《Vegaspete peace & Love》Love taste good


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We leave the hotel room as we saw a Ferrari red car waiting for us outside

hello sir. I'm here to take care of Theerapanyakul family . I'm in charge of bringing you to PABLO 's VILLA

: wow! Let's go!

: This way Sir! he said as he opened the door for us.

: Pete i thought you were going to bring Venice and NOP with us.

it's 2pm , you know there will be cameras and reporters, Venice and NOP are coming to the after party, you didn't read the program? The after party starts at 7pm

: really! actually i didn't ready anything

uhm! wait Vegas is calling. hello!

put on the camera i want to see you

: Why are you still in bed, wait this is not our bed where are you? what time is there?

: it's 12 noon. i slept in main family house, we got drunk yesterday, ah! My head!

Wooooow!! You are handsome baby! Omg, stand up let me see you

: Vegas I'm in the car how do you want me to stand up !

: okay okay! Wow! i want to kiss you so bad

Vegas Calm down! said Porche as his phone rang Mr Kinn is calling.

ah! My head! This bastard Thakun started screaming since this morning. Said Vegas as we hear Thakun knocking on the door

: everyone wake up! Eh. Vegas open the door, the ceremony has already started wake up 🗣️ let's watch...he didn't even finish as Vegas open the door

shut Fuck up.

: how dare you talking to me like that...oh Pete! My Pete! he said as he snatch Vegas 's phone

Mr Thakun stop screaming!

oh my Pete look at you so handsome did you wear that sexy underwear i gave you?

what ? Omg give my phone back bastard, Pete what is he talking about?

: we are here Sir!

I'm gonna hang up , let's talk later bye i love you.

i love you too my Pete

he's saying " i love you" to me not you

dream on, let's go watch them on


-this is the sexy underwear Thakun gave Pete but he didn't wore it


We were in the living room all of us watching the show, Massimo went back at his hôtel and Time Tay we didn't saw them but I'm sure Tay got punish yesterday

: it's start, it's start, it's start !

then shut Fuck up!

We are right now on the I'm Rose but people call me Rosalinda! and here my friend SAM

hi! Rosalinda! You look absolutely stunning! i love your dress!

thank you Sam! everyone is beautiful today! Oh my gosh I'm so excited!

same! There's are so many famous family coming from everywhere!!

that's true! and I can't wait to meet them! and we have prepared a surprise game for them

ahah! Yes! Let's call it a spicy game.

oh my God! here comes the 2 sons of Pablo Escobar

oh i thought they were in NY but here they are!

we are on the red carpet joined by Alejandro and Fernandez guys!! Looking so handsome! How are you!?

thank you! We are doing very well!


it's good to see you guys! how are you enjoying the ceremony

we just recently arrived and what i can say is "our dad kill it!"

ahahah! Right ! So we prepare a game here for couples and for singles

yeah! I'm totally single and I hope i can meet someone here!

ahahah!! Ok ok! Please pick a paper.

-he picked a paper

what does it say? let's me read it for you. it says" *

oh no! Ahahaha! he said as they laughed.

give me your phone! She said as she started reading the message


omg! You bad boy!

Nooooooo!!Ahahah! - he was embarrassed, he covered his face with his hands

oh! My goodness! Ok ok , Fernandez what did you pick?

i picked the same

really? Give me your phone

: actually there's nothing there I'm not like my brother.

ok let see!. message from *

: oooh! So sweet!

so sweet!! I won't waste your time guys thank you so much!

thank you too!! He said as they went inside.


oh! My goodness!! I can't believe what I'm seeing right now !! The family is here! not one! But they sent us Two son-in-law of the Theerapanyakul family!

omg! welcome guys!

omg! I can't breath! guys I'm a big fan of your family . You are so handsome!

ah! really!? Thank you!

thank you! You are so stunning! i like your make up!

stop Pete i want to scream right now this crop top ! Omg did Vegas watching us right now?

i don't think so. when he called me he was still sleeping

really?? So can I hug you? You know I'm afraid of your boyfriends guys

calm down Rose! He said as they all laugh

of course!

-" she gave Pete and porche a hug "

you guys smell really good!!

can I have a picture with you guys?

ahahaha look who was talking about to Calm down! Guys let's talk about your outfit! Porche you are so handsome in this pink! and Pete! Did Vegas saw this outfit

let them breath ROSE! anyway we won't take too much of your time, so we have a game here. So i have some questions for couples even if your partner is not here

ah! Okay! "With a smile"

okay okay!

So we gonna start with Pete please tell us "

ahahaha! Oh! uhm.!"

oh! Wow!

ahahaha! Really!?wow!

okay! Okay ! Next question

"who said " first?

: " he said first "

oh! So you kissed him first and he said i love you!! Wow! . Let's go with Porche "*

uhm! "


ahahaha!! "

waaaaaah ahahaha!! really!?

: omg! You guys are so cute! let's go on Rose Side she has some questions too.

oh yeah! Pick up a paper each here please!

: ok! Here! said Porche as he picked a paper

what does it say? Let's me read it



okay! give me your phone. message from Kinn:


-Rose read the message as she scream

oh my gosh!!!

ahahaha !!

ok ok I think i lost my voice ahahaha! Pete give me your paper . She said as she read *


we saw some pictures on tweet Vegas was carrying you at the airport is true?


ahahah!!" .

aaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!! Why? Why? So it's true that he was carrying you because you couldn't walk because that night...

omg! Rosalinda Calm down please!!!!


"sigh"omg! i have so much to asked but we don't have enough time so let's me ask the last question,


oh! really! Wow! thank you so much and enjoy your party

thank you! Bye!



We came back from the party early because Venice started crying whenever he see someone come to talk to me . So we came back at the hotel. " this kid is really a mini Vegas"

Pete Venice is already asleep,I'm going to sleep in my room I'm so tired.

okay , where is Porche?

he is on the phone with Mr Kinn.

he said as he closed the door

those two, i can't understand their love language.

-i went in Porche's room he was still on the phone smiling like crazy, so I lated on his bed

what are you doing here.

you were sulking now you're smiling like an idiot. and you didn't tell me Why Doctor Top was giving you medecine before we came here

aah! don't remind me that night! Said Porche while he covered his face with his hands

ahahaha! What did you do?

eh! Pete have you ever top Vegas?

ahaha!we are talking about you here why are you trying to avoid.

I'm not! You know that night i ...

what!? Tell me! Now I'm fucking curious!

that night i asked Kinn if i can top him but he said " No"

hahahahahahaha!!! That's why you was sulking?

he said no , then use all the things

i had bought to top him , he fucked me with them the whole night, he thrust hard the toy and his cock inside me at the same time, so i bled that why we called doctor Top

ahahaha!! Sorry but ahahaha!!

-i laugh so hard "

stop laughing,! See why i didn't want to tell you!

aah! You guys are so funny.

so tell me, have you ever top Vegas

what do you mean if i have ever top Vegas? Who told you I'm a bottom !? I'm a top

it's written on your forehead "

ahahaha!!!! No i never top Vegas and i never thought about that, it's just that Vegas Fuck me so good that I'm not really interested to be on top of him

do you think he can say yes if you ask him?

uhm!! I don't know! maybe.

-i said as my phone rang "Vegas is calling"

ah! Go back to your room i don't want to hear your stupid chat.

ok bye! goodnight! i said as closed the door

- i entered in my room Venice was sleeping like a angel after all the drama he has done today . i lated beside him


hello. Why did you take this much time to respond? Where are you? What are you doing?

low your voice you gonna wake Venice up

turned on your camera i want to see you.

- i turned on my camera as i saw Vegas just coming out of shower with his long hear dropping on his face. "

you already back home. i said as i saw him sat on our bed

i miss you! Said Vegas as he licked his bootom lip while Looking at me

i miss you too! i said with a seductive voici

i want to fuck you so bad right now, what are you wearing?


take it off. "he command"

no! Venice is sleeping here.

"sigh"ah! That little demon then go to the bathroom i want to see you naked

no! Vegas i want to sleep!

pete. do you know how hard you made me today with that crop top you was wearing? I was hard the whole day, baby please i can't take it anymore please

hihi! did you see us?!

please go to the bathroom

- i went to the bathroom as he asked

I'm here, what do you want

put your phone somewhere and take off your pajamas i want to see

Vegas you pervert.

please baby

- i took off my outfit as i look at Vegas Who was grabbing his dick in his hand desperate he was so hard . I want to sucked it

you are so hard baby! "i moan"

i told you! I'm in pain right now please touch your self for me ,

-i started to touch my nipples harder between my fingers as Vegas's eyes was focused on me

uhg! ah! uhm! *"moaning*"

oh! Fuck ! come close baby, please fingering your self for me . I want to see your sweet hole

-I did as he command i lated down with my phone to give him a better view i was out of control as i rammed my fingers inside me my legs start trembling as Vegas speed up his movement on his cock

ugh! fuck ! ah! ah!

yes baby! fuck! add another finger for me baby , yes like that! Oh Fuck! I'm so close Fuck..i'm cumming.Fuck Fuck Fuck!!!

- Vegas came i was too embarrassed to look at him I'm on the floor! What the Fuck are we doing!

I'm gonna hang up. I want to take a shower. I said as i avoid his eyes.

baby! eh eh look at me, look at me Pete look at me.


i love you. don't be shy it's not like i never seen you naked. but the way you fingering your self it's so hot..

"sigh" Vegas stop.

no listen i didn't imagine it would drive me crazy like that, i want to see it again when you are back you are so sexy

I'm gonna hang up. "i said as i hang up" and took a shower.



We were in the meeting room with uncle Korn , Kinn and MASSIMO as he signed the contract

well done, it's a pleasure to work with your company Massimo you can come in Thailand whenever you want

: oh it's a pleasure for me sir ! My Dad want to work with you as well

okay. so Porche and Pete are coming tomorrow you guys should...he didn't even finish his words

: aah!! Really!! i really really want to meet them!!!! - he said with an excited voice and smiled.


"sigh" Paaaa!

what!? did i say something wrong?

no dad☺️. anyway guys let's go to the car store i want to choose a car to welcome your boyfriends! Let's goooo.

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