《Gotham, I'm Back》~ 8.~


After everybody finished breakfast, Alfred took us to WE.

--There you are. I was worried we were too early.--

Was the first thing we heard upon arrival. Miss Clark breathed out as a sign of relief.

--Mari-gold, you didn't tell me that you're staying with friends.--

--Sorry, Ms. Clark.--

--It's okay, just tell me next time.--

Of course Alya the tabloid and Liar-la (or actually Maria) had to throw a fit.

--What?! How can you just say that it's okay when Marinette went missing for a night, but when Lila only went to get a drink to a cafe you told her off!--

--Alya Lidia Cesaire, you will not disrespect your teacher and supervisor. The reason I let Mari-gold off without scolding is because she knows the city and people in it, while Lila is fresh to this city and country.--

Alya must have never been called by her full name so she just shut up. We began the tour.

Of course no one except the MPS and Max were listening. Dick was the guide and Julie eventually added something. I felt really tired from the night before and Cocoa must have noticed this. And she motioned for me to come.

--Your tired, just admit it.--

--No, I'm not.-- And my traitorous body just had to yawn.

--Yes, you are. Come with me, you can take a 20 minutes nap. You need it.--

--Fine.-- I agreed and we went a few floors up, to her workplace.

--Here is my office, when you wake up, message me, you have my number signed as Cocoa, don't ask how. Bye.-- And with that, she went back to the class. I didn't realize how tired I was, and immidiately fell asleep.


An hour later the tour's first part ended and we went for lunch. I messaged Mari to let her know and led the idiots along with Mari-gold's friends. Soon Mari came and sat down with her friends and me. After a minute Dick sat with us. Damian also should be joining the tour somewhere around now. We were absorbed in talking and didn't notice Maria and Alya coming up to us until...

--Oops, I'm so sorry Marinette. I didn't mean to spill hot coffee on you.--

And she burst into crocodile tears.

--I would forgive you if it was an accident, but it clearly isn't.--

--Come one Mari, you know she has arthiris. --



--It's Mari-gold to you. Only friends call me Mari.--

--But we are friends.--

She started laughing, venom lacing her voice.

--We? Friends? Get you facts straight. When was the last time you texted me without telling me to kill myself. We weren't friends for the last two years. Now excuse me, I need to change.--

Me, Chloe and Mari went to the bathroom. Chloe pulled out a changed of clothes, and I got out some medicine grandpa gave me for burns. Soon we were all done. Mari changed into:

And we went back to the cafeteria to see Alix, Kagami and Nino arguing with Maria, Alya and Kim. The first thing we heard was:

--That's it! I can't watch you bully my friend from childhood. I'm breaking up with you.--

--What? Why?--

--It's always Lila this, Lila that. I'm tired of this bullshit. You're not the Alya I fell in love with.--

At this I decided to walk in just as Alya was saying.

--Lila can get her Damiboo to sue you all for bullying her along with your friends.--


--Okay, I'm coming in. Mari can I please sue her?--

--Cocoa, we have to wait till the gala, then everybody can sue her.--

--Fine, but don't excpect me to keep quiet. I will get my revenge for killing my parents.--

Just then Mr. Demon came in and said:

--Remind me please, why would I sue my girlfriend and her friends?--

--But Lila is your girlfriend. You grew up together.--

--Lila? My beloved? Is not, never was.--

With that he walked up to us and kissed Mari-gold.

--She is my only girlfriend.--

The idiotic class just stood there not knowing what to do. The tour resumed, after Damian joined. This time without Lie-la's bullshit.

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