《Die For You ( VegasPete )》thirteen


Vegas slowly rubbed his eyes as he heard his phone rang a few times.

With Pete in his chest, he slowly reached his phone. He narrowed his eyes looking at the screen. His bodyguard's name popped up in screen.

"Good morning Khun Vegas, we know where Khun Jio flew yesterday. He's now in Japan with Khun Jet and Khun Jai" his bodyguard said.

"Shia! Ok now have an eye with him, I'll call you later to gather all of you" Vegas said with clenching his jaw.

How can Jio able to go outside the country without the official catching him, now it will have some hard time chasing him outside the country knowing he didn't have a private transportation to use.

"Vegas? What's wrong?" Pete tilt his head, still hugging Vegas.

"I heard Jio flew to Japan yesterday, we need to chase him but it will give us a hard time" Vegas fix his position leaning his back against the headboard.

"Why? Is it because Khun Jet and Jai are there to back him up?" Pete also lean his back against the headboard.

"No it's not the problem, I don't care if he bring his whole clan on the war... but the thing is, we will having a difficulties to bring the firearms we're using" Vegas said.

Pete only frown in frustration, they are both thinking how they can pass through the airport carrying the weapons.

"I'll try to make a way" Vegas utter a word then caress Pete's hand.

Pete nodded and faced Vegas.

"Vegas, can I ask a favor?" Pete ask staring directly to Vegas' eyes.

"Hmm" Vegas quickly nodded.

"Before we flew to Japan, leaving the family without them knowing... can we at least visit Venice before leaving?" Pete ask Vegas holding his hand.

Vegas blink twice and nodded.

"Sure" Vegas flash a smile and Pete can only hug him.

"Let's go?" Pete invite Vegas.

"Right now?" Vegas ask frowning.

Pete pout nodding and blink acting cute that Vegas can only smile in defeat.


Jio with a bandage on his arm slowly walk entering the office of his father, Jet Teepakorn.

"Don't you know how to knock?!" Jet who is sitting in his office chair sipping his wine shouted.

"I'm sorry pa" Jio bowed his head.

"You're here because you mess up again, right?" Jet said with anger in his voice.

"Pa, help me..." Jio start to sob kneeling down.

"Help? If you just made your job correctly, this wouldn't happen! We talked about this that you should kill Vegas and not Venice!" Jet yelled with anger.

Jio can only bow his head down.

"Tell me, why did it have to be Venice? Don't you dare say you mistaken them? Cause you fricking know them a long time ago!" Jet shouted again.

"Because I hate Venice! I hate him because he hurt Jai the most!" Jio yelled back to Jet.

A loud sound of slap echoes around the room.

"Pa!" The newcomer immediately ran towards Jio who lost his balance ended up laying down on the floor.

"Jai! Go back to your room!" Jet ordered his youngest.

"I'm not leaving you hurt Jio again" Jai glare at his father while helping his older brother to get up.

"Jai... Just go, don't involve yourself here" Jio said in his husky voice.

"No, I'm not leaving you alone... Let's go" Jai pulled Jio to get up.

"Here you are again consenting your bastard brother" Jet scold Jai.


"He isn't bastard Pa, I heard it... You're the one order him to kill Venice!" Jai shouted in anger knowing how manipulative and cruel his father is.

After that, Jai pulled Jio to get up and Jio didn't have a choice but to get up and follow Jai walk away from their father.


Vegas and I arrived at the hospital where Venice is. After I ask him to visit Venice before we leave the country, Vegas quickly agreed to my request.

We both enter the building and rode the elevator to the sixth floor where Venice's room is.

"Wait Pete, what if they are inside?" Before I can turn the doorknob, Vegas held my hand.

I look at him, he has a point. If someone in the main family is here, I'm sure they will interrogate me from where I came from.

I can't tell them yet and can't let them see me with Vegas, the situation will be just double the mess.

I don't have an idea how I will explain to them my relationship with Vegas, I can't find an exact sentence to explain to them.

"Just wait here, let me go inside first..." I said flashing a smile. "You can say if they're inside cause for sure they will be loud again, especially Khun No" I said chuckling a bit.

Aw Khun No, just by mentioning your name makes me miss your craziness... I wonder how are you doing right now?

"Yes, but if they are all here... I'll probably just wait for you in the car" Vegas said.

I nodded and he just pulled me a forehead kiss. After that I turn the doorknob and slowly walked inside the room.

I frown upon seeing the familiar face here.

"Khun Prim?" I called her.

"Pete?" Khun Prim quickly stand up from where the chair beside Venice.

"What are you doing here?" We both ask in unison, both frowning too.

"I'm Venice's fiance, Khun Prim" I said out of knower.

"You... You are his Fiance? Who Venice will marry?" Khun Prim ask mumbling.

"Y-yes—" I confess.

"Prim?" I heard the door open and close spitting Vegas.

"Vegas?" Khun Prim also called Vegas while smiling widely.

"You know each other?" I asked back changing my glance from Khun Prim to Vegas.

"Yeah, Prim is Pie's sister... We used to hang out when we're still in college" Vegas said.

Khun Prim just nodded and still widely smiling. After that she run towards Vegas, I can only move a little when she hugs Vegas tightly.

I sigh looking away.

"I miss you Phi!" Khun Prim said still hugging Vegas.

The bastard Vegas hugs back, tightly.

"Why are you here? Visiting Venice?" They both pulled back and stare into each other's eyes.

"Hmm I heard what happened to him, actually I visited him last night and guess what!" Khun Prim smile facing Vegas.

"What?" Vegas narrowed his eyes waiting for Khun Prim to say it.

"Venice's finger moved, I called the doctor and they said that some part of Venice's body felt a shock because of some unknown reason..." Khun Prim happily said then look to me.

"Really?!" I smiled in disbelief knowing Venice's body has a development.

I walked towards Venice's unconscious body and caress his face.

"Venice... You're waking up right? You're coming back, take your time ok? We're waiting" I said still smiling and caress his face.

Venice's face is not that pale as before, his lips are slowly turning back to his usual red lips, and the under of his eyes are not that dark and slowly turning back to its usual color.


"Did Pa knew this? The rest of the family?" I turned my gaze back to Vegas who just spoke.

"Hmm, the time when doctor came... the nurses called the family and Khun Kan together with your younger brother, Macau came here" Khun Prim said nodding.

"How about the people from main family Khun Prim? Did they already visit Venice?" I asked Khun Prim.

"Aw, I don't really know all the members of the main family... but I didn't see Kinn, Kim, nor your crazy cousin Tankhun" Khun Prim said pointing Vegas.

I just smile and shook my head.

"Oi Vegas can I talk to you for a while?" Khun Prim ask Vegas, and Vegas looked at me like he's asking for my permission.

I rolled my eyes on him and look back to sleeping Venice.

"Vegas na, na, na!" I heard Khun Prim stomped her feet while making a cute voice.

"Ok" Vegas said "Pete I'll be right back" Vegas called my name but I didn't gave a glance, still staring at the sleeping Venice and casually fixing his hair.

I heard they both walk towards the window, a bit far from the bed that's why I can't clearly here they're conversation.

As I play with Venice's hair, I casually follow Vegas and Khun Prim's direction with my eyes.

I saw how Khun Prim smiled shyly while swaying her hand, this Khun Prim is quite different from the Khun Prim I met in the Kinajilyo's mansion. She looks more sober and quiet now, not like the last time I saw her, she's like a drunkard from a mental hospital.

She's clean to look with her ponytail hair, casual lavender crop top and black fitting pants.

I turned to look at Vegas and saw him flash a small smirk while staring outside still following their conversation.

I turned back my gaze to Venice and stare at his face.

"Venice, can you please wake up and help me? We both know you're the smartest among the rest, and I know you'll understand me and help me with this..." I sighed while talking to the unconscious body of Venice.

"I need to talk to you, I have something to tell you, a lot of explanation to explain. I want to apologize... can you come back not for me but for all the people that relies on you, for Macau and Vegas..." I added still caressing Venice's hand.


Vegas casually turned his gaze to Pete who is silently talking to his unconscious brother.

"Why are you with Pete? If he is Venice's fiance why he isn't here all the time?" Prim asked Vegas while also looking at Pete's direction.

"Pete and I have to work together to finish Jio" Vegas said without a sign of guilt that he is planning to kill someone.

"Are you sure Jio was the one did that?" Prim asked with confusion.

"Jio was always the reason why our life are always in trouble" Vegas said firmly.

"And the reason why my sister end his life too, I still remember how he manipulate P'Pie to go with him or else he'll kill Venice... that's why P'Pie chose to end her life that easily" Prim said bowing her head down and pursed her lips to stop herself from tearing.

"Prim... I'm sorry, Venice and I are always sorry for bringing your big sis' life in mess" Vegas apologize and caress Prim's head.

"It's ok, Vegas... I moved on and I'm sure P'Pie is happy there" Prim smile pointing the sky.

Vegas nodded and also flash a smile.

"So what's your plan now?" Prim asked changing the topic.

"We heard that Jio flew to Japan, he's probably hiding in his father's underwear right now after we brought down his only business" Vegas smirk proudly.

"You did what?" Prim cover in mouth in shock, but actually smiling in amaze.

Vegas just shrugged it off, and point Pete.

"That's my inspiration and source of strong" Vegas said pertaining Pete.

Prim can only gave him a downward smile and flashing a suspicious look.

"How long you've been working together?" Prim asked.

"A week now" Vegas casually said not leaving his gaze on Pete.

"And not developing a feelings? Vegas I know you... you're not that type of person who let anyone enter your life that easy unless you want them to" Prim raise her eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" Vegas frown.

"C'mon bro! I know you, what your twin wants, you want it too... the only problem is you always leave it to him, you're always putting your brother's feelings first before yours" Prim only smile a bit knowing Vegas.

Vegas turned his gaze to Prim and gulped down, Vegas know that everything Prim said was true.

But can I stand leaving Pete to Venice? Or can I at least have him, just him for all the things I gave to Venice. Vegas said in his mind.

"Let's not talk about it, Prim... We need to focus on chasing Jio" Vegas change the topic.

"But how? Tell me your plan, let's see if I can help" Prim said crossing her arms.

Vegas started to explain all to Prim.


"Oi Pete!" I heard Khun Prim called me so I turned my gaze to him.

"Khun Prim?" I stood up facing her.

"Did you not listen to my story the time you were in my birthday party?" Khun Prim asked pouting.

"A bit Khun... You tell me a lot of story that I can't follow the others..." I smile awkwardly scratching the back of my head.

"Oi cause you're busy eating" Khun Prim said rolling her eyes.

"Sorry Khun, don't be sulky hehe I only know you likes pink and blue, your birthday is July 30th, and you like partying" I said raising and lowering my eyebrows.

"Oi you only knew about me but you forgot that I told you we're owning an transportation services including air transportation" Khun Prim said and I just widened my eyes in shock.

"You told me that?" I ask with eyes wide.

"Hmm" Khun Prim nodded in sulky.

I turned my gaze on Vegas who is just smiling and enjoying the scene where I look like a dumb.

"Prim will help us go to Japan carrying the firearms" Vegas said and stop himself from chuckling.

"Really?!" I said in disbelief "Thank you Khun!" I took a step to Khun Prim and gave her a hug.

"Ehem!" Vegas casually scuffed but I ignore him and I just happily hug Khun Prim and she did it too.

We're happily hugging each other and jumping around like a kid who won a candy.

Vegas can only shook his head in the view he's watching.


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