《The Betrayed Pilot (Titanfall x RWBY)》Chapter 13


I was currently inside of the hanger fixing some of the dents that was on Lilith after my last fight with that enemy 'titan'. And my mind couldn't help but wander around a bit. It started to think of what could happen if any nation was able to increase those machines to the capabilities of Lilith. The idea alone really scared me, almost more then a spider would.

"Sarah, my scans indicate your heart rate went up even though we are in no immediate danger, what thoughts troubles you?" i couldn't but release a small laugh.

"I really can't hide things from you Lilith, can i?" Lilith moved a bit so her eye was looking directly at me.

"Not since we have made a neural link" I couldn't help but think back when i first met Lilith. At first she was nothing more then a simple machine to help me achieve me goals in life, but now, i can't imagine living without her. Funny how life has a way of changing things.

I released a heavy sigh and i lean back a bit on the top of the ladder i was on, "I was just thinking about how despite in this world, even though they are technologically weaker then us, i fear that if they get any piece of our technology they would only accelerate themselves into a bloody war and kill themselves." I felt my hand start to tighten the more i thought about it.

"Don't worry Sarah, my protocols does not allow for anyone to hurt you, i would offer my own life if the need arise." I slowly grip my pendant, and i couldn't help but feel my chest tighten up.

"Remember, don't go throwing your life away just for me, after all we need to keep on living on in this world" I jump off the ladder and i stretch a bit as i think about what i said to Lilith.

"I just hope that I'm strong enough to protect the both of us, and to prove myself to them." I was gonna head back to my dorm before Lilith stopped me with what she said next.

"Remember Sarah, despite what has happened in the past, i have no doubt that you would of made your parents proud." I smile a bit and i reach towards my pendant, but i stop midway as u thought back to my picture in my room, of the first squad i ever trained. I shake my head and I turn to look at Lilith.


"And how sure are you about that?" Lilith quickly closed her eye, but then opened them again and looked directly at me.

"Trust me, I have done the math. From my calculations, from what you have told me of the past, you have a 99.7% chance of making them proud of you." I turn away from Lilith so she couldn't see me smile.

"Thank you." i muttered to her. I l look towards the door and i saw that Velvet was standing at the door.

"I-i hope i wasn't interrupting anything." I was at first shocked that she was here, but then i felt slightly embarrassed that she might of heard my talk with Lilith. But i decide to ignore that for now.

"u-uh, not quite, but still Velvet i though you were out on a mission, why are you here?" She started to fidgeted around after i started to question her. Which was weird to me to see the girl fidget around from a simple question.

"Ah, you see because of how obviously both me and Coco haven't been working well together we had to end the mission early for our team's own safety. Thankfully i am able to make it to the dance tonight!" She did a small bunny hop in excitement.

"So if you are going to the dance, does that mean you have a dress already?" As soon as i said this it looked like all of the color drained from her face as realization dawned on her.

"I forgot to get a dress for the dance" She began to start through the door but then Lilith stopped her,

"Velvet, i have noticed that most clothing stores are closed currently, but there a few open, i will send the locations to your scroll, along with some recommendations for dresses." Velvet gave a warm smile towards Lilith and ran out the door right. I then heard a faint 'thank you'.

After she was out of earshot i turn towards Lilith, "I didn't think you would of taken an interest in how Velvet looked during the dance?" She looked at me, but then broke eye contact quickly which was extremely strange to me.

"My reasons are my own" I just stared at her confused, but i decide to ignore it for now. I look at my scroll and i see that i only got a few more hours of prep before the dance. guess i should start to get ready.

I headed out of the hanger after locking it up, and heading towards my dorm to change.



I check my scroll another time and i saw that there was another half an hour before the dance started, but i guess being early is a good thing. I got up from my desk and i do a final check at the mirror as i looked at my dress that was a bright crimson red at the bottom but transitioned into pitch black at the top, it may of been simple but i loved the dress. After i was sure that it was perfect, i checked my amber hair that i decided to put into a neat ponytail.

I took a final breathe as i admired myself. I then walked out of the dorm and towards the ball room. As i was walking i noticed that some people were checking me out, but i couldn't help but roll my eyes and i decide to ignore them.

When i got to the front desk i saw that Yang was looking at the guest list and wasn't expecting me to arrive so early, so i snapped my fingers to get her attention.

"Whoa, Ms. Sarah, i wasn't expecting you to be here so early, and nice dress." She gives me an awkward smile and i try my best not to laugh at it.

"Yang, I'm assuming that I'm only person already here who isn't here just to set things up?" i asked her.

"Actually no, Ms. Goodwitch is already here, mainly to oversee things, she's over by the punch table if you want to talk to her." I give her a small nod and i head over towards where Yang mention Goodwitch was at and i saw she was just in her usual attire. I walk up to her and i give her a small nod.

"Your here rather early Ms. Sarah, why's that?" I just shrug at her.

"It's not like thirty minutes is all that early, and besides it's always good to be early to these types of things in case they need help with things, but it looks like they got in under control."

"That they do, for first years, they surprise me at how well they are handling this, if only i had the chance to watch them grow." Which reminded back to her outburst from before at the police station. I thought that this was probably the best time to bring this up.

"Hey, Goodwitch, mind if i ask you something?" She looked slightly irritated at me, but she just made a small gesture that said 'go on'

"I was wondering what was up with that outburst back at the police station?" She just gave a heavy sigh, and looked slightly dissapointed.

"I was hopping you wouldn't ask about that, but i guess it's not fair to not tell you about it." I was confused by what she meant but i decide to just listen to what she had to say.

"You see, before you came along, and asked to be a teacher here, your students were my students. I may of not known them for long but to me at the time what you did felt like a personal attack towards me." I was bit shocked that she thought that.

"But i never meant any harm towards you or your students" She looked like she was starting to get irritated, but then she just looked like she deflated slightly.

"I know that, i barely even knew most of those students, just a side of me just didn't trust you enough to leave my past students with you. Thankfully you proved me somewhat wrong and trained them extremely well. As much as i hate to admit it, you trained some of them better then what i could ever do."

"Well that still doesn't explain why you lashed out like that." She just gave me a small bitter laugh,

"Well that makes two of us, maybe it was the stress of the situation, maybe it was jealousy, maybe i was too quick to think negatively.I have no idea why i got so aggressive there. Either ways i meant no harm." She then stands up slightly, and straighten her posture more then what i thought was possible.

"Well Sarah, i hope that you have a good time at the dance, i want some time to start thinking about things. Have a good night if i don't talk to you again." She gave me a friendly wave as she walked away.

I turned my attention towards the hall and i noticed that several more people were arriving, i checked my scroll and i saw that i was talking to Goodwitch a little bit longer then i was expecting.

I took this as my queue to head up to one of the balconies to avoid most of the crown. But right before i could do so i saw an angel walk through the door and i was completely stunned.

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