《VegasPete (Fanfic)》E X T R A
(Although this is already a completed story, I felt like I should include the way Vegas plan and how he prepared to propose.)
One month before the proposal...
After arranging all of the important matters, Vegas didn't went home straight. He stopped by the Main Family's Mansion and headed to Kinn's office.
Vegas didn't even bother to knock and just opened the door.
He pause when he saw Kinn and Porsche doing something... Yeah, something.
"Damn! Don't you know how to knock?!" He heard Porsche voice.
"Just continue. I'll wait." Vegas said and was about to go downstairs but the door already opened.
"Why are you in a hurry?" Kinn asked him.
Vegas covered his nervousness and shame with his cold expression. "I'm just going to ask for help."
Kinn and Porsche was sitting side by side while Vegas was in front of them.
"What help? For the business?" Kinn asked.
"Huh? Then what?"
Vegas held his breath and gather all of his courage. "I will propose to Pete so I'm going to ask for your help."
"You...what?!" Porsche shouted.
"Stop shouting!" Vegas exclaimed.
"But you're shouting too!" Kinn shouted.
In the end, the three of them shouted on each other.
"You really have a plan to tie my friend to you forever huh?" Porsche said.
"Don't you ever tell this to Pete. This is a secret." Vegas warned.
Vegas is confident in trusting Kinn as he sees him as the only normal being in the family aside from Porché but that kid is always with Kim. While on Porsche, he's not really confident about especially he likes to talk a lot and would say unnecessary things if irritated.
Porsche just smiled. "Of course. I thought you don't have any plans after living together and letting him have a baby instantly."
"Then what help do you want? For the dowry?"
"Not that. I can afford it." Vegas said.
Of course, a man like him reeks the scents of money. Vegas could be like a walking bank account or an ATM machine aside from being a walking red flag... before.
"Do you need to buy things?" Porsche asked.
"Huh? Then what help do you need?" Kinn asked.
"I just... I don't know..."
"You don't know what?"
"To... Uhmm to..."
"Fuck it. When did you learn not to finish your sentence?" Kinn asked him.
Vegas sigh heavily. "I don't know how to propose." He admitted.
A person like him who's not good at romantic things find it challenging to propose. He doesn't have any idea on how to prepare romantic dates because Pete will usually request for noodles for them to eat together.
Kinn and Porsche let out an understanding look.
"That's indeed a problem." Porsche commented.
"What should I do? Should I rent out an expensive hotel? Or resort? Or the whole city?" Vegas asked.
Kinn giggle. "Knowing Pete. He isn't that type of person who enjoys luxury. If you do that then he will probably say that it's a waste of money."
That's right. Sometimes, Pete will scold him if he buy branded clothes. His reason was, if it's not a necessity then there is no need to buy it.
"You should talk to Pete's grandparents first then if they agreed then that's time you should prepare." Porsche said.
"That's right. That's right. I'll call them now."
Vegas opened his phone and dialed the number of Pete's grandma.
"Put it in a loud speaker."
After several rings, someone finally answered.
"Khun Vegas." It was Grandma Jui. "Why did you call? Is there something wrong?"
Vegas looked at the two devil waiting for him to answer. "Grandma is Grandpa with you?"
"Yes, he is. Why? Did something wrong happened between you and Pete?"
"No grandma. I know I cannot go there due to some circumstances but I just have to ask you something even though it's informal."
If he can just do a video call but the elderly doesn't have any interest in it, except if there is younger ones in the Island who will help them for video calls.
"What is it?"
"I would like to ask for your... uhmm," Vegas stuttered. "To..."
"Just ask him." Kinn whispered.
"I want to marry your grandson. I will propose to him." He bravely asked.
On the other line, he heard Grandma and Grandpa laughing in happiness. Vegas felt a sudden relief.
"Then who are we to oppose that?" It was Grandpa who answered. "Just tell us when and we will be there. After all, you gave us gifts worth a dowry."
"Thank you. I will be sending someone to be with you so that you can come here. Please don't tell Pete. It will be a surprise."
Vegas stick on the couch and smiled alone as if he's getting crazy.
"Damn it. Why are you smiling alone?" Porsche asked terrified.
"If you want to propose, I think you should prepare a venue." Kinn said.
There are lots of beautiful venue here in Thailand. It doesn't matter on where and how much it is.
"Who will propose? What venue it is?!" Suddenly, the door open widely and Khun's image appear.
Vegas felt his blood boils. What is he even doing here?
Khun was followed by Pol and Arm behind.
"None of your business." Vegas replied shortly.
"How long have you been eavesdropping?" Kinn asked his older brother.
"I thought there is a gossip worthy to know about but don't change the topic. Who will be proposing?"
"Vegas will propose to Pete, happy now?" Porsche just revealed his plan.
"I told you to keep it as a secret, right?" Vegas asked.
"Secret from Pete not from Khun."
Vegas held his neck. This is stressing.
"Congratulations, Khun Vegas." Pol and Arm said.
Khun on the other hand sat on the floor and started rolling, he then stand up and went on every corners of Kinn's office and hug every wall he sees.
"Why? Why are you proposing to him?!"
"To marry him of course!" Vegas answered in irritation.
"I definitely prohibit it to happen." Khun said and raised his hand.
"Are you his ex-husband huh?" Vegas mocked him. "You can't do anything."
"I must call Pete. I must tell him to leave before everything messed up. Right." Khun said and reach his phone from his pocket.
"Khun!" They all shouted his name.
Inside the office of a mafia, six grown men were chasing each other aimlessly. Khun was still trying to contact Pete but Vegas , Porsche and Kinn tried to chase after him. On the other hand, Pol and Arm was also protecting Khun from the three.
"If you told Pete about the plan, I'll set up Dr. Top for a date." Vegas used his greatest weapon.
Khun glared at him and immediately place his phone back on his wallet.
"Khun. I don't think you can still do anything. Pete already chose Vegas over you."
"That's right." Vegas seconded Kinn.
"But Pete will rarely hang out with us! Then, we are friends but this bastard stole him away from us."
"That's how things are supposed to be." Porsche said. "You can't have Pete all the time and it's the same as Pol and Arm. They still have life."
Maybe realization hits Khun and he just pouted.
"If I don't really have a choice then let me help."
"I'll decide for the venue." Khun volunteered.
It seems like Vegas doesn't have any choice though. He rather let Khun help than let him ruin everything.
"Look after him and make sure that he will not reveal it." He told Arm and Pol.
3 weeks before the proposal
"Here. Here are the things you need to do." Porsche said and showed him a written list of the things he needs.
For a ring, Vegas has already found one design. It is a pure gold ring that is worth a million baht but he still don't know the size of Pete's fingers. It probably slimmer than him.
"I still haven't bought a ring." Vegas said.
"Then damn! Find a way so that you can measure Pete's ring finger then come back here so we can manage other things." Kinn said.
Vegas intentionally went home late just to make sure that Pete and Venice are already sleeping.
He tried his best not to make any noise. When he entered the room, the lights are already off aside from the light from the lampshade near at Venice crib as the source of light.
Vegas heart started to beat faster and faster as he gently places his suit case on the table.
He slowly went near Pete's side and sat on the cold floor. From his pocket, he let out a string that he bought.
Thank goodness that Pete influenced him in a habit of watching stuffs at YouTube that he finally found a tutorial on how to measures someone's ring finger with the help a string.
Even though the room is cold, Vegas was starting to sweat badly. With his trembling hands, he tried to slowly reach for Pete's left hand and held it.
Vegas inhaled and exhaled, trying to calm himself and bent down so he can easily see.
With the nervousness in him, he can barely distinguish the middle finger and ring finger. It took him a few seconds to know where it is.
He was about to wrap the string on Pete's ring finger when Pete moved a little.
Goddamit! Vegas exclaimed and his heart was about to explode in too much nervousness.
He better needs to stop drinking five cups of coffee a day.
He tried once again.
Vegas was startled and close his mouth tightly, afraid to make noise that he needs to swallow the accumulated oxygen in his mouth.
When Pete stopped moving, he measured it again and this time, he succeeded.
"Fuck yes!" He shouted and accidentally kicked the edge of the bed.
With a sudden realization, he saw Pete slowly opening his eyes. Vegas immediately removed the string on Pete's finger and within a snap, he put it inside his coat.
"Hm?" Vegas planted a soft kiss on Pete's forehead. "Sleep now."
He then, makes sure that Pete will never caught him.
Buying the ring will be easy. He just need to go, give the size and pay for it.
Ring? Check!
2 weeks before the proposal...
"Pete. I just want to say... Say what?" Vegas looked at Kinn.
"Just tell him what you want to say." Kinn said.
They are in Kinn's office, and in front of the full length mirror, Vegas was practicing his speech.
It was Kinn's idea for him to give a message. The reason? You just can't kneel and ask for him to marry you. Make it more romantic.
"Can't I just kneel and show him the ring?" Vegas asked once again.
Kinn scratch the back of his neck. "Are you stupid? After all the suffering you caused him then you will just kneel without an effort."
"That's right." Vegas immediately agreed.
But how? He never tried to give a long speech for someone.
Vegas clears his throat. "Pete..." He said once again. "I am sorry for the things I did before like..."
"Kidnapping and hurt--"
"Stop stop stop. Grandma and Grandpa will be there, if they found out about that then I will die." Vegas said.
"But that's true."
"I know! It's just... let's tone it down a little bit." He said in a low voice.
Kinn can only exhale. "Just tell him how you feel for the first time you met him."
"But it's not a good memory."
"Damn you. Just say what you felt when you saw him and then what you eventually felt towards him."
"Like this Vegas. What do you want to do everytime you see him?" Kinn asked.
"Kiss him?"
Kinn eyes widened in anger and sat on the couch. "I think my blood pressure is getting high."
"The two of you is still not done practicing?" Porsche arrived and sat beside Kinn.
"This Vegas doesn't know what to say."
Vegas rolled his eyes. "I'm not good at words."
"Vegas. Write what you want to say to Pete first and practice that after." Porsche suggested.
It wasn't because he does not love Pete that he cannot say what he truly feels.
For Vegas, loving him was beyond words. There is no enough word to describe how he felt whenever he's with Pete.
It's love, comfort and home; more likely a mixture of unexplainable emotions.
Expressing feelings is indeed difficult for him. His love language isn't words of affirmation so delivering a speech is difficult.
Vegas tried to write what he wants to say. Even at his office, he would be seriously thinking of the script.
While he was writing down, someone knocked.
"Who is it?" He asked.
"It's Kim."
Kim entered the office, wearing casual clothes.
"What do you need?" Vegas asked and went back in writing.
"Do you need a singer?" Kim asked and comfortably sat on the chair in front of Vegas.
Vegas raise his eyebrow. "What did you say?"
"Khun told me you're proposing to Pete."
"That bastard."
Kim looked at him "Hey. You should at least inform us, okay? By the way, I would like to volunteer with Porché."
"Porché and I will sing."
"Are you even serious?" Vegas asked.
"Since it looks like you can't handle on your own then we will participate. That's the final decision." Kim said and walked away.
What the hell? Why is everybody already deciding for him?
One week before ...
"Why are we all here?" Porsche asked as Vegas gathered everyone.
There is Kinn, Kim, Porché, Khun, Arm, Pol and Macau. Vegas was sitting comfortably at the couch.
Macau already knew the plan after he told Kinn and Porche.
"Where's Pete?" Khun asked.
"I gather you all here for a quick summary of the plan. I will be proposing on December 30th, my plan would be to ask him almost a midnight before my birthday." Vegas said seriously.
He looked at Khun. "You're in charge of the venue right?"
Khun sigh. "Yeah and it's on one of my resorts. The place where you will held your proposal was already set."
"Why can't you just message us?" Kim asked. "Why gather all of us?"
Vegas looked at Kim. "Pete has a complete access to my phone."
Kim can only grin. "Very understanding. UNDERstanding." He teased.
"By the way, Kim and Porché, you'll sing right?"
"Yes, Phi. We already found a song."
"What is it?"
"Baby Shark." Kim answered. "Just kidding. Maybe the song Born for You will be a good one."
Vegas nodded. That is kinda accurate.
"Macau, you should guide Pete to the event. Porsche help them prepare for the design." He ordered.
"How about me?" Kinn asked and pointed himself.
"You better help me with my speech." Vegas said.
The plan, everybody will arrive at the resort one day earlier to prepare while Vegas, Pete, Venice and Macau will arrive on the following day.
"Khun Vegas."
While Vegas was fixing his things, Arm and Pol appears.
"How about the bouquet you want to give him?" Pol asked.
"Yes, Khun. You can't buy it once Pete is with you. We will buy it for you. Do you want roses?" Arm asked him.
"No." Vegas answered. "Kindly prepare a bouquet of sunflowers."
Rather than giving roses as a sign of love and romance, Vegas prefers sunflowers. It is not a representation of love but the flower that represents Pete.
Three days before the proposal...
As the day went nearer and nearer, the more Vegas felt so anxious. He and Kinn had practiced his speech for almost five hours a day.
Khun, Arm and Pol was the one who assisted Pete's grandparents and let them stay at the resort as a secret. They wanna make sure that Pete won't take any single hint.
Sometimes, he will lie about his schedule to Pete so that he can only go to Kinn to practice.
Vegas walked back and forth in their room. He will sometimes poke his head everytime he forgets the script.
"Damn!" Vegas cursed in shock when Pete appeared beside him.
"Why are you behaving so weirdly?" Pete asked him.
Vegas wanted to tell him but he also doesn't want to ruin the plan.
Pete caress his face softly. Vegas pulled him for a tight hug. As he inhaled Pete's familiar scent, his heart instantly beats calmly.
"Is there something wrong?"
Vegas shakes his head. "Nothing."
"Then why do you look like you're so nervous?"
"Don't leave me." Vegas whispered.
There is still a part of him that's anxious. He's terrified with the idea that Pete might reject the proposal.
"I won't. I won't."
The day...
While they are still in the car, Vegas was driving; he will steal glances on Pete that's now busy watching a YouTube video with Venice.
This is it, isn't? There is no turning back.
Macau will also look at him and will give him an encouraging look.
Vegas was filled with nervousness and excitement.
After arriving, Vegas went to Kinn. He assigned the rest to make sure that Pete will not go after him and so that he can stay in the room before the event.
Vegas went to a vacant room in the resort. He was still walking back and forth, shaking his hands and bit his lower lip.
"Stop panicking." Kinn said.
"I think I forgot the line we practiced." Vegas told him.
"You... what?"
"I can still remember some parts... but I forgot almost everything!" Vegas admitted.
With too much things to process on his brain, he can no longer remember what to say next.
"Bastard. Try to remember it! We've been practicing it for a week."
"I know. I know. I felt like-- my stomach is turning upside down."
Kinn laughed at him. "You're really nervous."
Vegas can only look at the red box he is holding. He couldn't wait to see Pete wearing it.
In the end, the plan went well. Everybody was cheering in too much happiness. No one tried to oppose the proposal except from Khun who will sometimes disagree.
After the event, Pete and Venice were already sleeping on their room while Vegas was still wide awake.
He raise his left hand a little and looked at the silver ring Pete bought for him. Vegas lips lifted to form a smile.
He then turns and gave the sleeping Pete a back hug. Vegas carefully landed tiny kisses of Pete's neck and cheeks.
"I love you."
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