《VegasPete (Fanfic)》Chapter Three


The person behind this probably knew how everything worked and every members of the family move.

Kim has found surveillance videos the time Pete went out with Venice yet there are no clues on which car they were.

It seems to be that it was well planned and knows the route. Some videos are blurry so it will be difficult to distinguish which is which.

Pete's phone was also difficult to track as if it was completely destroyed.

"Phi' Vegas. I think you should sleep first." Vegas looked at Porché who sat beside him outside the Main Family's mansion.

"I will be waiting for updates." He said coldly.

Vegas didn't even notice how Ché gulped his own saliva since he is afraid with this side of Vegas.

Macau was already in their house and gives them update from time to time. There are neither witnesses if they saw Pete and Venice being taken by strangers nor information about who sent the pictures to the Main Family.

How did that person knew that I'm here? Vegas asked in confusion.

Instead of sending it to their home, why did they sent it to Main Family's house as if the primary suspect already knew that he was there?

It was still confusing Vegas.

As time passes by, the more Vegas felt uncomfortable. Maybe because he wasn't used to stay at other people's house.

"I'm going home." He spoke to Kinn.

Kinn looked at him with a worried face. "You're not going to be rampant, do you?"

Vegas only shook his head. No matter how many times he wanted to shout, destroy everything and scream his lungs out; he is also sleepless and tired.

"I'll tell Arm to drive you home."

"No. I'll go home alone."

On his way, the only thing he did was to pray that the moment he opens the gate, Pete will welcome him with a wide smile.

He just wanted to feel like home once again.

But then, he was disappointed when the bodyguards welcomed him with the news that no matter how many times they check everything, there is still no traces of Pete.

Vegas wanted to shout at them but this sly as a fox Vegas has turn into powerless master.


He held the door knob and his heart felt empty. It was the same when Pete escaped and he had to go home, only to found the room empty.

Upon opening the room, it was just as lonely as the day he left him.

There are neither warm welcome nor the sulking face that will turn into a smile once he shows him that he brought Pete's favorite curry.

Vegas took a deep breath and sat on the cold floor. He couldn't cry but he felt so empty.

"The curry is extra delicious today! Do you want to eat? Come on. It is not that spicy."

"Venice, say hi to Pa Vegas. Hi!!!"

"Let's watch a cartoon! Bastard, stop singing and you will just change the lyrics!"

"Vegas! Let's take a photo with Venice."

"Stop hugging me and go to work. Stop kissing me, Venice my son close your eyes."

He can even hear Pete's voice and what he usually says inside the room.

The books Pete usually reads if bored are still stack up at the side table. Venice towels and a can of milk was still there. Pete's clothes was still inside the closet and even the way the pillows and bolsters are arranged by Pete was unmoved.

Behind the cold, reserved look of Vegas, he can no longer pretend that he remained collected.

He sobbed and covered his face. Vegas wipe away his tears time to time.

"Pete..." He called his name hoping that Pete will appear and asked him what's wrong.

He miss Pete's warm hugs and comforting words. He miss the way he and Venice will compete to get Pete's attention.

"You're coming back, aren't you?"

The Vegas who never prayed started praying, begging to have his Pete and Venice back.

"Please... I don't want to lose them. Please." He spoke in between of sobs.

Vegas cried and cried until he felt suffocated. He felt weak. His knees are soft, he felt like his heart was being torn apart and the tears continuously flows.

The room that was filled with love turns into a place filled with longing and despair.

Vegas fell asleep crying and the moment he woke up, it was also the time where he received a message from Kinn that him and Porsche will be heading to his house.


Vegas eyes are swollen, and the dark circles are very visible. After taking a quick shower, he went downstairs.

He found Kinn, Porsche, Time and Tae sitting while talking to Macau.

"What happened?" Vegas didn't even greet them and asked a question immediately.

"Me and Time find ways to help." Tae spoke and handed him an envelope.

Vegas opened the envelope and shows a map.

"What do you mean by this?"

"Well, there is a car in surveillance that doesn't have any plate number so we assume that it took Pete and Venice. We tracked it's way and found out that it went outside Bangkok." Time said and proudly smiled at him.

Vegas felt a sudden relief. For once, there is a chance that they can hunt them and make sure to take his wife and son back.

"I'll go now." Vegas said without hesitation.

"We will go with you." Kinn and Porsche offered.

When Pete woke up, he found a tray with food inside the cage yet it was still lock up and there are still chains.

There are more than five guards looking after him. But then, his gaze darted to one of the bodyguards when he saw that he was holding the crying Venice.

"Venice! Venice!" He called for his name.

Venice looked at him and extended his short tiny hands and cried loudly once again.

"Shut up!" The bodyguard that was holding Venice shouted that made the baby startled and cried once again.

"Don't you ever scold my son!" Pete bravely yelled at the man and went near the bars.

"Give me my son!" He said.

The bodyguard indeed went near him and starts to open the cage.

"Don't make a wrong move or I will shoot him." One of the bodyguards spoke and aim the gun to Venice.

"I won't do anything! Just give me my son! Fuck you!"

Venice immediately hugged him tight and stopped crying. Now, they are both locked up.

"Are you okay?" Pete asked in concern and check every inch of Venice's body.

He can only see few mosquito bites and good thing that Venice calmed down.

Another bodyguard went near them and between the bars, he passed a feeding bottle.

Pete looked at him with scary eyes. "Is there a poison?" He bravely asked.


"Drink it first." He ordered coldly.

The bodyguard raised his eyebrows but it didn't made Pete tremble. He also looked at him with the same judging eyes.

"Drink it."

"Baby's milk taste horrible!"

"Time ordered you to give that to Venice right? What if I told him that you are not following him?"

Pete badly wanted Venice to drink the milk since he knew that he is hungry but there is a side of him that is afraid of whatever this milk contains.

The bodyguard rolled his eyes and picked up the feeding bottle. Next, he looked up and waited for a drop of milk to drink.

After almost a minute, Pete was relieved that the bodyguard didn't collapsed. He took it and gave it to Venice.

The food in the tray was also from fast food so he is confident to eat it.

However, he remains cautious. He doesn't have any idea about what will happen next.

This wasn't the first time he was held captive and imprisoned. But this is the first time he cares so much of living.

Pete wants to stay alive for Vegas, Venice and Macau.

He ate to have the energy incase he finds a chance to escape.

Pete looked at Venice that is sleeping comfortably in his arms.


That was the first person who entered his mind. Venice resembles Vegas so much that people will easily believe that Vegas is the father.

"Are you looking for me and Venice?" He asked.

Did he already eat? Did he sleep well?

Is he looking for us?

How is he?

Pete was not just worried about his life but the lives of people who depends on him.

While he was still looking at Venice. Another bodyguard went near him.

"Khun Time wants me to relay a message to you."

Pete's eyebrows met. "What?"

"He told me that you should pray. Your husband fell on his trap."

"What the fuck?!"

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