《The Mafia Don I dug from the grave!》Auratum


Andrea and I are on the bed, resting after our first training. William had been too jumpy since we got here.

William sat on the edge of the bed. "I have something to tell you guys." he whispered. We both sat up and he showed us the phone I found in the garden.

"Why do you have this? I gave it to Salvy the day I found it." I asked and quickly hid it under the blanket.

"Fck William. What if it has a tracker on it?" Andrea scolded and pushed William.

"That hurts. I heard Enzo and Salvy talking about this. The tech guy told them that it was not bugged. They used this last time to lure Matteo out. It was hidden in Enzo's vault and I took it out before we left" He explained while rubbing his shoulder.

"What are you planning to do with it?" I curiously asked and checked the phone.

"I actually don't know but maybe we can use this or something." he answered and frustratedly brushed his hair with his hands. "I just can't stay in this house not knowing anything and being a damsel in distress." he added and put the phone in his pocket.

"Should we try to contact Matteo?" Andrea suggested.

"For what? I don't want to" I protested.

"Fine. Maybe I'm just being impulsive but if after a few days, they still haven't contacted us. We will revisit this, sounds good?" he said while looking at us.

We both nod. I also don't want to be a damsel in distress but I don't know if I can handle talking or seeing Matteo.

A few days passed and we are still hiding in the safe house. We spent our days training with Anthon, Enzo and Salvy haven't contacted us. Mariella always calls us before dinner just to check up on us and never answers our questions on where they are.

"So? Can we talk about this again?" William asked while holding the phone.

"Okay. Let's say we call him, what should we say? Should we just ask him for an update?" Andrea asked and took the phone from him. She put it on her ear and coughed. "Hello sh!tty psychopath! Do you know where we can find Salvy and Enzo? Can you find them for us?" She said in a high pitch voice.


William rolled his eyes while I laughed. "Can you take what I'm saying seriously for once?" he snatched the phone from Andrea. "I have a plan, it involves Lily, water and a little bit of tears." he smiled. They both looked at me with a mischievous smile on their faces and I tried to avoid their gazes.

"Andrea try to drown her but just drown her enough to make her look like a mess" William instructed. We are currently on the beach, executing William's plan.

"Why do we have to drown Lily and not you again?" Andrea asked while she led me away from the shore.

"Because Lily is more important than me and they know that we will never try to hurt her on purpose. We only have one shot of doing this so do it correctly." He commanded while sitting on the sand comfortably.

"Okay Lily. Just hold on to me and try not to drink too much water." She softly said before violently pushing my head on the shower. My instinct kicked in and I tried to resurface from the water but she was too strong. I've been in the the water for a few minutes but it feels like I've been here for hours. I have swallowed so much water, my chest and head hurts. I feel someone lifted me up, I can hear people talking but I can't understand them. I tried to speak up but I'm too weak to even open my eyes, then everything went black.

I was awoken by people arguing near me. "Why did you let her drown for real?" William shouted.

"I didn't know that she was already on her limit, Anthon said that Mariella will be here any minute. What should we say?" Andrea panickedly asked.

"I'm okay. Don't worry." I weakly said. They both looked at me and hugged me.

"I'm so sorry cara. I didn't mean to actually drown you." She said and brushed my wet hair with her fingers.

Someone loudly opened the door and we saw Mariella running to us. She pulled Andrea and William away from me. "Explained what happened!" She commanded.

"We ahmm we were playing near the ocean then she accidentally d-drown." Andrea explained.

William looked at me and signaled me to cry. How should I make myself cry? Should I poke my eyes? Wait, I just have to think of sad things but not things that are too sad that can give me an attack. I decided to think of Salvy, how much I miss him and his sweet gestures. I want Salvy to be beside me right now. Tears started flowing from my eyes and they all looked at me. William and Andrea were amazed while Mariella tried to calm me down.


"I-I want S-Salvy, P-please can I t-talk to him?" I plead to Mariella.

She hugged me tight and stroked my back. "Everything will be okay." she kept whispering to me.

"N-No. Nothing w-will be okay for me until I talk t-to him. Please l-let me talk to him, even j-just for a m-minute. Please." I begged while choking on my tears.

"I'm sorry Cara, I also don't where he is. We are trying our best to find them. I'm sorry." She cried on my shoulder.

Something crushed my heart and my breathing became heavier. Salvy's missing? What if Matteo have him? What should we do? I tried to control my breathing, I feel like my world was turned upside down. I'm here trying to drown myself just because I miss him while he is actually missing and could be in a very dangerous place right now. William laid me down and put the medicine under my tongue. I can hear them trying to make me feel better but everything is hazy, All I can clearly hear is my erratic heartbeat.

I calmed down after spending an hour calming myself down. Mariella kept on brushing my hair while William and Andrea just sat quietly beside me. I sat up from the bed and held Mariela's hands.

"Is t-there a po-possibility that M-Matteo is behind the attack?" I asked.

"Yes but they went underground after it and we don't have any way to trace them. Valerius is doing everything he can to have a lead on where they are." Mariella answered and held my hand tightly.

The three of us stared at each other. We have a way to contact Matteo. They both nod at me signaling me to offer the phone to Mariella.

"Ahmm. We eeer actually know a w-way to contact them." I confessed.

"What? What do you mean?" She asked, looking at me confusedly.

"Lily found it in the garden, Matteo sent it to her but don't worry it's not bugged. I stole it from Enzo's thing on the day we left." William handed the phone to her.

"Why would he send it to Lily? Why did you keep it without telling us?" Mariella inspected the phone.

"Well that psychopath thought Lily would actually want to contact him and we don't know how to mention the phone to you." Andrea answered.

Mariella sighed and looked at us. "You actually thought of saving them on your own or escaping here using this. Am I right?"

"No? That's the right answer right?" William said and lowered his head while Andrea avoided her gaze.

Mariella flicked their forehead and called Valerius on her phone, they talked in Italian for a while. "He wants to talk to the three of you." she said and put the phone on speaker.

"Did you drown Lily on purpose Andrea?" the voice on the phone was so cold, I feel like the room temperature dropped to negative.

"Y-yes b-but I did not mean to actually drown her." Andrea said in a small voice.

"You can't endanger your Don's partner life whatever your reason might be. The two of you will receive your punishment tonight."

William's face is pale while Andrea looks like she is about to cry. Why don't I have a punishment? I want to ask but I'm too scared of him even if he is just on the phone.

"Lily? We might need you to be the bait."

"No Valerius. We need to keep her safe." Mariella protested and held my hand tightly.

"We both know that the longer we wait for a lead the lesser the chance your son is still alive. I will not force her to do anything she doesn't want to."

I heavily sighed and hugged Mariella. I know that they are worried about me but if I can help Salvy then I don't care even if Matteo drags me to hell.

"I-I want to h-help." I said, avoiding everyone's eye contact.

There was silence on the entire room and on the other line.

"Okay. I will explain the plan to the three of you and If ever you think you can't handle it, we can alter or stop the plan."

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      To Be Continued...
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