《Knives For Hands || John Connor》ii. Help Her


"so, what do you wanna do?" (y/n) questioned once they stepped inside the mall, smiling at john.

"alright, look," he stopped, causing her stop too. "there's something i need to talk to you abo-" a gunshot rang out, cutting him off. the two ahead in the direction from which it came. "what was that about?"

(y/n)'s face went pale. "john-"

"hm?" his head turned towards her and he studied her strained expression. he gasped softly as he noticed the bright red color bleed into the white fabric of her shirt.

she locked eyes with him and dropped to the floor.

"no, no, no, no," john muttered as dropped alongside her. "this can't be happening." his hands slid to the bottom of the red-stained tank top. he lifted up the hem to reveal a rapidly bleeding gunshot wound.

"oh my god," (y/n)'s voice choked out. she had a violent coughing fit in his arms. he took of his jacket and placed it on the wound, trying to stop the bleeding. the one thing he could thank his real mom for; the one thing he thought he'd never need to know.

"hey, hey," he cooed softly to her, "you're gonna be alright." he turned towards the screaming people that were running towards the exits, "help her! hey! somebody! please! help her!" he cried. no one paid him or the girl bleeding out in his arms any attention. he sighed, his eyes teary and darting every which way. he doesn't know what to do.

john placed his hands under her, careful to avoid causing her any more pain. he lifted her with any strength he could muster and stumbled towards the closest exit.


word count: 289

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