but all I know is that I will be using my pencil tonight for sure."
James stands up, shaking his head while still in the process of snickering. "You're a fucking asshole. I plan on leaving the dorm tonight anyway, April wanted us all to go to a restaurant downtown."
I finish the last of the chocolate and sit on my bed, reaching for the baseball off the floor and tossing it in the air. "Well, that's good then. But don't tell her that Harmony is coming over." I juggle it from one hand to the next while James regards me with a dumb look on his face.
"Why, though?"
"Why? Because she doesn't trust my horny ass that's why, if you weren't so focused on banging my cousin you'd know that much."
He smiles guiltily. "Can't say that's a lie. I'm gonna take a shower, if she comes tell her I'll be out soon. And that she's free to join me if she likes."
I lightly chuckle as I toss the ball at him. He dodges it with a giggle as he quickly enters the bathroom and shuts the door.
I lay down on my palm and begin to look at the movie he left playing on the screen. But my eyes are just watching the motion while my brain is packed with only images of her—Harmony Skye.
When I told her that I drew her face in my mind, I wasn't bluffing. If I find interest in something or someone, my mental disorder makes it impossible for me to forget it even for a second. My thoughts become crowded with this new subject of fascination until it becomes used to it. And when that happens, I get bored, immediately moving on to a new pursuit and forgetting what I had found delight in prior. I lose interest easily, which is why I often search for new items of entertainment. Unfortunately, the chip fell on Harmony Skye this time around.
Soon, there is a knock on the dorm door, and I get up with a tired grunt and lazily waltz over to it. I open it to see April standing there and a smile shapes my lips. I bet she thinks I am happy to see her, when in reality I am just pleased that she's here before Harmony so that she won't be able to mess with my flow.
"Why are you not dressed, Blaze? I thought we were going to eat?" She says as she enters the room, Yuna and Tia strolling in behind her.
"I have a different agenda," I say, shoving my palms into my pockets.
She cocks her head to the side curiously. "Like what?"
James exits the bathroom fully clothed, grinning when he sees that April is here. "Oh, Blaze's not coming, April. He's expecting Har—"
I shoot him a hard death glare and he snaps his mouth close. This blabbermouth.
"Expecting what?" She asks, looking from him to me.
I can't feel emotions like remorse or guilt, hence April becoming knowledgeable about Harmony coming by here won't affect me emotionally. But it's just that if she knows, she's going to want to meddle in it and I want to use my pencil tonight...(to draw of course).
"Expecting..." James smiles. "Harry Potter! He's expecting the Harry Potter marathon airing tonight." He claps his hand proudly as if his excuse was the most commendable one that anyone has ever come up with.
I gawp at him in feign pity. Sometimes I have to take a minute or two to evaluate why we are friends, and then I recall that his dad owns several car companies in the country and his mom is in politics. His family is loaded with cash. The thing with me is that I don't keep interpersonal relationships unless something is in it for me. I don't need anyone but myself, therefore if I share my time with you, I have to be getting something out of it.
April sighs, coiling her arms as she looks up at me. "I know you love dark movies, but you've never been the type to be crazy about Harry Potter."
"You know you can't read me, April." I tilt my head to the side, a confident smile on my lips.
She rolls her eyes as she throws her hands up in frustration. "I know that. I don't know why I keep trying to."
I fabricate a chuckle. "Okay. I love you. Enjoy your night." I kiss her cheek, and she gives me that sad look she always does when I tell her that I love her. She knows I can't feel it, but she accepts it anyway.
I open the door for them, and she smiles as she steps out, Tia and Yuna following her.
"Enjoy your night," James stresses on the statement as he passes by me with a grin, and I know exactly what he means.
"I intend to," I smirk, closing the door after him.
Finally, some peace and fucking quiet.
I chew on my lip as I stare at the items of clothing I had laid out on the bed, deciding on what to wear. It's just to draw Harmony, not a date! I try to remind myself. I sigh and opt for the floral dress.
The night air is cold, and so I choose to pair the frock with a yellow furry sweater and let my curly hair flow freely to aid in warmth.
I grab my sketchpad and a pouch with my artistic instruments, then quickly shoot Collum a short text before heading out.
As I walk down the hallway, I can't ignore the gob of guilt growing inside me. My mom may not be able to see me, but my dad is probably up there watching me at this very moment. Heading to a boy's dorm...alone. I try to convince myself that it's just to draw and that there is no funny business involved in it, but it's still not enough to silence my yapping conscience.
I bite my lip and stop in my tracks, contemplating whether to call it off and return to my room. I'll just tell him that I wasn't feeling well or that I had some homework to do. I nod my head. Yeah, that excuse could work.
"My mom's dead too. She shot herself in the head."
I slump my shoulders. He's probably lonely. I screw my face up in internal battle, while a group of girls wearing matching pajamas stare at me weirdly as they pass by. I straighten my face and clutch my notebook closer to my body as they giggle from behind me.
I blow my cheeks out. Let's just go, Harmony. Plus, his roommate will be present as well, there is nothing to feel anxious about. Heeding to my subconscious's advice, I continue my journey down Grayson Hall to get to the males' block on the other side of the campus.
The wind is cool and sharp, and the stars are bright tonight, tattooing the sky with soft beads of light. I try not to look at them too much, fearing my dad is among them frowning at my inappropriate actions. But it isn't entirely inappropriate, is it? It's just to practice my skill while offering a sense of comfort to a boy whose mom had committed suicide. Call it 'killing two birds with one stone.'
With my belongings still clutched to my chest, I climb the steps of Ainsley Hall with wobbly feet. As I break the corner, I notice a group of boys congregated a few distances down the aisle. My strides momentarily stop as my breathing picks up. Boys. I hate being around them. I sigh and continue to walk, taking account of each number on the dorm doors in search of room 102.
As I get closer to the chattering males, I realize that they are standing right next to room 102, and I repel the urge to turn around and return to my dorm. They are so large, and their voices are like thunder, roaring, and echoing throughout the narrow corridor.
As I awkwardly approach them, one of them looks in my direction, look away, then take a quick double-take. He then nudges his friend, and soon they are all gawking at me with mischievous smiles.
Please leave me alone.
A guy with curly brown hair whistles and his friends cackle in sync. "What brings this tiny cutie over to Ainsley Hall?"
I gulp thickly, noticing that one of the boys is standing right in front of Blaze's room door. "Goodnight. Can I-you're standing—" I point, and their smiles stretch wider.
"Are you a first-year?" One with black hair questions. A rolled joint sits between his fingers as he stares me down with squinted, dazed eyes. I scrunch my nose slightly at the toxic smoke invading my nostrils. Are they allowed to smoke on campus?
"Freshman?" He prods.
I nod silently to his question. "Yes. I would like to go inside."
"Why Xander?" He grills. "Xander can get any girl here. Come to my place instead. My room is right over there." He points his joint to a room at the farthest end of the hall and I look away and to Blaze's door.
"Please, excuse me."
"Your voice is so soft." The guy blocking the door snickers, and his friends join in. "I'd love to hear this cute voice moaning under me." He salivates his lips, and my brows knit together at his obnoxious words.
He reaches his hand out to touch me when suddenly the door to the room opens. Blaze has a palm stuffed into his pocket while he firmly grabs the guy's wrist with his free hand, roughly twisting it clockwise. The boy cries out, and my eyes widen as his friends step back quickly.
"Wanted to hear moaning, yeah? Well, here's fucking moaning. Thank me later." He wrings it more painfully and the boy bawls out, dropping to his knees.
"Ahhhh, stop—fuck! Xander!" He whimpers at his hand that now looks lifeless and rubbery while Blaze crushes it like jelly. "My hand is fucking bro-broken—let it go!! Ahh!!!!"
I am frozen with huge eyes while Blaze smiles widely in amusement. He's clearly enjoying this.
"Let my hand go, please, I have rugby practice tomorrow!! Please, Xander!!!!"
"Leave her alone when you see her," Blaze says, hanging his head to catch sight of his pained face. "Did you hear me?"
"Yes, yes." The boy nods his head rapidly. "Yes, yes, I'll leave her alone; I'll leave her alone!!!!—Xander!"
Biting back his laughter, Blaze finally releases his broken wrist. The boy quickly scrambles to his feet, unsteadily stepping back to his friends with tear-stained cheeks and widely traumatized eyes.
"All of you, please get the fuck away from my door," he says calmly, his expression relaxed and utterly unbothered.
"Right away. You won't see us lurking out here again." The black-haired guy says as they hurriedly scurry down the aisle with their injured friend, now leaving the hallway quiet and empty.
I blink my eyes as I stare at Blaze, who looks away from the vanishing group and to me, a small smirk shaping his lips. "Are you coming in?"
I nod my head in a daze as he turns away and leads the way inside.
I enter the room, and he closes the door after me. His signature scent hangs strongly in the air, and it is instantly brought to my attention that his room looks far better than April and I's. Instead of a deplorable bunk bed, they have two separate beds. They have a Television set, a game system, and a small mini kitchen. Why didn't I get this dorm?
Registering that his roommate isn't present, I turn to him as my forehead pleats in uncertainty. "Your dorm mate..."
"Oh, he isn't here." He shrugs lightly.
So it will be just us? This is not what I was hoping for.
I nod my head apprehensively, one hand clutching my artistic resources while my opposite hand begins to skittishly fondle the hem of my dress. His eyes drop to the action, and his lips lift in a light smile.
"Are you anxious?"
I meet his gaze, shaking my head. "No..."
He takes a step toward me and I instinctively take one back. He titters at this, tilting his head slightly. "Then stop...doing this." He rests a palm over my hand that's gripping my dress, slowly prying my fingers free. His touch sends chills all over my body, and I intake a soft breath.
He smirks, his eyes taking in every small detail about my face, even the sudden change in my complexion. "We're just going to draw, Harmony. It's alright."
I look up into his eyes, noticing how empty they are. They appear almost soulless, and it makes me a bit confused. He's stranger than anyone else I've ever met.
"I know..." I drop my vision. "Thank you for saving me from those creepy boys."
"You don't need to thank me. I give nothing away for free."
My head snaps up at the statement, and his simper stretches wider. Strangely, he doesn't smile with his eyes, and I add it to my growing list of confusion.
"What do you mean by that?" I ask timidly.
He watches me for a while as I stare at him quizzically. I detest the idea of being indebted to anyone, especially a member of the masculine gender.
"Mm, Blaze?"
"I meant as payment for rescuing you, I'll need you to draw something for me tonight," he finally says. "Anything of your choice."
My face glows up in a blink, almost like a kid with candy. As long as it's art, I am always thrilled. "Okay, no problem." I give him a toothy smile.
His lips twitch at my childlike expression, then he curls his fingers under his shirt, and with his eyes still fixed on mine, he easily tugs the garment over his head.
My eyes come upon his naked chest and I quickly swing around, my face becoming excessively red as he laughs faintly behind me.
"Gonna take a shower. Think about it until I'm back."
I keep my back turned until I hear faded footsteps followed by the soft closing of the bathroom door. I puff air from my cheeks as I press a palm to my chest, feeling the erratic beating of my heart. It's just his chest Harmony, just his chest.
I scan the room for the most appropriate spot to sit in. I notice a small suede couch right next to the gaming station and I plod over to it, sitting down and looking at what is being shown on the Television. It's some warfare movie, not my usual genre, but I decide to just watch it to burn some time until he's finished with his shower. I tap my fingers against my knees awkwardly as the sound of water splattering against tiles resonates in the room.
Soon, the door to the bathroom opens, and I look in its direction as Blaze's mop of wet hair pokes out from behind it. He looks at me through the strands, his plump lips dripping with water. "Could you pass me a towel?"
I blink my eyes. "Sorry?"
"A towel." He jerks his head in the direction of his drawers, and my body stiffens. He notices my hesitation and smirks. "Or do you prefer me coming out buck naked to grab it?"
"No, no. I'll get it." I get up quickly, making my way over to the drawers that are unfortunately right next to the bathroom door. I keep a straight vision as I pull the top compartment out, sieving through the wooden area for a towel.
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