《Crying Season》16.


This is definitely hell.

It was around two weeks when my father started to add in the beatings along with the shock therapy as he licked to call. But I knew it was really just him letting his frustrations out on me and calling it something that would help me.

I may be disgusted by my father action, and maybe detest him for his beliefs, but I think he genuinely believes that he is doing the right thing and I can't resent him for that.

After the first week I forgave him because I did not want to hate my family and it would practically kill my wolf if we were separated from our family so forcefully. But even though forgave him he will never be able to make this up.

My mother only comes down once in a while in order to feed me but I know that she also believes in what my father is trying to do but she would never actually hurt me herself but she definitely wasn't going to help me. Although, one time when she came to give me food she said "Please dear, just come out of this sickness. I know you don't mean to make your father so angry but please ... just forget that stupid vampire and you can come up stairs, and you can see your brother, and we can be a family again. So please, come back to us." She reaches a strokes my blank face with tears streaming down her own.

In that moment I didn't care what she had to say because she didn't care about what I thought or felt. All she wanted was for me to be her perfect daughter again.

I haven't even seen my brother since I'd been here and I could tell they were keeping him out of the house because my wolf couldn't even feel him.


Every night my wolf would howl and cry every night craving her mate. I could not talk to my wolf but she was always there keep me conscious of my own humanity in this hell whole I used to call my basement.

I came out of my thoughts as I heard my father's heavy foot falls on the stairs. He wasn't carrying anything but he had his arms crossed across his chest as he walked towards me.

He pulled a picture out of his shirt pocket and put it in my face. It was a picture of Laura that I had taken a couple of days before everything went down with my parents.

I looked away not in disgust but more so in defiance. However, my father took it the other way and a proud grin spread across his face.

"So then are you ready to come back to me and your mother?" He said still with a sickening grin.

I looked up to him, looking him right in the eye. " I will never be yours again and I never was yours because I am my own person and I have every right to be with whom ever I want." I spat out.

His eyes turned a pale silver and I knew then that I had fucked up.

He shifted right in front of me. His shift was much smother than mine do to his experience. He shook out his fur and started pacing and growling.

I continued to look him in the eye not wanting to submit and that was what must pushed me over the edge.

My father launched himself forward and latched onto my Armand shook his head. I was helplessly screaming as I was chained to the wall. I head my bones snap and I could smell the from my shoulder. I didn't dare look over but I could feel my body start to shiver as I looked at my father covered in my own blood.

The only word I could get out was "Why?"

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