《Creepypasta Stories》Stalker


A fear of the dark? No, why fear it? You tell me there are monsters in there, hunting me? No I find the darkness to be the perfect hiding place. Where I can watch unobserved. If there are monsters in here then let them know I will be hunting them. While I watch you, and don't bother looking around your room, even if I am there you wouldn't be able to see me. I don't even think that this "Vex" guy even realizes this thing is here. I programed this page with a special little virus that will track your IP address. Yes I have to admit that I've tracked your IP adresses. I know so much about all of you. Some of you live way over in New York city. I'll get to you later. One of you is an expert with computers, I suppose you're wondering how I hacked you huh? One of you loves football, but I guess that's too common. Oh, this is interesting. One of you has a mother in the hospital. Why is she there? Let me just look at the chart here... She had a heart attack poor thing. She looks so peaceful sleeping, but the heart monitor doesn't look too promising. Maybe I should just put her out of her misery huh? Maybe if I just put one of these hospital pillows over her face. Would that ease her pain? I think I should help her, I think I will. What's that? Only monsters hide in the dark? Yes, I suppose you're right.

Don't be scared.

with love,


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