《Wild Thing (Lesbian Story) (GirlxGirl)》18. Easter Sunday
Arden and I had been doing pretty well for the month that we had been together. The biggest fight we had was over whose boobs were better, but of course I won the argument. We were still in that beginning stage so fighting was basically nonexistent. My girlfriend had been nothing but endearing and always found the time to be with me even when she was trying to finalize her new album. She even let me go to the studio some days and got my opinion on her music.
According to her, she wanted to attract listeners of other genres so she was testing out some of her songs on me since I didn't really listen to rap. Admittedly, her songs were actually pretty good. They weren't what I expected them to be. I thought all of them was going to be about partying and sex, but she had some really sweet tracks about love on her album. Through the album, I got to see a side of her that I had never known and apparently so did her fans.
When released last week, it broke the record of album sells in a week. Arden's album had sold 2.5 million copies in just a f-cking week! It was a big deal and the record hadn't been broken in fifteen years! What made it even better was that the title holder of having the most album sales in a week was 'N Sync, which was embarrassingly one of my favorite boybands.
People were congratulating my girlfriend all throughout the week. She was throwing parties while other people were throwing parties for her. During the day, she had to do tons of interviews and photoshoots for magazine covers that it was ridiculous. I was a f-cking model and she was doing more photoshoots than me! By being associated with Arden and now publically her girlfriend, people wanted to interview me as well. Arden and I even did a few couple interviews and photoshoots which made the pandemonium for us both to rise.
Now, Arden wasn't the only one famous in this relationship. We were the newest huge couple, almost like the lesbian Brad and Angelina, minus all of the kids. It was very life changing, busy and weird. I hadn't realized just how crazy being a celebrity could be. It was all that I ever wanted but I admit, it was a bit overwhelming. There would be people chasing after my car on foot, paparazzi snapping pictures of me 24/7 and people tweeting me calling me 'mom.' The latter was probably the f-cking weirdest, but I dealt with it. It was all amusing.
The constant want for us to be at events, to do interviews and photoshoots caused us not to meet each other's families as soon as we wanted to. Thankfully, however, things began calming down the third week after her album was released. It was still selling like hotcakes, but Arden began turning down interviews from exhaustion. She had enough publicity right now and so did I. Plus, she was really eager to meet Rose and Petra. I'm not sure why but she was more than ready to meet them and get to know more about them.
Therefore, tonight, I planned a special dinner at my place for them all. After tonight, the next day, Arden had already booked us a flight to Australia so we could stay for a week and so that I could meet her family. It'd be more of a vacation, she promised since we had been so busy. Things would get even busier after the trip to Australia because Arden had to plan for her world tour while I was granted a small role in a big Hollywood movie. We both had two different, separate and huge tasks and I wondered just how well we'd get through it.
"Need any help, little sis," Rose asked me as she walked into the kitchen with a grin on her face. Lately, she's been a slight bit more cheery. She still had her stern and bland moments, but you could tell she had someone special in her life. Petra and I both didn't ask her who because she obviously wanted to keep it a secret, but we both knew from the extra late night sneak-ins that she was wrapped around someone's fingers. I was more than happy for her.
"Actually, yes! She'll be here in an hour and a half! The goulash should be ready and hot by the time she comes, but I still have to prepare the kifli and the cream puffs. I can't do both at once so can you do the kifli for me?" Rose looked at me as if she was a bit surprised, but she nodded her head and walked over to the sink to wash her hands. "She's really excited to meet you guys, Rose, so please be nice."
"Mira, you're cooking Hungarian dishes for this girl. You obviously like her so in return I'll be respectful if she is respectful to me," Rose told me simply. I grabbed a baking sheet from a cabinet and nodded my head. Arden could be a bit vulgar but I was sure she would be respectful to my sisters. I at least hoped she would. I wanted my sisters to like her just as much as she wanted them to. Family really meant a lot to me and if my family didn't like someone I was with then it was a pretty big deal.
"You know I've kind of been seeing this guy, Mira," Rose finally confessed. I was wondering when she'd tell me about this! I didn't even have to look at Rose to tell that she was blushing like a Kindergartener. By how high her voice got when she mentioned seeing someone said it all. "His name is Kent. I've told you about him. He's a surgeon just like me. We started off as friends, but we've been talking for about a month. I don't want to steal your shine, but I invited him over to join dinner with us tonight as well. We can kind of knock down two birds with one stone, you know? I'll meet your girl and you'll meet my guy."
A smile spread across my face as I beat the eggs in a bowl with a spoon. "That doesn't bother me at all. Petra can meet both of our significant others. It'll be great! So, I'm sure you can Google everything you need to know about Arden, but tell me something about Kent." I heard a sigh come from my sister. It wasn't an exhausted or frustrated sigh, but it seemed like an adoring sigh. As if she sighed just thinking about him, in a good way.
"Well, he's not from America. He's actually from Nigeria. He moved here at a pretty early age although. He's really hot, but still in a very cute way. No matter what he can make me laugh and smile. His accent is so attractive, like oh my God! You should hear him talk! Actually, you are going to hear him talk! I can't wait..."
Rose continued rambling about Kent and I just listened and laughed. He seemed like a really nice guy and I couldn't wait to actually meet him. As we talked, we got the food prepared and ready for dinner and Petra helped us set up the table. She was really excited to meet Arden, and also Kent.
The clock struck 7:00, the time that Arden was supposed to arrive for dinner, and the doorbell rang right on the dot. My heart skipped a beat and I looked towards Rose who also seemed a bit nervous. It could either be Kent or Arden. Neither one of us went towards the door, but instead stood awkwardly in front of it. Petra was the one to swing the door wide open. When she did, a smile of surprise came upon her face as she looked back at Rose. "He's hot," she mouthed before winking at her oldest sister.
I laughed as I stared at Kent who came bearing flowers like a gentlemen. He was really handsome and no less attractive than Rose made him out to be. His hair was cut short and low, but he had a neat, and trimmed black beard. "Good evening, ladies" he told all of us in a deep voice. His voice so deep that I swore the room shook. Damn, Rose really picked a good one. He had a nice beard, he was tall as hell, he brought her flowers and he had a voice that made me want to hire him to narrate my life.
"Hey, Kent," Rose said with a huge smile before walking over to him. She stepped on her tippy toes and he leaned down to give her a kiss on the lips.
"Ew," I told Petra, who laughed at me.
"These two lovely idiots are my sisters. That's Petra and that's Mira," she said once she took her flowers from the man. She instructed Kent to come in which he did. He brushed his feet against the doormat and I led him into the living room with Petra so we could wait for Arden.
"Rose talks a lot about you girls," he said once we all sat down. He wore a very clean, pale blue dress shirt with khaki chinos as if he was going on an interview or something. I was a bit dressed up myself in a nice, red dress but this dude out beat me with the fashion. "I understand that you're model. I've seen you a few times on television. It must be kind of hectic being a celebrity."
"Well, it's new for me. My girlfriend is way more experienced," I replied honestly.
"Scotty, right?"
"Yes, Scotty. She's a real hassle." I laughed a little and Kent did as well. He told me about how he actually listened to Arden's music and bought her latest album. He seemed like the type of guy that listened to something like classical music so it was hard for me to wrap my head around him listening to Arden's explicit songs.
Rose came into the living room, and the four of us talked for a while as we waited for Arden. After ten minutes, I called her to make sure she didn't forget to come and of course, she didn't answer her phone. I guess meeting my sisters didn't make her as excited as she claimed. We decided to go ahead and eat dinner since my girlfriend was an obvious no show. It was pretty embarrassing and I was pissed that I went out of my way to cook Hungarian dishes just for her to try.
We were halfway through dinner when the doorbell rang. Everyone stopped eating and looked towards me with expectance. "Excuse me," I told all of them as I stood up from the table. They went on with their conversation as I walked out of the dining room and towards the front door. When I opened the door, Arden stood before be with an apologetic smile. She was unfashionably late. Everyone else was dressed at least casually but she was dressed in black joggers and a white tank top with a snapback on her head.
"I'm so sorry, kitten. I lost track of time," she vaguely explained before kissing my cheek. To make it all worse, she smelled just like marijuana. F-ck. This wasn't going to impress Rose one bit. I didn't say anything to Arden but I stepped back and let her in. She walked inside and stuffed her hands in her pockets. "Look, I understand you're mad, Mira, but I'll make it up to you. I'm sure your sisters won't mind me being a bit late."
"Yeah, Petra won't but Rose is going to be really upset. She's already been giving me side glances all night, Arden. Just please be on your best behavior when you get in there. Rose's boyfriend is in there as well and it's his first time meeting us all." As if to make her outfit less informal, Arden took off her hat and gave me a smile. I rolled my eyes at her before grabbing her hand. "Why do I date you?"
I kissed her lips gently and she kissed mine back. "Mmm, whatever you guys are eating is absolutely delicious," she murmured before kissing me once again.
"It's goulash and kifli with Tokaji wine for dinner and then yummy cream puffs for dessert," I informed her. "I made it just for you, so come on."
I led Arden into the dining room where Rose, Petra and Kent were all laughing. "Damn, his voice is deep," Arden whispered into my ear. I laughed and told her to sit down in front of her prepared plate. I took a seat beside her and finally, everyone looked towards us. "What's up," Arden sad with a head nod. Great introduction.
She chugged down the wine that was in her glass as if it was water then reached for the bottle to pour her some more. "Well, it's finally nice to meet you, Arden," Rose told my girlfriend. Petra just sat there in shock, probably reframing from asking for an autograph. "It's really charming that you dressed up for this dinner," my older sister told her sarcastically. Okay, this wasn't going to go great.
"Fashionably late, love," Arden replied with a fake smile before toasting her wine in the air. She then took another sip before putting it down. She grabbed her fork and began eating the goulash that I had prepared. "Damn, this sh-t is good, kitten. I didn't know you could f-cking cook." A grin spread across her face, but I didn't smile back at her. She was really ruining this. Acting like this in front of me was okay, but not in front of my sisters and Kent who were getting a first impression of her.
Arden seemed to get the gist because she looked down at her plate and didn't say another word for a few more minutes. I felt bad. I wanted her to be herself, but not to the full blown extent. She had to ease her way into Rose liking her. "Your album was really hot, Scotty," Kent told Arden with a nod of satisfaction. "First time in a while that I can listen to a whole album and not want to skip one song."
"Really? Thanks, mate. You're dressed up so well and sharp that I thought you didn't even know who I was. I'm glad you liked it, though," Arden replied decently. I took her hand under the table gently and squeezed it to let her know she was doing much better now. "I'm sorry for showing up late. Some things came up, you know?"
"No, we don't know. Enlighten us," my older sister responded.
"Chill, Rose. I'm sure she was doing something totally cool like signing autographs and taking pictures with fans," Petra defended the rapper.
"Or from the stench of pot, she was getting high," Rose suggested back to Petra.
Arden let go of my hand and that's when I knew things were about to go downhill. "What the f-ck is your problem," she suddenly asked.
"Arden, calm down..."
"No, Mira! Your sister has been giving me a hard time ever since I walked in here!"
"Maybe because you showed up late to something that was really important to my sister! She was so excited for you to meet us and you come in nearly an hour late, dressed like a bum and higher than a kite! You have the manners of a four year old!"
"Bum? I have you know that these joggers actually costed two hundred f-cking dollars! This t-shirt cost three hundred so don't call me a bum when you're dressed in a Forever 21 dress that you got on layway, bitch!"
"Wow. You are truly an idiot. I'm a doctor. I have money to buy fancy clothes like you, but I'd rather not waste three hundred dollars on a shirt that I can get for ten dollars at a more realistic store. And really? You're going to call me that in my own home? You're so disrespectful."
"I'm disrespectful?! You're the one who's disrespectful. When someone can make your sister cum like me and make her scream out to the Good Lord above as if it's Easter Sunday, you should give me the upmost respect and not all of this bullsh-t."
Rose became quiet and so did everyone else at the table. How could this anticipated dinner go so south? I had put my heart into the food and was so eager for Arden to meet my sisters just for this to happen. Just for her to come and be a complete d-ck. "I think you should leave, Arden," I told her. I couldn't even look at her. How could she just say that? First, she called my sister a bitch and then she's going to say something as crude as that.
Arden looked at me and tried to grab my hand but I snatched it away. "I'm sorry, okay? I apologize to everyone at this table. That was very tasteless of me. It's no secret that I'm high right now and that wine gave me a bit of a buzz. I know that's not an excuse. I should've taken this a bit more seriously. Rose, you're not a bitch. I don't even know you. Mira, I'm sorry for ruining this for you, kitten. Just please, let me stay."
I looked over to Rose for her blessing. It was her house and she was the one majorly disrespected. She nodded her head and I looked towards Arden. If it was up to me, she would be leaving but I'd give her another chance. "You can stay," I told her softly.
The rest of the night went by somewhat smoothly. Arden learned her to close her big f-cking mouth. She only spoke when spoken to and even when she did talk, she wasn't vulgar. She had actually calmed down. Afterwards, Kent left with a smile on his face. As long as he enjoyed his stay and we didn't somehow ruin his and Rose's relationship then everything was fine. Arden apologized to the girls once again and asked me to walk with her to her car. She obviously wanted to talk alone, so I followed her outside.
When we got to her car, which was parked along the vacant street, I leaned against it and crossed my arms. She stood across from me shuffling her feet. "I don't know what I was thinking. Your sister was just being protective over you and she had every right to be. All I'm known for is sex, drugs and partying. I was out of line earlier in more ways than one. Calling your sister a bitch was pretty rude and stupid of me. She seems pretty nice." I didn't say anything to Arden. I just looked past her. We were set to go to Australia tomorrow and I wasn't sure if I wanted to go anymore.
"The sex thing was uncalled for and disrespectful to you," she continued. "Mira, I love you so much. This dinner meant a lot to me, but then I got a bit high and forgot all about it. I'm like the worst girlfriend in the world right now, but I promise I'll make it up to you. If you just let me." Arden walked closer to me and put her hands on my hips. I turned my head so she didn't even dare put her lips on mine. Her lips however skimmed across my neck and she began leaving soft kisses there.
I bit my lower lip as her lips moved lower to my collarbone. Her hands lifted me up and sat me on top of the trunk of her car. "Those cream puffs were delicious but I think I need something sweeter," she whispered against my skin. Her hands moved past my hips and down my thighs. I shivered as they slipped under my dress.
I refused to look at Arden as she pulled down my panties. Her lips moved from along my shoulder and I felt her body drop down in front of me. Once again her hands met my hips and they pulled me towards her. My eyes closed shut when I felt something slippery against the most sensitive part of my body. Finally, I looked down to see Arden kneeling before me. She spread my legs wider so her tongue could explore the area more and my breath hitched from trying to hold back moans. I looked around the neighborhood and it seemed like everyone was inside and probably asleep.
"I'm so sorry, Mira," she whispered to me every now and then as she worked her tongue to my climax. My hand clasped over my mouth to contain making any loud noises. The sounds came out muffled as my body shook.
When it was all over with, Arden pulled my panties back up and wrapped her arms around me. I wrapped my arms around her neck and buried my face into her chest. She held me tightly as she kept whispering how sorry she was and how much she f-cked things up. "I'm so in love with you, kitten." Her lips kissed my cheek gently as I continued to hold onto her. "My mother is dying to meet you. Please, tell me you're still willing to meet her after this."
I pulled away a little bit and looked into her soft, blue eyes. "I love you, Arden. I want to meet your family."
She let out a breath of relief before kissing my lips gently. "Good. Our fifteen hour flight takes off at 3 in the morning. I'll be here, okay?" I nodded my head and she kissed my lips one last time. "I better go pack."
"Me too. I'll see you in a few hours," I told her as she helped me off the trunk of her car.
I watched as Arden drove away. Taking a deep breath, I turned back to walk into my home. Hopefully, my interaction with her family will be way better than hers with mine.
Did Arden go overboard or did she have a right to lash out against Rose?
How do you think the trip to Australia is going to go?
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