《Heartbreak Town (COMPLETED)》Chapter Nineteen


Closing her truck door behind her, Renne pulled down on her form fitting light blue pearl snap shirt she was wearing. She felt like she was over dressed to just go see her sister and spend time with the kids, but Swayde was also in the picture. He used to always tell Renne that blue was his favorite color on her. "It makes your eyes pop." Swayde would tell her. But, blue was also Renne's favorite color. That was the reason why she was wearing a blue shirt, right? It had nothing to do with Swayde. Renne smiled at herself as she knew it had everything to do with Swayde in this instance.

The heels of Renne's boots clicked against the wooden floor boards of Swayde's porch as she walked up the steps to the door. Forming her hand into a shaking fist, Renne let it fall against the door three times before stepping back. A couple seconds later, Swayde's face appeared at the door. With a smile, Swayde pushed open the screen door, stepping aside to let Renne in.

"Hey." Swayde greeted, looking Renne up and down. "You look nice today."

The swarm of butterflies returned in Renne's stomach as she looked up at Swayde. "Thank you." Renne smiled, placing a soft kiss on his cheek as she passed him walking into his house.

The screen door slammed shut behind where Renne stood in Swayde's living room. Two strong, warm arms slowly wrapped around Renne's waist from behind. Loving the feeling of being close to him, Renne closed her eyes, leaning into Swayde's hold.

"I missed you." Swayde breathed out, placing a soft kiss on the top of Renne's head. Renne knew that Swayde didn't mean that he missed her since yesterday; no, it was a very long awaited time that had built up over the years of them being apart, six years apart, to be exact- that's what Swayde was talking about.

With a smile, Renne rubbed her hands over where Swayde's rested on her waist. "I missed you, too." She replied, honestly. Turning, Renne faced Swayde, wrapping her arms tightly around his middle. Resting her head on his muscular chest, she breathed in his scent. She never wanted to let him go.

Renne wondered what Matt would think if he saw her and Swayde wrapped in each other like they were now, but her and Matt were on a break, so was she still cheating on Matt with Swayde? Even though Swayde is the man that her heart had never gotten over? Praying for forgiveness, Renne asked God why, if this was so wrong of them, then why did it feel so right?

Swayde knew it was wrong of him to be so in love with another man's girl; he was breaking a commandment, he knew, and he asked God to forgive him. But, Swayde is human; he knew what he was doing, and he knew in a few days, Renne would be back in Montana with Matt. That didn't stop him from enjoying his time with Renne, however, as wrong as it may seem.

Taking in a breath, Swayde kissed the top of Renne's hair. Reluctantly pulling away, he said, "I made you pancakes." Taking Renne's hand in his, Swayde led her into the kitchen, pointing at two plates on the kitchen table. "Sit down, relax, and I will serve you." Swyade pulled out a chair for Renne, helping her push it in once she sat down.

"Thank you, Swayde." Renne smiled, setting her car keys beside her on the table.


"Here you are, my dear." Swayde set down on the table a plate full of steaming pancakes. Making a second trip back to the kitchen, Swayde grabbed Renne's drink and syrup.

"You know me so well, Swayde McAllister." Renne smiled when Swayde gave Renne a cup of black coffee. Based on the smell, Renne could tell that he had added cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice, and vanilla to the cup; just the way Renne liked it.

Smiling, Swayed laid his napkin out across his lap. Reaching across the table, Swayde held out a hand. "Let's pray before we eat."

Renne grabbed Swayde's hand, bowing her head as he prayed. Swayde thanked God for another day of life, the time that they get to spend with Mallory and her family today, and lastly, he thanked God for Renne.

After the prayer, Renne said, "Thanks for makin' breakfast, Swayde. This looks delicious." Renne placed a couple hot pancakes on her plate. A smiled toyed with her lips as she realized Swayde was still holding her hand, never letting go after his prayer.

"You're welcome. I just pulled the last ones off the griddle when you got here, so I hope they're warm for ya." Swayde said, pouring some syrup onto his stack of pancakes.

After letting a bite of pancake practically melt in her mouth, Renne told Swayde, "You know, I am really impressed by your cooking recently. These pancakes are perfect."

"Thank you. I have workin' on my skills so I can try to impress you." Swayde grinned.

With a chuckle, Renne shook her head. "Well, it's workin' cowboy, that's for sure."

"Good; I'm glad." Swayde gave Renne's hand a squeeze.

Even after their pancakes were finished, Swayde and Renne still occupied the small kitchen table. For the first time since they sat down, Swyade let go of Renne's hand. Placing it on his lap, Swayde's other hand swirled his fork around in the leftover syrup on his plate. "Reggie, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure." Renne looked up from her plate, leaning back in her seat.

"So why five years?" Swayde asked, looking up at Renne, setting his fork down.

"What?" Renne gave Swayde a confused look, her eyebrows forming a line.

"Five years. You had been gone for five years...well, five years, two months and six days to be exact, but hey, how's counting right?" Swayde shot a fake smile at Renne. "But I want to know why five years. When you left, I just assumed you'd be gone for a couple weeks, no more than a few months, but the weeks turned into months and the months turned into years and I began to give up hope that you'd ever come back." Taking a deep breath, Swayde added, "A part of me knew that you would come back, but five years is a long time, Regg."

"It's what I had to do Swayde. When I said goodbye, I meant it." Renne stared at Swayde. For the first time since she had returned to Alpine Ridge, Renne felt regret for leaving in the first place.

"But you never called or emailed or anything, Reagan. We had no idea what happened to you or even what state you were in. For all we knew, you were dead somewhere."

"And why does it matter? What good would it have done if I had called and told y'all I had settled down? What was I supposed to do?" Renne's voice was raised suddenly. Taking a deep breath, Renne backed down. Reaching across the table, Renne leaned forward, her hand resting on Swayde's forearm. "I'm sorry, Swayde, I really truly am, but I did what I had to. What y'all kept from me was just...it was truly heartbreakin', Swayde. And you were the last person on earth who I thought would keep something from me. When I left, it was obviously unplanned, but even then, I never assumed I would be gone for more than a couple of weeks, but then, I was filling up my truck at a gas station in a little town in Montana and the sky was a beautiful shade of blue, and I remember I just felt so...so free, like anything was possible. That's when I knew I had to try to move on, to start a new life. You knew I have always dreamed of opening my own Equine Therapy ranch, and I reckoned that Montana would be the perfect place to do that." Sitting back in her chair, Renne continued, "So, I went around searching for a job, and once I found one, I began lookin' at colleges that would accept my credits from college here. I finally found one close to where I was workin', and arranged to begin classes there. At that point, I was still living in my truck, but then I met Matt, and his family took me in. They had a little loft apartment above their garage, and they offered me free rent in exchange for me workin' there and such. When I told Matt's family about my dreams of opening a ranch, they thought it was so great that they helped me search for land, and they gave me money for a down payment, along with some start-up money, as well. I paid them back, of course, once my ranch got up and goin', but something that should've taken years to build was up and runnin' after just a year or so thanks to the ties of Matt's family." Tearing her eyes from Swayde's, Renne fingered the edge of her plate. In a soft voice, Renne said, "I think that's what made me fall in love with Matt."


"So you thank Matt, and his family, for your ranch, and your successful business?" Swayde asked; it was more of a statement, rather than a question.

Renne nodded. "I do, but after I graduated college, and began workin' with Matt full time at Healing Hearts, I began to realize that maybe I didn't love him as much as I loved what he had done for me. After about three years into our relationship, I realized that I was right. I love Matt, I do, but...I don't know...it's hard to explain." Renne let out a chuckle, bringing her eyes back up to Swayde's electric blue ones.

"Reggie, I understand. I really do. I believe that Healing Hearts, and Matt, are what you needed to move on...to have that freedom again. I truly just want what is best for you. Really, I just want you to be happy." Swayde knew that he would have to give up Renne once she moved back to Montana, again. He would do anything for her, even if that meant moving to Montana, but realistically, Swayde knew he had to let Renne do her own thing. Many times he had tried to change her mind, but every time he failed.

"I am, Swayde. I am happy. It's taken me a while, but I am truly happy again." Renne hoped that Swayde knew that she was happiest right here: around the table with him in Alpine Ridge, with her family, but at the same time, sacrifices had to be made, even if that meant giving up what made her happiest. She needed to follow her heart and follow God's plan for her life, rather than her own, and Renne believed that God's calling for her was in Montana, at Healing Hearts.

"And that makes me happy, then, for you, Reagan. But there is just one thing that I want you to know, that I need you to know." Swayde stood up from his chair, walking over to Renne's side. Squatting down so he was almost eye level with Renne, Swayde grabbed both of Renne's hands in his own, looking intently into her eyes. Taking in a deep, shaky breath, Swayde told Renne, "Reggie, I never stopped lovin' you. And I know that I never will, no matter where life takes us. Regg, what we had when we were teenagers was more than just puppy love. Everyone, even our own families, told us that our love was a once in a lifetime love, and to cherish it, never let it go. But, I let you go. I just let you walk out the door and drive away. That is my biggest regret; the stupidest thing I have done in my whole life. I should have followed you. I might have been able to change your mind. If I had just gone after you, I might still have you today, and we wouldn't be havin' this talk." Swayde took in another shaky breath.

Renne's eyes began to cloud up at Swayde's confession. Reaching a hand up to Swayde's cheek, Renne told him, "Swayde, even if you had chased after me, I still would have left. There was nothing in the world that you could have said to me that would have made me stay. They say that if you truly love someone, set them free. And that is exactly what you did, Swayde, you let me go. You did the right thing. I needed time, and that's what you gave me. Time heals all wounds; it helped me to see what I really wanted." Renne's thumb traced Swayde's lips as she said in a tear-ridden voice, "And all I have to say about all of that other stuff, Swayde, is that you never lost me. Swayde, you still have me. You never left my heart."

A smile played on Swayde's lips as he stood up from his crouched position, grabbing Renne's hands, lifting her with him. Taking her face in his hands, Swayde passionately kissed Renne. Pulling her closer to him, he never wanted to let her go ever again, though he knew he needed to. There was something about her that was just so precious to him that he knew he would never find with another girl ever again. Not wanting to push her limits, Swayde pulled back after the second kiss, only for Renne to kiss him twice more.

When she pulled away, Renne wiped a finger over her eye. "You made me cry with your speech, Swayde." Renne let out a chuckle, looking up at Swayde. Right as she finished her sentence, Renne saw a tear fall to Swayde's cheek. Reaching up a finger, Renne stopped the tear in it's tracks. "Please don't cry, Swayde. My heart can't break anymore."

Grabbing Renne's hand that was on his cheek, Swayde lowered it to his lips, then placed it over his heart. "I'm not cryin', love. My eyes are just waterin'." Swayde plastered a teasing smile, pulling Renne closer to him. "Reagan, I know it's wrong of me to say it, but I have to." Tucking her head against his chest, Swayde rested his chin on the top of her head, taking in a deep breath. "I love you." He whispered into her hair.

They were the three words that Renne had secretly wished to hear come out of Swayde's mouth for five years, but they were three words that she never would had expected him to hear again. Renne couldn't form her response, knowing too well she wanted to tell Swayde she loved him back, but tears rose in her eyes, her throat turning sore as she tried to keep them down.

As much as neither one wanted, both Swayde and Renne knew that this pivotal moment would sometime have to end one way or the other. For some, confessing their feelings is all it takes to win someone back, but in this case, the purpose of Swayde's confession was just the opposite. He knew he had to let Renne go once and for all.

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