《Vexed || A Bibi x Sandy Story ♡》Chapter 4


Bibi slapped a hand over her mouth immediately after she said that. What'd she been thinking, asking him so abruptly?! He'd definitely know what was going on. He could see through her plan, her feelings. Sandy wasn't as perceptive as Leon, probably because he was asleep half the time, but he could no doubt connect the pieces now. Bibi cast her face to the ground and covered her face with her hands, expecting the worst.

Sandy, on the other hand, was quite surprised. His jaw dropped open, his eyes the widest and most awake they've ever been. This time, he was the one stuttering with his words, "Um . . . I-" He started, "I-" His face was a bright red. "One second!" He yelled, and then ran out of earshot. Bibi slowly brought her hands away from her face, staring at Sandy in awe.

What was going on? Why was he red all of a sudden? What does this all mean? Bibi put a hand to her chin and stared into the distance, mulling over the possibilities. One thing was for sure - Sandy didn't say no. So she hadn't messed up. Bibi felt a pang of confidence surge through her, and she let out a small Whoop! Maybe going on a date with Sandy wasn't all that bad. She'd get to walk with him, to be with him, to feel his breathing on her shoulder, to listen to his soft, soothing voice-

WAIT!! She internally screamed at herself, THAT'S NOT THE POINT OF THIS!!! And thus the side of her that was madly in love with Sandy and the side of her that was in complete denial continued to fight inside her brain. She was so focused that you'd think she was staring at invisible math equations, trying to analyze all possible probabilities.


A few meters away, out of Bibi's field of view, Sandy clenched his fists and raised them to the sun. Thank you for this blessing. He thought, and then screamed "Yes!" at the sky about ten times. Sandy had been crushing on Bibi for ages! He couldn't wait to tell Leon this, he'd be so proud. He could also flex on him for getting a partner before him. But then Sandy tentatively looked at Bibi - who was (thankfully) unbeknownst to his antics and screaming - and blushed vigorously. Bibi did ask him out, but he wouldn't be able to win her over so easily. He'd have to play it cool. Act like Leon, who was coolness personified.

Sandy practiced winking at the sky, twirling an imaginary lollipop in his hand flirtatiously, putting his arm around an imaginary person and pulling them close. He failed successfully at each of these practices, and he decided to walk back to Bibi before she'd notice how adorably stupid he was.

As he approached Bibi, he cleared his throat, catching her attention. She snapped out of her focus stupor and blushed when she saw Sandy's intent gaze on hers. He fiddled with his two index fingers, shyly looking away after a moment, "I'd be okay with going out with you." Sandy said almost inaudibly.

Bibi's subtle pink blush turned red hot. "You'd better be," She decided to say for no particular reason. Quickly, she looped her arm into his and pulled him along. Sandy had no choice but to follow along, speechless.

After a while of walking in circles, Sandy lightly tapped Bibi's shoulder. "Where are we going?"

Bibi opened her mouth but nothing came out. She hadn't planned this far ahead. Gosh darn it, Bibi!! Get a hold of yourself!!


Bibi racked her mind, trying to grasp the plan that she'd set in motion the day before. She couldn't remember anything that she'd written in her Scrappy notebook, she could only remember how Sandy looked when he smiled.

"How about we go to Bull's Diner?" She said quickly, as if to rid herself of the thought so she wouldn't get more flustered. Sandy stared at Bibi in response. He looked like he was trying to figure her out. The intensity of his gaze made Bibi uncomfortable, and she looked to the side. She hoped that he didn't see through her plan.

"Alright," He forced a smile, a bit wary. He could tell that something was off about Bibi, so he decided to change the subject. "So, uh . . ." He trailed off, "What have you been up to?"

Bibi froze, a bit taken aback from the question. She imagined that Sandy would silently follow her around, but of course that wouldn't happen. She hadn't made it clear that her intention was to kidnap him. Not yet, anyway. And her act wouldn't hold if she kept thinking about how cute he was. She cleared her throat, throwing her hands over her shoulders. Play it cool, Bibi, she thought. Play it cool.

"Erm. I've been doing what I've always been doing. Guarding Retropolis and brawling alongside my friends, Bull and Crow. They are like brothers to me, really. Though, I'm the strongest of the pack." She said pridefully, "Me and Mr. Bat are a real team. Without him, I'd be nothing. I love this bastard." She swung Mr. Bat from her shoulder so that Sandy could see.

Sandy's eyes closed and he tilted his head, smiling shyly. "That's nice. Bull and Crow are like family to you, aren't they?" They were nearing Retropolis.

Bibi nodded without hesitation, as if the thought came easily to her. "They'd protect me through thick and thin - and I'd do the same."

"I always admired that about you." He said tentatively. Bibi raised an eyebrow and stopped walking.


"Your loyalty. How much you care about them. Even when you seem mad or fed up with them . . . You don't really show it, but I can tell that you'd do the world for them. And Mr. Bat." Sandy added with a chuckle.

The bubblegum that Bibi was blowing popped abruptly in her face. She didn't know how to respond to Sandy. Did he mean to compliment her, or was he slowly casting a spell on her behind his back? It didn't matter, because Bibi felt a series of knots tie in her stomach, and she felt as if she were flying, lightheaded. This bubbly sensation was foreign to her.

She quickly wiped her mouth with the sleeve of her purple leather jacket and avoided Sandy's gaze. "Whatever," She responded in the most aloof way possible. For some reason, pink blossomed on Sandy's cheeks, and he looked away, too.

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