《Lcs oneshots and imagine shenanigans》Clutch God(Bjergsen)
Premise: You had a slight vandetta with relationships. No, it's not because you hated being single but it's because you lost one of your closest friends to a snake who was your ex-friend in which both have abondoned you. NA LCS spring finals were happening in Vancouver where you happen to be visiting your relatives. You knew TSM well as you were on very good terms with them plus they're your favorite NA team. You're close friends with most of them espeically Søren. After TSM won, you were going to meet them but ran into an 'old friend' along the way.
"Sup everyone, thank you and welcome to my stream. I'm going to be on league like always and see if we can get out of plat today playing mid."
~ 6 hours later~
"Well that was the last game of promos and let's see my ranking guys and it is… holy crud… it's…mothertrucking mastery tier!"
Your twitch chat begin blowing up of the display of your current ranking. Donations start popping from $1-5 to $100-150 along 'congradulations'. You thanked everyone for their donation and decided to do a poll what to do on the your next live stream. The poll was either podcast with friends or a q/a questionare with friends. 85% of the vote went for the questionare so you decided to do that the next time you streamed which was in a few days. Before you ended your stream, one last donation came up and it was from @Bjergsen with $35 donation saying
'Congrates on climbling out of Elo Hell😁'
You chuckled and said thanks once again, more directly to Søren and closed your stream saying goodbye.
-----4 Days later----------------
"Thank you for joining and welcome to the stream, guys. So you guys voted for a live Q/A and here it is. I'm here with some of my friends. Please welcome Danielle/Sadshaymin, Emily/QueenBoo, Alex/CypherChase, Aida/Ramelon!"
"Hi (Streamer/IGN) stream!"
"And now we have some questions that either they've come up with or from donations that are for me or them to answer, and the questions are in this hat right here... So let begin, shall we?"
Then one by one, you and your friends answered the questions that were pulled from the hat. Some of them were for laughs, others were questions on advice, memories and get-to-know-you-types of questions.
Q:'Did you play any instruments growing up or still do now?'
A:"Ummmmmmm yes, I play the violin and trumpet for now about 10 years. Played them in elementary school through every other grade from then on til now. What a good question, on to the next one which is a donation from @promelon, a long time fan of mine i believe."
You looked at what your fan send but as soon you saw and read it, you just paused with wide eyes. Your friends got worried and called your name in which you got out of your trance.
"Hey (Name), what's wrong? Did they ask a inapproprite question or something?" Emily asked
"No, the question is not but it's something else."
"What's the question?"
"The question or the message was…"
'Congradulations on being on the mastery tier, (Streamer/IGN)! I've been watching your streams for about 3 years now and you're probably one of my streamer that play Leagues that isn't a Lux, Orianna or support main😂. Yet I've always wonder about this and you don't to answer fully or personally but during the time I've watched your streams and when someone donates with a question about you and relationships you either fall silent and play aggressive or give a slight sour face ignoring the question completely. So my question is,
Q:'Why do you hate relationships or love-dovey stuff?"
Your friends eye's widen and their body language seem to make out that they didn't really want you to answer that question. But hey, your fans should know the reason why because they've been with you from the beginning and you eventually had to tell them sooner or later. So after some thinking, you decided to give an answer, but a long one.
A:"It's not like I hate relationships, I just lose respect for people who are arrogant, clingy, and straight up dense in either infatuation or absolute blind puppy love."
Your tone change towards the end with a more frustrated tone and fists clinched at a certain memory flashed in your mind. When you gave that answer with tone and reaction, the Twitch chat blew up with some of '😢😔😔😢', 'ohfeelbadman', 'Damn, who hurt (Streamer/IGN)😞😟' or 'I wanna fight the one who hurt you that bad😤😤😤' .
You gave a slight smile at the comments but it fell when you had the flashback again.
A:"Ok, so now I'm going to share a story that happen about a year and a half ago or so on the roots on my distaste for relationship. This happened almost 2 years ago. But I don't want to use the real names for privacy purposes and for you guys to not hunt them down to harass them. Alright, let's begin story time.
This guy, we'll call him teck, was someone I knew since 7th grade. Teck actually was one of my closest friends in life. During the school life, we would hang out at lunch, P.E or Band together. He was one of the people I go tell my problems to and he would actually listen while comforting me and giving advice. There also someone, we will call Avon, another close friend of mine that I knew since elementary. But we had a falling out on stupid argument that she started when she got jealous of me hanging out with her 'crush' who was actually my cousin. I didn't talk to her ever since but what I didn't know is how school and time can change people. Avon during junior high became someone who you never knew could be like that. She was interesting enough for me to say but one thing that prodominant was the fact that she act I guess rather lewdly around guys, and it's not like I'm calling a hoe or anything because I could careless but a few of the guys got a bit uncomfortable around her and avoided her in total which she called them not real men. I guess I didn't really notice this about her till high school cause I didn't see her that often in the halls. But it was not until during the last year of high school was when there was beef.
So it was towards the end of the day when me and Teck were walking to one of the main entrances at school, we were talking when he said he needed help with something. I asked what he needed help with and said he liked this girl a lot and wanted to asked her out. I then asked who was the 'lucky' girl was, I was legit was a expecting a friend but the name he pulled was so unexpected that I actually thought he was kidding. The girl's name: Avon. The thing is he wasn't and was serious about it. I was really unsure what he was thinking but Avon was trouble in my opinion because she never really took any relationship seriously and only robbed her s/o of their time and things. I was concerned about his decision and asked his reasoning on why her. He didn't give a clear enough reason for liking her and that when I started to worry for him for real. I did give a warning to him but he looked persisted to get her that even though it wouldn't end well, I didn't want to judge her so I gave them time and see what happened. After graduation, I had to move into (University/college)for my bachelor of informatic software application delevloper, mostly for medicine. Somehow, a lot of my friends or people I knew including Teck went to the same school as me, which by the way was a pretty good school intotal. But as time went on, I lost connection with Teck where we aren't as close as when we were younger. I don't stress on that fact 'cause that what happens in life where people come and go. But with Teck, we kinda stopped hanging out together which I thought he was busy, but it got to the point where his friends would ask me if I've seen him at all. They would tell me he hasn't been with them for a couple of weeks, even if it's busy they would want to hang out with him but he either too lazy and didn't bother to or was hanging out his gf. I didn't like being the glory hero but I had to something him because it looked like he was going to lose his friends.
I ran into him on campus and asked if he had time to talk. He said he finished his finals for the day and we started walking and having a conversation. But when I brought up his friends and said they missed him, he didn't care and gave a slight sour face. Being suprised by his actions, I asked him questions about what's he been doing that's more important than friends outside of work. Turns out him and Avon were a thing and he has been spending all of his time with her instead of his friends. I argued he should spend time with his friends while also spending time with Avon. Yet, he said that he didn't need his friends and only needed Avon. I stood there, in absolute shock, on what's coming out of his mouth. It was nonsense and when I trying to say in a relationship it's not healthy to be clingy and stay together all the time. He then yells at me and we started arguing, long story short, I had a falling out with him as he said to me I didn't understand 'true love' and why for the rest of my life I'm going to be a lonely person with bad personality and no one will ever love me. Even though I stopped talking and being friends with him, some of my friends have told me to he talk loads of smack about me but I just want to live life care free. So kids, the moral of the story is: make sure you spend your time wisely on people you care and the people you fall inlove with because you can't take back time."
Dang, your friends were suprised on how mature you responded to the question and gave a small applause for you. You laugh at them and gave a small bow then resume your Q/A with your friends. An hour or two later passed and you guys were on the last question.
Q:(Name), Are you going to the Na Finals in Vancouver ? If so, who are you rooting for? Tsm or C9?
A: Yes, actually. I'm visiting family there so this should be fun. Who I'm rooting for? Gotta go with my boiz at Tsm.
Since that was the last question of the Q/A, you had to end the stream. You and your friends said goodbye to the stream and thanked to people for tuning in. You turned off the stream and checked the time, it was 7:00pm and you started streaming at 12:00pm. You and your friends decided to order dinner, ate at your place and leave.
"(Name), we'll get going now. Are you sure you're ok be yourself?" Emily asked while the others were getting their stuff and heafing towards the door.
"Hey, I'm not a baby. Besides I'm still here, I didn't die." You answered with some sarcasim
"Alrighty then, see you soon at Finals!"
You waved at your friends good bye and closed the door. You decided to go to bed early because you would be leaving for Vancouver earlier then your friends. Before you went to sleep, you sat in bed; contemplating about your 'friend'. You wished you two were friends still but life does show you who are your true friends after all.
~~~Time skip~~~~
The next morning, you woke up early to catch your flight in 2 hours or so. You grabbed your stuff, called an Uber and went to the airport. You got through secruity and checked-in at your gate. You were flying 1st class and when the plane begin boarding you found your seat and just enjoyed your 2.5-3 hour flight. Once you got to Vancouver, you meet your cousin and you guys drove to her house where your other cousin was and after leaving your stuff at their house, you went to see the rest of your family at a house party. You spend the whole day with family you haven't seen in a while and it was nice catching up with all of them. You guys left the party and drove back to your cousin's when they asked a question.
"(Name), you're going to the Finals right?"
"Yes?, why are you asking?"
"Do you have your ticket because we do."
Sheeeeeeeeeet, you completely forgot about that. Now, that was completely stupid on your part because you were talking about going to the NA Finals but failed to get tickets for yourself. What are going to do now that you forgot your tickets?
"Ooooof, you done goofed (Name)! But hey, we'll help you out."
"Thanks for the help but highly doubt there are any tickets left because they sell out fairly quickly."
"Hey, don't lose faith yet. You don't know what gonna happen next you'know."
Your cousin would then be right as a certain someone would come in clutch for you.
---Next Day-----
You woke up and your cousins were already awake at the time so as you were coming downstair they had just finished making breakfast and starting eating. Before you can even grab a plate, your phone begin ringing. You were still tired so you weren't fully awake when you answered the phone. Once you answered your phone you expected to be your mom or one of your relatives. But once you picked up the call, a all too familiar deep voice came up on the other end of the phone.
"Good morning, (Name)"
"Søren!? Why are you calling? Do you need something?"
"Nah, but I wanted to ask if you needed a Na Finals ticket because I've got a spare one and Regi said I could give it to someone of my choosing. So what do you say, (Name)?"
"Søren, you don't know how much of a clutch you are right now. You're a life saver and that's a yes."
"Alright, could you pick it up at the hotel then when you're done eating breakfest?"
"Sure, just give me the floor and hotel suite number and I'll be here in a hour and half."
"Gotchu, see then (Name)."
"See you Søren."
You hung up and while you were grabbing some food, you see your cousins making kissy face and googoo eyes at you. You rolled your eyes and ate your food but your cousins kept pestering you.
"Ooooooooo… Søren, huh?"
"Yes and is there a problem?"
"Nah, but I'm just saying you and Bjersen would be a good pair."
"I agree on that (Name). C'mon, you need to venture outside of singlehood and find someone."
"Nope, I'm young and got time plus I'm going life at my own pace."
"Well, suit yourself because you guys would be couple goals but hey good answer. Also, I can drive you to the hotel later because I have to do some buissness there."
Once you finished eating, your cousin drove you to the hotel. You already got the floor and hotel number and so after spliting up with your cousin you went to the suite that TSM was staying in. You knocked on the door that they were staying in. To your suprise, someone came door early; it was Biofrost.
"Oh 'Sup Vince."
"(Name), what are you doing here?"
"Søren had a spare ticket to the Finals and he told me to come here so he can give it to me."
Vincent and you turn your heads to see Søren running to you with an envolope inhand and handing it to you.
"Hi Søren."
"Hi (Name), here's the ticket."
"Thanks a lot, Søren. Tell Jason, Dennis, and Kevin I said hi and also good luck in Finals because I'll be rooting for you guys."
"Thank you (Name). Don't worry about that because we're going to win."
"Ok, I'm counting on you Søren. Well until i see you at Finals, good luck."
You pull out your hand for Søren to shake. He was slightly reluctant but pulled out his hand to gave you a hand shake. After that, you waved bye and Vince closed the door. Meanwhile, Søren just stood there by the doorway staring at the hand he used to shake your's. It wasn't like the feeling of holding hands but similar to that. He was in a daze until Vince snapped him out of it.
"Sooooo, Søren…(Name), huh?"
"Shut up Vincent."
Few days have passed and finally the NA LCS Finals were happening. Your friends arrived already so you guys meet up at the center, grabbed your seats and waited for the finals to begin. Moments passed and it has began. The stadium roared as it was almost time to begin the matches. They already called up C9 and when they called TSM the stands chanted the team name and the hype only grew from then on. You really weren't far from the stage which made you guys get a good view of the action and players. Guess you didn't notice how close your seats were because Søren saw you in the crowd. When somehow you guys made eye contact with eachother, Søren smiled and winked at you. You actually didn't know that was meant for you but you giggled while feeling your face get slightly warm.
The matches already were starting up. Some of the matches were close but in the end, TSM fall through and won the 2017 NA LCS. As the crowd was filing out of the center, you split from your friends to find Søren and team. Along the way on finding them, you ran into some fans that recognize you and ask to take pictures with you or sign something which you did gladly. You actually didn't notice that your phone was buzzing like crazy as you zoned it out because of the noise. You then found the team room as they were just finishing taking pictures. You knocked on the door and when you heard 'come in' you slowly opened the door to see the team sitting around then when they looked at you they immediately got up and straight up gathered around you.
"(Name)! It's been awhile. How you holdin up?"
"I am doing fine, Kevin. Nice top plays by the way."
"Thanks (Name). Missed you."
"Ewww, Kevin. Youre so lame."
"I know that."
He then patts your head but you let him do it to you. Then Dennis and Jason come up to give you a hug and ask how you were doing and you just answered that you were doing fine but missed them. Vince was next but when you gave him a hug you actually picked him up from the ground and placed hin down softly.
"Vince, you're such a little brother."
"(Name), you're only 5 months older than me."
"It doesn't matter because you are little brother and I have to take care of you."
"We're not even related!"
"Vince, my guy, it's a joke 😂"
"Geez, (Name)"
"Hey, where's my hug, (Name)?"
You turn to see Søren with a small pouting face with his arms wide open.
"You don't get one"
He frowns
"Søren, I'm kidding."
You went up to him and gave him a hug. Due to him being 6'3 or something and you being (Height), you hug his waist/chest area. When Søren hugged back, he actually like it. Not in a sexual way but he liked your presence which gave a good feeling of warmth to him. You guys stayed like this for a few seconds before you realized that this can get arkward with the team watching you guys so pulled away and let go of Søren. He also did pulled away from you but didn't liked it a few minutes later for some reason. You ask to take a picture with them with your phone. They accepted your request and you put your stuff done to take the picture with them. Once it was taken you said goodbye to them along with wishing then luck at MSI. But unknown to you, you forget your backpack.
"Wait, who's backpack is that?"Dennis asked pointing at one on the chair.
"Wait, that's (Name)! She forgot it here." Jason said
"I'll be quick! I will give it to her."Søren said as he grabbed your backpack and ran towards and out the door.
"Hey, wait! Søren!"Regi called out to him but he ran off.
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