《Wild Thing (Lesbian Story) (GirlxGirl)》15. Honesty
"She ratted you two out about what you do behind closed door so you decided to become her girlfriend?! What kind of sh-t is that, Mira?! Have you not learned your lesson yet?! Don't open your mouth until you think sh-t through! You always make sh-tty decisions," Fran yelled at me as if I was an ill-mannered child. It was the day after award show and she was sitting on my bed along with Kendall.
"Fran is right," Kendall told me with a head nod as she looked up from her phone. "Remember that time you told that guy you'd go on a date with him. You thought he asked you if you liked spinach for some reason so you said 'yeah' instead of asking him what he said. Then you had to let the poor guy down." I sighed as I remembered when that happened. I was pretty dumb when it came to decisions.
"I feel like you and Scotty could be a cute couple. I just don't like how she told Ellie about what you guys did. Maybe she's not trustworthy," Fran reasoned more calmly. I looked at her for a while and I could tell she was being nothing but genuine. She was concerned for me and so was Kendall. They weren't the only ones. When I told Petra and Rose the news last night, Rose nearly had a cow. She called me stupid and we got into a huge argument. Needless to say we didn't have any words for each other this morning.
"So, she's not trustworthy. That's one of her flaws, at least you know that. You've agreed to date this girl. You can always tell her you changed your mind, but do you really like her, Mira." Kendall looked into my eyes curiously. I nodded my head. Of course I liked Arden. She was too charming not to like and even though she could be a jerk, she could also be sweet. "Then you have to take a chance with her. Just know that your heart may be broken. You can change her, Mira. I know you can. You've known her for nearly two months and still haven't actually given up your goods. There's obviously something special about you to her."
"For once, Kendall is right. Scotty isn't a saint and she's going to be a lot of hard work. But I think you're up for it." Both of my friends gave me supportive smiles. I smiled back before pouncing on them and attacking them both with a huge hug. We all giggled but the hug was broken up when I heard my phone ring. "Is it her," Fran asked as she wiggled her eyebrows.
"Yes," I admitted with a blush.
"Well, answer it," Kendall urged.
I answered my phone and put it to my ear. "Hey, Arden," I said a bit nervously. Why was I so nervous? My hands were literally shaking. I could barely keep the phone to my ear.
A deep breath was heard on the other end of the phone. There was some rambling and then I heard a loud car horn. She must've been outside somewhere. "Hey, kitten. I was in the studio but quite honestly, I couldn't keep my mind off of you. I was such a d-ck last night and you didn't deserve that. Ellie had no business knowing what we do by ourselves. I'm so sorry, kitten."
I smiled liked a goofball and Kendall and Fran both giggled. I'm pretty sure they couldn't hear what Arden was saying but they were making fun of my reactions. With every word that came out of her mouth, my smile would grow wider. "I forgive you. Last night, I told you that. It's okay, Arden. Just promise that you won't do that again."
"I won't promise you. I promised you I wouldn't tell anyone and I ended up spilling the beans to Ellie. Promises are meant to be broken, Mira. But you don't have to worry, you can trust me. I won't spill anymore secrets, kitten." There was a loud car door slam on the other end and then loud music which was quickly turned down. "Listen, I was hoping I could make it up to you. I'm leaving the studio just now. I want to see you. I want to spend time with you, kitten. Are you free? I'll come by your place and we can go somewhere."
"Am I free," I asked aloud just so Fran and Kendall could hear. I looked towards them for their blessings and they quickly nodded their heads. I mouthed a 'thank you' before answering Arden. "Yes, I'm free. Come on by."
"See you in a few, kitten." Arden hung up the phone and I took it from my ear.
"So, I guess we better go," Kendall said as she giggled to herself in a dorky manner.
I laughed and nodded my head. "Yeah, she'll be here in no time."
"Well, you better call us afterwards and tell us how everything goes! If you have sex, call us and set your phone on the nightstand so we can hear."
"Hey, at least I didn't ask you to record it."
Arden picked me up in one of her sports cars. The car was a darkish red with an all-black interior. There were a few fast food wrappers thrown in the backseat but it was clean for the most part. As we drove along the highway, I hummed along to the pop song that was playing. I wasn't sure where we were going. Actually, I didn't even bother to ask. "You like that sh-t," Arden asked with a chuckle.
"Yeah. You don't like Taylor Swift," I asked with a small giggle. "She's a good artist. I'm not really into rap."
Arden cut the radio all the way off and took her eyes off the road for a few seconds to give me a disappointed glare. "Are you crazy?! Mira, come on, you have to like rap. At least tell me you like the old stuff? You know '90s rap? Tupac. Notorious B.I.G. Busta Rhymes. Old Dirty Bastard."
I gave Arden a clueless stare. So much frustration came onto her face that it seriously looked like she was going to explode. A few veins popped out on her neck. "Okay, this isn't going to do," she said as she pulled over and parked in a nearby parking lot. She took off her seatbelt and turned to me. "You really don't know what you're missing, Mira. I mean, sure a couple of quirky f-cking stupid songs from Taylor Swift is nice sometimes but sometimes you just have to get raw...explicit! You just have to f-cking let go in a non-p-ssy way!"
"I like Beyoncé."
"Beyoncè isn't rap, love. She's R&B. Now, her husband, Jay-Z, he's rap. I just-I can't believe you. You really don't know who Tupac is?!"
"I know Tupac and Biggie because Rose is pretty into rap, like you, except she's more...educated. Like you would never guess she's into that. She doesn't like you though," I admitted.
"Your sister doesn't like me?"
"Well, you are a bit rough around the edges, Arden. Since we've been together I've heard some of your stuff. I like it. I also like Nicki Minaj. Drake. But I'm not really into it, you know? My parents were deep into classic rock." Arden grumbled as she shook her head. She picked up her phone and began going through it. "What are you doing?"
"I'm about to teach you a little something about Hip Hop, kitten."
I sat there as Arden played song after song. The songs ranged from upbeat to slow. Some songs were talking about sex, some violence, some drugs while others were quite inspirational. She made me listen to her favorites and I was glad she did. It was adorable how she talked throughout the whole song. Telling me about what the song meant to her or informing me on facts about the artists that rapped the songs. She was passionate about music and it was noticeable.
We had to spend at least two hours parked in front of a random building just listening to music. Afterwards, Arden and I were pretty hungry so she took me to a known restaurant nearby. We got in our seats and got settled. I could see a few people staring at us, obviously noticing Arden. She was a huge star so people always either ran up to her or stared at her as if she wasn't even real. I guess I could relate. Sometimes I stared at her like that, but only because she was so gorgeous. Today, she was wearing a short-sleeved light blue Henley shirt and khaki shorts. It was crazy how her style could just change up. Last night, she was dressed like the rapper that she was but today, she was in some basic American rich boy get up.
"So, you're planning on staying in America your whole life or do you want to go back and live in Hungary one day," Arden asked me after she stared down at her food for an odd amount of time. She finally put something on her plate in her mouth as she awaited my answer.
I swallowed my food politely before speaking. "Probably not. Budapest is great. I'll go back and catch up with my family and friends every now and then but I don't want to live there. I'm still not sure if I want to live in America. It's nice here, but so is Paris."
"You've been to Paris? It's probably one of my favorite places to go. The shows over there are crazy. The fans are so passionate. They sneak into my hotel room and everything." I laughed thinking that Arden was joking but then I realized she was serious. How did she live like that? If I walked into my hotel room and saw a stranger there, I would have a heart attack!
"I haven't been to Paris, but I want to go some day. It's nice that you've been though," I replied. She gave me a slight smile as she looked past me. I turned around to see who or what she was looking at. I sighed when I saw Ellie. This was the last thing I needed.
Arden casted her eyes away from Ellie and continued the conversation as if she didn't even see her. Wow, was she really not going to start anything? I was sure she was going to stomp over there and gloat in her face about how she won the fight last night. "I'll take you to Paris one day, kitten."
"Really," I asked with a huge smile. She chuckled and nodded her head.
"I'll take you anywhere you want to go," she told me softly before leaning over the table and giving me a kiss. I smiled and kissed her back as my hand gently met her cheek. She pulled away slowly and I blushed a little bit. "You're my girl now. Everything is yours. All you have to do is ask."
Being with Arden wasn't about anything materialistic, but honestly, those words were nice to here. I wasn't the type of person to ask for things, but it was nice to know that I could. "You're really so sweet, Arden."
"Honestly, I'm usually not but you bring out the best in me, Mira. I don't know why but you do. You're my weakness. My Hungarian princess," she whispered. She said the words as if they shocked her herself. I could tell what she was saying was true. She really had feelings for me. This wasn't a game. Arden liked me.
My cheeks began turning red from realization and my body became hot all over. What did I do to deserve such feelings from someone so attractive, talented, sweet and crazy? This must've been good karma or something. "We should go. It's getting late," Arden said as she looked down at her watch.
"Well, I don't have a bedtime," I giggled. She laughed softly and stared at me for a while. Her face dimmed a bit and she swallowed hard. "Arden, is everything okay? You look a bit pale."
"I have to go to the bathroom," Arden dashed away before I could say anything else. I bit my lip and wondered if I had did something, but then I brushed it off.
"Hey, Mira." I looked up from my plate to see Ellie. She was standing with her hands behind her back. Her wavy blonde hair was neat as usual as she smiled down at me.
"Hi, Ellie. I'm sorry about last night. Arden can be-"
"An asshole? A cunt? A liar?"
"What did she tell you last night," my ex demanded as she sat across from me where Arden was once sitting. "Did she give you that fake bullsh-t story about how her publicist made up those stories? She's a liar, Mira. She's going to hurt you. She's going to abuse you and I want you to leave now. Leave with me. You don't have to be with me, but I want you to be safe." What was Ellie talking about? She didn't know Arden. She didn't know if those rumors were true or not. I believed Arden. She wouldn't lie to me about something so serious. "Still don't believe me?"
"I'm sorry, Ellie but-"
"Mira, you know me more than anybody else. You can point out when I'm lying. I'm not! Scotty is bad for you!"
"You should go before she comes back," I warned Ellie.
"Why? Because you know she's going to get violent. She's going to yell and hit me because that's all she's f-cking good at. Hurting other people. You'll see, Mira, and when you find out don't come running to me." Ellie got up and walked away from the table. I swallowed hard as a few tears fell down my cheeks. I didn't know who to trust.
"Mira, kitten, what's wrong," Arden asked once she got back to the table. She sat beside me and wrapped her arms around me. "Why are you crying?"
"Did you lie to me last night? Please, Arden, just tell me the truth." I pulled away from her embrace and stared at her. Her eyes casted down and she bit her lip. "You really did it?"
"Mira, just let me explain," Arden pleaded as she reached out towards me.
"No, don't touch me!" I stood up from the table and began making my way towards the exit. How f-cking could she?
"Mira, wait," Arden called after me as she chased down behind me. I burst out the restaurant door and began walking down the street. "Mira, please," Arden grabbed my hand from behind and spun me around. "I was drunk. I was drunk when I hurt Kristen. I'm so f-cking sorry. I shouldn't have lied. Just please don't leave."
"You lied right to my face last night. You hit Ellie for telling me the truth. As if you dishing our dirty secrets weren't bad enough. You're not who I thought you were! You're not sweet. You're just a player!" I wiped away my tears even though they kept falling down. How could I let myself catch feelings for her? I should've just listened to Ellie last night.
"Mira, I'm not playing you. I would never hurt you. I promise."
"Promises are meant to be broken, remember?"
I started to walk away from her again, but she took my hand again. "Mira..." I snatched it away and turned towards her in anger.
"Stop saying my name! You wanted to f-cking play me?! You wanted to hurt me?! You win! You made me fall for you and now I feel like sh-t! So now you can go f-ck over someone else!" Arden clenched her jaw as a tear fell from her right eye. Was she really crying?
"You don't understand. It's the opposite. You want to know why I rushed to the bathroom, Mira?" I looked away from her and crossed my arms. "Because I realized, looking into your stupid blue f-cking eyes that I was in love. I haven't even known you for two f-cking months and I'm in love with you!" My eyes looked up towards her and they were as wide as ever. Arden licked her lips as she ran her fingers through her hair. "I love you, Mira. Please, just give me a try. I know I don't come with many good qualities. I'm a liar. I'm untrustworthy. I'm crazy, but I love you."
"Can you please just take me home?"
Arden's face fell but she nodded her head. "Yeah."
When Arden pulled up to my house, I got out immediately and slammed the door. I nearly ran to my front door but Arden got out and caught up with me before I could get inside. "Why are you running away? I know you feel the same. The way you look at me tells it all," Arden said as she hopped in front of me and the front door. "You love me."
"Sadly. Now, move out of the way."
"I'm calling the cops." I pulled out my phone but Arden snatched it from my hands. "Give me my phone back!"
"Tell me you don't want to be with me and I'll leave you alone."
"Arden, just give me my phone back," I begged as I reached for it. She shook her head and took a few steps closer to me. Our lips were basically hovered over each other.
"Tell me and I'll go," she said softly.
I took a shaky breath and without a word, I pressed my lips against Arden's. Her arms wrapped around me tightly and I fell into them as the kiss grew deeper. My fingers ran through Arden's short hair as my tongue brushed against hers. One of my arms went around her neck while the other was gently placed against her chest. I backed her into the front door and pulled away from the kiss, but only to place my lips along her neck. My lips moved across Arden's neck, giving it soft and gentle kisses as she caressed her thumbs against my hips. "Do you really love me," I whispered pathetically. She had my heart and there was nothing I could do about it.
"I love you, Mira."
"Then make love to me."
Do you think Arden really loves Mira?
Do you think Mira really loves Arden?
Should Mira trust Arden?
My new story, 'Paramount' is out. It's gxg as usual. It's about ten b-tches who get super powers and it's gonna be good as hell so.
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