《Kaiju Paradise Roleplay (Ended Sept 19)》Untitled


You start to panic as a of nightcrawler minions were scattered around the facility.

You couldn't just roam around with no weapons.

Plus it was still blackout.

You had to gather around with humans just as the nightcrawler minion group too.

You and the others were so terrified of what might happen to them during blackout that you guys gathered in the library.

I mean, the gootraxians will have no chance if there's many of you right?

You're wrong, but also right.

The gootraxians were very confused of why the humans suddenly disappeared.

Some gootraxians thought every human was infected and some thought every humans were dead or either found a way to leave the facility.

Anyways you guys started to plan on how to make the power back on.

Someone suggested that someone should fix the lights with someone protecting them.

And someone suggested that you guys should wait until the gootraxians give up on you guys and all of you guys go there and turn on the generators.

But the thing is, both options were dangerous.

The first option is fixing the lights with someone else protecting them, doesn't seem bad right? Nope. Wrong.

Gootraxians could see that person climbing down the ladder (or rope if u want) and would inform other gootraxians, which seems pretty dangerous considering gootraxians may hunt together, same kind of gootrax or not.

And the second option, which is waiting until the gootraxians give up finding you guys, seems like a good idea hm? Nah.

Still dangerous.

As the gootraxians may and/or might give up, the gootraxians may might gather around together as they have no humans to prey on, but there's still chances of gootraxians gathering around the generators and/or the way to the generators.

And no, I didn't forget that panthers can see humans through walls, it's just that they don't look above.

(Everything is on first person unlike the gameplay ofc)

(ur turn)

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