《Loving Jaxton ✔️》Chapter 27 - healing


The next day I'm home and in our bed. I refuse for Jax to leave me and talk to my parents about what they said. I have even refused to speak to them about it at all. So Jax is holding me into his arms as I lay back on his chest with my elevated leg.

We haven't really talked about it at all. All I know is that my parents are staying a hotel in town and want to see me but I can't even look at them right now. Suddenly not feeling all that well my guts turn.

"Jax" I whisper feeling him shift. "Yeah?" He asks as I rub my belly. "Get me the trashcan, please." I demand as I instantly gag. He moves quickly and brings the trashcan from the bathroom to me as I lean over the bed and puke. I knew eating pancakes was a bad idea this morning. He holds my hair back as I gag into the trashcan and immediately stomach acid comes out.

When I'm done I pull back and tie the trash up before trying to move out of bed but I can't. Jax helps me out as he carries me bridal style to the bathroom and sits me on the sink. He takes the trash out as I sit down and feel fatigue hit my body. This isn't normal, Jax and I haven't been together long enough to have a baby, but I guess nothing goes as expected. I just know that it's his baby since my period hit right before I had to get pregnant.

I just know it's Jax's baby though and deep down I think he knows it too.

When he comes back into the bathroom he helps me slip off my clothing and wrap my leg before he settles me in a lukewarm tub of water to calm down. We don't talk as he rubs my back as I hold my head between my hands trying to stop the nausea.

"How long has it been this bad?" He asks as he sits down next to me. "Just yesterday. I got sick in the container I was in and puked in the corner. I knew I didn't feel good, and I thought for sure I was stressed out. Not this." I tell him as he nods.

"So Umm, I think we need to talk about yesterday." He tells me as I sigh. "Jax there's nothing left to say. I want you and you don't want me." I tell him as he shakes his head no.

"That's not it and you fucking know it. I just want you to be safe Ry, especially now that you're pregnant." He tells me as I sit still and wipe my face with tears already forming.

"And you don't think I'll be safe here? Behind a security fence and with you. All two hundred plus pounds of you and all six foot six of you? Jax you're a giant who beats the shit out of people and you don't think you'd keep me safe? If you would have been here they would have never taken me. Think about it, I heard movement outside a day or so before I was taken but nothing happened because you were home. The only time they attacked I was alone. That tells you that they were scared of you. Jax you're like my personal bodyguard and you're the only person I feel safe with. I'm not begging you to stay with me though, so if you want to call this quits just do it now. I'm sick of trying to explain how I feel when you think anyone else's opinion of us is more important than how I feel for you. At least I'll know that I loved you with everything in me and that I tried my hardest." I tell him turning my back towards him and covering my naked chest.


It's silent before he wraps his arms around my chest and pulls me towards him. "Rylee look at me." He whispers into my neck as he pulls me around and grabs my jaw in his hand.

"I love you. And I always will love you. But you have no idea what seeing you gone did to me. It makes me feel like you'll be a target for anyone and I hate that. I don't want you hurt." He tells me as I shake my head no.

"Jax you make me feel safe." I tell him as he nods and pulls me to him. He holds my head in his neck as I wipe my tears. "And I really want to see you as a father, you'll be an amazing dad." I whisper softly.

"Ry I just think about what your parents think of us. And when they find out your pregnant that's a whole new thing to hate me for. I just know it's going to be hard this way." He tells me as I nod.

"But I don't care. I want this with you." I tell him as he kisses the side of my head. "Ry I've imagined my life with you and I love the idea of it, I do. And woman, if you think for a second that I don't love you I'll pull you out of this bathtub and show you how much I do." He tells me as I smile.

"But I don't want to see you get hurt because of something I could have prevented. Kind of like this little thing." He tells me rubbing my belly under his hand.

"I can't wait to have kids with you. And I know we'll love it, but that's my fault too. I've fucked up your life." He tells me as I shake my head no.

"I don't see it that way. I'm having a child with the man I love. I go to bed at night with the man I love. I wake up with the man I love and when I go to work I think of the man I love. Jax you have taught me what a healthy relationships and sex life look like and I love my life with you. Maybe I've fucked you up though, because old Jax wouldn't give two shits about anyone, and now you're trying to break my heart while protecting me. But Jax I don't want to fight over this with you. You're not going anywhere." I spit out to him as he rubs my jaw.

"And I don't want to move. This is your house and you love living here. I'm sure you can find a job personal training here or teaching kids, and Jax this place feels like my home too and I don't want to go. I want to raise a family here with you." I tell him.


"Ry are you sure? I don't want you to make a decision because you think it's right. I want you to do what's best for you and the baby." He tells me as I nod.

"That's you. Jax I love you." I tell him as he leans down and kisses my forehead.

"I love you too." He tells me as I nod and hug his chest. It'll take time, but he's not going anywhere. I won't let him.


My parents expect me to see them before they leave and when I show up at the hotel with Jaxton beside me they aren't happy at all. But Jax and I discussed the baby and we aren't telling anyone at all yet. It's still too early for that anyway.

So when we sit down I explain everything to my parents about Jax and I. And I tell them the truth, that I love Jax with everything in me. So when we're done, the situation isn't healed but it's helped. They wish us the best and when it's over we're sitting back in my new car.

Jax refused to let me drive, so I'm in the passengers seat. "Feel better?" He asks holding my hand in his as I nod. I do, I feel so much better.

"Yeah. I just hope they realize that I'm not breaking up with you." I tell him as he rubs my hand.

"Well, we'll have to figure it out. Why don't I call in somewhere and order some dinner. What are you craving?" He asks as I smile.

"Nothing right now, but I could go for chicken strips and French fries." I tell him as he laughs at me. He knows I'm not much to please with food, I just like chicken strips most of the time.

"Alright, we'll go get you something to eat." He tells me as I smile and nod. So he calls in a order at a random restaurant for us before pulling into the Target parking lot and parks my car.

"Let's go in. I'll help you on the crutches. I figure we need baby stuff right?" He asks as I smile. I lean over the console and kiss him as I rub his cheek.

"I love you." I whisper onto his lips as he kisses me back before spanking my butt under his hand making me smile.

"I love you too, now let's go get some stuff to make a nursery." He tells me as I nod. He gets out of my car and grabs my crutches before opening my door and helping me out on them. I struggle to the front door and after tiring myself out Jax grabs a buggy for the little old ladies who can't walk and sits me on it. I flick him off when he starts the button and pushes me through the store.

We make our way to the baby clothes and I grab plain onesies when he stops me. "Ry those aren't going to be big enough." He tells me as he takes them from me and grabs the nine month baby clothes.

"And why do you think that I'm having a big baby?" I ask sitting down as he looks at the gray onesies. He picks up the little baby girl shoes as he laughs at them and puts them back on the shelf. "I think it's going to be a boy." He tells me as I roll my eyes and look at the small little skirts and pink socks. I've always wanted a little girl, and I think having one would be amazing. Especially a little girl with Jaxton's eyes.

"I think a little girl would be so cute Jax. A daddy's girl." I whisper as he sighs. "I can't have a daughter. I'll have no idea what to do." He tells me as I laugh.

"Alright, diapers, and onesies. We'll get a changing table later. I think we should wait to do most of the shopping until we know the gender." I tell him as he nods.

So we spend twenty minutes picking out little gender neutral onesies and socks. When we are done Jax carries me to the car and all of our items. He pulls out of the parking lot and in ten minutes he's back with our food from the restaurant.

"I love you so much!" I tell him bitting down into my first French fry as he laughs and kisses my forehead making me smile as we make our way back home.

And it's perfect with my baby daddy right beside me.

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