《Forgotten for a reason》settling in


"Yagi,why didn't you object? I thought you didn't like midoriya?" Snipe asked him as he took a sip of his coffee moving his mask.

"It is not that I don't like him. He is rash and vulgar with his language along with his awful temper. He is just hard to deal with. Though in some cases he is worst than young bakugo,but the program is meant to help the ones even I can't reach so I can't let my personal distaste get in the way of helping people. Plus the program could possibly make him more civilize." Toshinori said smiling.

Snipe and the rest of the teachers nodded to his response. "Also,I can't be a bias teacher I have to treat my students equally." He Said walking away to nighteye's agency.

Once they all left nezu walked to his office through the vents that only he could fit through. He opened his cabinets filled with documents.

He took out a sheet of paper from toga that listed the current location of the league. "We were too late." He told himself as he looked at the report from Endeavor that it was empty by the time he got there.

"The plan was to kidnap bakugo,but fail because all might and other pros were there to stop them. If he was kidnaped it would be a P.R. nightmare." Nezu said looking through all his possibilities on what to do to protect the students.

"I need a safe spot for the students just in case of the villains decide to attack the school itself." He says looking for a good plan "Dorms should work for bit so the students can't be abducted on the way here."

"All of them and the main school should be connected by a bunker deep underground. Though that will take time even quirks and lots of workers." He says to himself.


"Alright the dorms should be made first then the bunker so I can properly make sure that everything is safe and done right." Nezu smiled to himself in a hope to prevent anymore attacks.

"Ok! Who is this?!" Katsuki yelled with a whiteboard up with his classmate's pictures on it. He pointed at a photo todoroki.


"Good you're learning their names quickly!" Katsuki yelled "Hell yeah I am the best for a reason!"

Katsuki was teaching him how to be a proper person in the city. Katsuki then heard the largest stomach grumble from izuku "Oh you're hungry I'll make som-THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!!" He screamed pulling him away from the window that he was about to jump out of.

"What? I am going hunting?" Izuku said as if that was a normal thing "We live in a city! Why the hell do you need to hunt!" Katsuki yelled at him pissing him off.

"I DON'T KNOW IT IS LIKE I GREW UP IN THE DAMN WOODS YOU DUMBASS!!!" He sarcastically yelled back.

The two were about exchange fists till mitsuki showed up slamming the door open "SHUT THE FUCK UP TWO OF YOU!"

"WHO THE HEL-" mitsuki slapped the top of izuku head which somehow hurt him "QUIT HIT-" she slapped him again making him finally shut up. 'why does it hurt so much!' He thought holding the top of his head.

"Now that you two have calmed down come and eat." She said walking out. "Why does it hurt!" Izuku yelled at katsuki "I don't know it just does."

They both sat at the table and both dug in with great speed until izuku started to choke. "HAHAHAHA DUMBASS-" katsuki laughed at him with a full mouth and started to choke as well.


After dinner the katsuki and izuku went to sleep that is where they ran into some problems "Where the hell does deku sleep?!" Katsuki asked with izuku just going outside. "I will sleep here!" He yelled climbing the tree they had in the back yard.

"Izuku get your ass back inside!" Mitsuki yelled at him "No,outside is better!" He yelled back getting comfortable on the tree's branches.

"Fine!!! You can sleep out here,but here is a blanket if you get cold,izuku" she said in a soft voice.

He took the blanket and wrapped it around himself "This somehow just feels right." He said to himself falling into a deep slumber.

Memories flooded his head as he slept,but he just couldn't understand what they meant to him. One had him breaking out a something thin. Another that did make sense to him was the snakes that took him into his old cave and cared for him teaching him how to survive.

Suddenly the world around him set ablaze with bright red fire that was wild and out of his control.

Surrounding him and growing bigger with every breath he took. He looked down to see his blades in his hands turning light red then going back to their normal indigo color.

He flames around him grew wild in size and soon he spotted something beyond the flames.

He looked closely beyond the bright red flames to see a small shadow figure with a single black blade in the hands. Soon the black blade he had glowed a very bright red slashing the fire away from him.

More like guiding the wild flames away from him and forming a fierce fire dragon serpent that flew around the small shadow with great elegance.

The small figure had great control of the flames that went wild with him.

The shadow did one single downward slash with the bright red blade. Causing the dragon serpent to strike down as well destroying everything in it's path.

Soon it all faded again and the dark void he was floating in became bright as he opened his eyes seeing sunlight. He put on his glasses and headed inside thinking about what the hell did he dream about.

He looked to his left and saw a photo of a lady with green hair and man with black bushy hair holding a bushy haired baby. "Who is that fat baby and these people!?" Izuku asked with mitsuki answering him "You and those are your parents."

"No,wonder they look familiar....do you know where they are now?" Izuku asked. She gave him a hug "No I don't,but maybe we will find out one day." She said in a hopeful tone patting his head. Mitsuki took the frame from the wall and handed to him "They loved you izuku. Very much if they had choice they would here with you." He nodded to her words as he tried to remember them.

He sat on the couch continuing to look at the photo in silence freaking katsuki out a bit.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and masaru opened it to reveal the yellow man,but as a twig and a less looking hobo eraser head.

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