《Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3 (Recontinued) ^_^》Cha 19. Fighting Through Secrets


During the morning Rascal then decided to battle with Chloe in a practice tradition over with the worry of the book but however things are ok for now. In the library of legends he knows on where to start he went to pull in his sword and over getting ready to pose for the battle at her.

Rascal: Ok Breeze are you ready to practice you're Moves an rounds like before. :3

Chloe: Well....Hmnn Okay as you wish joker as like before.


She then transform into her warrior a form as (breeze) for at least 20 minutes an prepare her sword through the battle of him being excited. EeeHa she said with a sleigh at his sword. He then missed her sword then ran over to her in the back making her thinking that he's behind her witch he is. She then jumped out of him being behind her then did a cart-wheel while still holding her ice sword in sham. Are you ok breeze ? He said. She then gets up on her feet for 2 minutes before getting ready to fight again with Rascal. Why are you always winning over a practice an calling me breeze?!! She ask at him with a mad look.

He quickly went over to her then said. Because darling since that you changed into you're Warrior form I be gladly calling you breeze whenever I would like to. Over with all Chloe then gets a little upset while fighting Through her ways of her an rascal's destiny on yesterday morning. But? When you become you're true self I'll certainly call you buy your normal name he said while telling her in the library of legends. Since it's just a battle practice after all.!

They then stop for a few minutes while Chloe looking at the time while still in her warrior form.

It was 3:00 an they would still have enough time for two more rounds in stuff. They both began to battle each other for Chloe to wake up in the morning however there wasn't enough so they had to start all over with the balance when practicing and not cheating.


Rascal then takes one swing over in Chloe's sword like before then breaks her ice sword melting into the ground. Rascal then decided to give her one of his since she's trying her best in a very good battle with him. Hear use mine an no powers alright,as he gave it to her without laughing or giggling or smiling but calmly. Chloe then said thx while seeing the joker very nice an clam this morning.

Ok Breeze break over now time for the royal round two. Noticed Chloe all stress she took a deep breath then xheald her bow then released not only one but ten times through the red point. It maybe looks like the time we're the glitter force we're fighting and winning over with the old bad guys over inside of broohas magic box's games an rounds or something like that but however this is different because Rascal wasn't in the game of we're they felt good about there selfs while doing homework an everything but that didn't change Chloe however she's pretty good around it even know Rascal did say some fair or unfair talking in his dream ball with the girls while being Brian-washed of over telling the truth with them but however Chloe changed him to be an nice a calm person towards her when protecting her and also teaching her how to sincerely become a real warrior she's not a real warrior yet,The story in there endings was just the beginning,the beginning where there is to know!

good ending or bad ending but with new chapters an new bad Recruits in the city. In the story where the book founded buy true hero's saving the earth over for such a long time ago an second they found bad guys fighting the earth an everyone with it when stealing negative Energy slipping away through the book, when they Parish them for like a year ago an ice Princess Chloe redid a chapter in her book to re-wish him back an made him a kind a nice person an to also giving him a second chance to be a kind human being an not a monster towards her world. Over with all they will see in witch of the story will take place through them. good,bad or not still going to be the beginning the beginning of Nogo being Alive out there giving Rascal bad headaches an saying that you are a stupid evil traitor why would you do this you're supposed to kill them not be kind an nice to them especially Breeze I wish I never made you in second in command. Over in being scared in his nightmares he's glad that he's free an not being evil ever again an also not serving him that's for sure.


After the bow practice they went to round 3 the Final round for today Rascal then said that he wants her to meditate her body an saying that you got this in your blood don't let anybody or anyone harm you while fighting. She then listen and then meditate for him so they can never let her friends see the chapter in where Rascal and Chloe where in but I'm sure that it will end an also being hidden for all eternity.

After she meditate he then covered her eyes with a blindfolded so she can't see but only hear towards fighting on where it's coming from. She uses her ice powers to freeze stuff real quick while Rascal getting ready for her to strike on the grass into an ice floor, he then puts some stuff on the tree lowering the wooden birds down over putting sounds on them making it Tricky for her to see or constantly hear.

Wait what is this she said while the hole mushroom house turning dark while having the blindfolded on.

It's a game,since because it's getting harder for you I wanted to make it tricky for you to hear an also listen he said Have fun my dear.

Alright I'll try my hardest she said while Rascal said ok then shut everything off then made Chloe listen to where the sounds were coming form. She then heard one go off then she slice it with Rascal's sword that he gave to her. It got pretty ok for her to listen to the sounds but at least she's learning and has a great teacher like him to understand.

After one an two shots made her feel like a legend witch and made rascal impress an told her congress her battles with it.

The lights were on an the ice was melting while letting Breeze taking off her blindfold

Yay you made it you passed congratulations now you can go to school. He said as he flew right back down after the rounds.

Thanks for fighting an also cheering me up Rascal I. Very appreciate it. She said

My pleasure he said when getting her stuff when re-transforming back to her normal self an along with her new glitter pack.

After the battle he then went inside to take another look at her or there mushroom house for a little while. After that at 6:01 Chloe had to go quickly Rascal then went to hurry and pink her stuff as she took off say bye an saying that she be back but 2:00

❄️: Bye-Bye Rascal! *Teleports back to home*

🃏: Say ya later

(End chapter) Sweet an what a practice between them hehe hope you guys like it so far!!! :D

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