《Forgotten for a reason》19 vs 1


As the man came at them screaming like a wild animal with serrated blades aimed at uraraka to cut her down first seeing that she was open. Kirishima acted fast by getting hard becoming a literal human shield breaking the blades "you bastard your fucked first" smiles said as threw his broken blades at him "those were my only set" he ran towards Kirishima grabbed his face and slammed the back of his head into a tree making stuck as ojiro hit him with his tail making him slam into the floor.

He got up and was kicked into a tree "stop this right now,villain!" iida yelled at masked fellow "as a student of ua I shall not let you attack another person"

"HuH The hell are you on about you all are attacking me too" he maskman exclaimed "this is a fight so that means we have to attack each other! So shut the up and fight!" He threw a rock at iida that he dodged only for tape to wrap his arm so he pulled the tape man closer "get over here" he said as he closed lined him his arm knocking him out. A man with six-arms came behind him and gave him bear hug so he used the back of his head to back head his face making octo-man drop him. So he used the tape to wrap his eyes and slammed his head to the ground. Ojiro came at him with his tail so he jumped over it kicking him the jaw making him go limp.

The masked man laughed at his handy work while ducking a lazer so he ran on all fours got behind in a chokehold knocking him out. Sato came at him throwing a fury of punches he dodged all of them and wrapped around sato's arm while him fury of punches to sato's face putting him down for the count.


He went towards the floaty girl that threw boulders at him so he kicked them breaking right through them. Then kicking her the gut making her lose her lunch making her unable to fight. Tsuyu tried to kick him,but is pulled hugged and told her"you smell like prey" her view of the man changed into snake her primal fears went on high alert making her want to run. He let her go only so she could run "haha I am amazing aren't I?" he gloated "I am the best! Hahaha"

'he has a bigger ego than bakugo!' The class thought.

"Check this" he said as he twisted his body 360 as he laughed "I am the best"

The class that was still up were disgusted while some were impressed by how flexible he is.

He just jumps and yells "are you even trying" which made them mad especially a certain blonde character.

"THA FUCK DIJA SAY YOU WALMART MIGHT BITCH" bakugo said while using his quirk "I AM GOING TO BEAT YOUR ASS LIKE A CHEROKEE DRUM!" He blasted toward him trying to blast him only for the masked individual to catch his right arm and judo flipped him and bakugo got up and started blastin while the masked dodged and parried the blows.

A lot of dust was throw into the air while they fought making everyone cover their eyes except momo that made googles and aimed a canon at the man. She tapped shoto's shoulder "make sure to get him separated from bakugo" she told him. Shoto waited for an opening till he saw bakugo him away so he made a wall of ice between them. Momo shot the canon hitting the man in the ribs making them hear a multiple loud cracks. The man got back up went towards shoto kicked him the head then kicked with his other leg in the chest knocking him into a tree putting him down for the fight.


Then crouched down while dodging earjacks and caught them then pulled "get over here" he said as he headbutted her in the head knocking her out. Momo shot another ball that he caught and threw back destroying the canon. Then grabbed her by the waist and shook her up and down "come on make weapons" he shook harder "come on!!!" He gave up and tossed her on too a purple man knocking them both out.

He huffs in satisfaction then stuck out his arm and felt something squishy "huh wha da tha hell is this" he kept squishing then felt a slap "p-p-pervert!" Tooru yelled. He felt bad for his action "sorry I didn't see you there" he said and walked away from her leaving her alone while she put on her cloths.

Then was punched and kicked by an unstuck rock man and sonic ripoff to the floor. "Stay down villain" iida yelled he heard laughing as the man stood up. "Now we are talking!" He yelled as he jumped up and down. Iida went to kick him again the masked man ducked and punched were the sun doesn't shine "your open" he while laughing. Kirishima went to punch him with his hard fist was headbutted by the man and went down due to it.

Tokoyami and koda tried to restrain him,but koda was knocked out by a kick and dark shadow/tokoyami don't get close because they see his image turn into a snake so he knocked him out too.

Mina,denki and bakugo were left to fight while the rest class are having a hard time getting up. Bakugo rushes him "take this you piece of shit! DDDIIEEE" he use an explosion on the mask man's face and blows it off.

His eye widen to see the man covering his eyes and he had green hair while having freckles shaped like a diamond one person came to him that matched his description.

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