《Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3 (Recontinued) ^_^》Cha 1. Emperor nogo's defeat!!


After a little crying and feeling emotional they all felt there selfs happiness and giving the story a happy ending. They all summoned their powers to candy's power Unicorns&Phoenix!


When emerging through earth they attacked nogo

Buy a Whirlpool power.

When defeating everything was normal except The whole situation of an accident Buy the whole town The girls felt happy that he was defeated.

Sadly Candy had to leave because she was queen after all and same to pop it's pretty sad to leave your friends behind while your a queen.

(Next day)

Emily walked around an felt a happy routine while skipping When all of a sudden candy went back and *POW*

She was so happy that she came back now she can be pixie or human form. To go out with her!!

Emily felt amazing when she was with her friends and with candy.

Her friends we're walking around the school everyone was having a good time except for Chloe she wanted to know something happened through her story's of her depressing moments.

(Chole POV)

I was walking with my friends and felt my moments with them for a few minutes or hours and walk alone by myself If were I wanted to be I was bored but at least I was happy inside that we killed Nogo.

It's been like three years in return but despise through me and my friends we had no bad guys summoning buffoons well I already know that they were defeated I was just curious.

Sometimes I wonder if that jokers still alive out there and maybe wanting to kill me in a fight. through London? whatever I was just playing through stuff I wasn't just going to leave my friends behind while traveling True moments and I would never keep secrets from them never ever.


But what was that feeling that I went through. I new it wasn't negative energy It can't be I never noticed that the joker noticed in picked me for a reason but to me I-I'm obviously afraid of him Because it's scary to Understand Sooooo I don't know what to say

Sometimes I think of him Through my head While stuck in a cage with him personality is it because I like him?

No no no no no no no i can't me loving an enemy no Why me!!!!!???

My mind is always thinking too much about bad stories of him in since he's second in command

Through my life the other monsters serving him are gone there pixies now that's all it matters.

*she sighs*

(This was just a head start though nogos Defeat I really hope you enjoy The presentation of reading I guess enjoy!!!! :3)

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