《Forgotten for a reason》Surprise


Aizawa and midnight made it to the dorms to see both classes all dirtied covered in dirt. "Yaoyorozu explain the situation." Aizawa stated as they looked up at them.

"We have been trying to mine our way to midoriya and the rest using our quirks!" She explained with the ground shaking very badly knocking them all to the ground.

"FUCK!" Bakugo yelled blasting the spinning door away revealing him, monama and kaibara. "THAT LAST QUAKE CAVED IN THE REST OF THE TUNNEL DOWN THERE!!!" He yelled destroying the couch.

Mineta turned on the tv to see the news so they get some information on all might's condition. The camera men and women were silent as they filmed the villain named all for one.

They listened to his words and he mentioned the heat signatures. "That fucker better not!" Bakugo yelled as he stared at the screen with all for one blasting the ground confirming their deaths.

Something deep inside him snapped because he lost his best friend again "I AM GOING SEND HIM TO HELL!!!" He roared rushing towards the door.

"BAKUGO YOU LEAVE YOUR EXPELLED!!!" Aizawa yelled with his eyes leaking tears. "LIKE I GIVE A SHIT!!! I AM GOING TO KILL HIM THAT IS A PROMISE! HE CAN TAKE MY SHITTY QUIRK BECAUSE THAT WON'T STOP ME FROM KILLING HIM!!!" He screamed letting off a flash bang with his palms blinding them for a bit.

He blasted the doorway off and took a deep breath expanding his muscles. He let out a powerful blast lauching himself towards the fight.

The rest of the class ran after him feeling the same amount of rage that he felt. Midnight let nezu down and grabbed aizawa's hand as they ran after the kid.

From under all for one the ground cracked opened with a massive green blood covered serpent erupting out like a volcano.

It headed straight for villain with it's mouth wide open. "The hell is-" all for one began to say as the massive serpent bit down onto him. Piercing him with it's razor sharp fangs making dozens of holes into all for one. It shook it's head like a wolf tearing a piece of meat to bit.

The massive serpent then chucked the body into U.A. with his body crashing through multiple classrooms.

The serpent hissed as it began to shrink to human size. "Oi! Yellow man I beat him!" Izuku yelled with his blade in his hands lifting his mask wiping some water from his eyes.


"Young midoriya get out of here!!!" Yagi yelled at him with the spot in U.A. where all for one was thrown into exploded with large amount of force causing a shock wave.

"NOUMUS RIP THE KID APART!!!" All for one shouted with the noumus rushing him.

"Low level trash!!!" Izuku yelled turning them all into stone while slicing them to bits.

"Oh a brat that thinks he can take me on!" All for one bellowed appearing infront izuku. "Now you will bow or I will kill you!" He ordered izuku reaching his arm out toward his mask.

"You have it all wrong on who is bowing peasant! I am the lord no I mean god of the forest izuku midoriya!" He yelled lifting his swords into the air.

"Third Fang: Devour!!!" He screamed slicing all for one's arm off and kicking him away turning into his lamia form wrapping him up. Izuku began to constrict him "I will kill you! You damn demon!!!" Izuku screamed aiming to cut his head off.

"Impudent brat. You thought those poorly made blades can kill me? Allow me to show you true power!" All for one bellowed exploding izuku's tail off of him. 'Poorly made! These blades are great!' He thought as he flew back.

Izuku got sent flying away while turning back to his human form. "You are too slow." All for one said behind grabbing him by the head. "This is true power!" He yelled dragging izuku through the ground then chucking him into the forest. Breaking through many trees along the way before coming to a stop.

"Is that...all you...got?" Izuku said getting up pushing himself up with his broken body. "No I have much more you pitiful child!" All for one said punching his gut sending him crashing back to the entrance of U.A. bloodied up and broken.

He began to get up again as all for one smashed his foot on to izuku's head pressing him down into the ground. "You are getting on my nerves kid after all that you still are trying to get up." All for one said feeling his other foot getting smashed by fist.

"My mom's smacks hurt more than those tiny bug bites!" Izuku yelled tail whipping all for one's mask breaking a peace off. All for one stumbled back with izuku lifting his mask and latching onto all for one. He raised his hands into the air interlocking his fingers then smashing them downwards breaking rest of all for one's mask.


He peered into all for one's face to realize that he didn't have eyes. "So the petrifying ability of yours needs eye to eye contact. This will be the only time I will be grateful for all might for obliterating them." He stated tearing izuku off of him holding him by the neck.

Making it hard for him breath "You also wear a mask allow me to return the favor from what you did to mine!" He yelled ripping it off revealing izuku's face. All for one dropped it to the ground and smashed it with his foot.

That in it self pissed off izuku from breaking his most prized possession.

"Your eyes will do wonders for me when I get mine back!" All for one said smiling a wicked grin. He placed his hand over izuku's eye and shoved it to it ripping the eyeball out.

"AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Izuku screamed in pain holding the empty eye socket with his hands. The eye in all for one's hand began to turn to dust as Izuku smiled.

"GOTCHA BITCH!!!" Izuku yelled shoving both his hands into all for one's face where his eyes used to be at very deeply. Making all for one drop him to the ground.

"First Fang: Pierce!!!" He yelled grabbing his blades and shoving them into his neck.

"Keep talking you damn potato!" Izuku yelled as felt something pierce his chest. He looked down to see both of this blades inside him. All for one then effortlessly shoved his fist into his chest from the front. All for one then upped the damage by lighting his hand fire cauterizing the wound.

"I am done playing with you child!" All for one yelled tearing out his fist from his chest as izuku fell to his knees. He then tore the blades out from izuku's chest. Izuku's eyes lost their light as all for one stood over him.

All for one let him fall forward to the ground then slammed the blades into izuku's back pinning the body to the ground then broke the handles.

"All might your student can really take a beating!" All for one says walking towards yagi who is staring at him in his skinny form with rage. "Not like he can hear my praise."

"Wh...o said...you can...turn your...back on...me a KING!" Izuku yelled as steam began to rised from the hole in his chest and left eye as they both rapidly healed. Once both of his wounds healed his eyes began to glow.

"Why won't you stay down!" All for one yelled frustrated at izuku's persistence on living no matter what he did to him.

"You broke my blades! A friend made them for me! You will pay for that!" Izuku yelled angrily as scales began to spread across his arms reaching his hands forming sharp claws.

From his back out erupted wings "I will send you to hell you damn demon!" Izuku yelled with all for one looking at him with great malice.

"I will mount your head on a stick!" All for one threaten with izuku rushing him.

"No more going easy! You think a new transformation will fix the power difference you animal!" All for one striking him with lighting from the sky.

Izuku's body was smoking from the burns he had received. Izuku's eyes shined brightly as he glared at all for one. Steam began to be released again with his rage overflowing him. He began to rapidly regenerate his burnt body as he flew towards all for one.

"I will take your Fuckin head!" He yelled with his claws out.

"Second Fang: Rip and Tear!!!" Izuku yelled cutting up all for one's body with deep wounds.

All for one grabbed his arm and torn it off with izuku kicking his face. Red and black spikes piercing izuku so izuku bit them off with his enlarged fangs.

All for one ripped his right wing off with his right arm. While izuku scratching downwards at his face leaving claw marks. They went at each other like animals clawing at each other with the occasional quirk ripping izuku apart,but just as fast the injury came it regenerated just as fast.

Suddenly a massive blast hit all for one sending him flying back.


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