《The Mafia Don I dug from the grave!》Baferrari


I woke up hugging something warm and soft. No, It's not soft but it's not that hard either. What am I hugging? My hand gropes the thing, trying to figure out what it is. I feel something bumpy and trace my fingers on it. I heard a laugh and the thing vibrated.

"My angioletto, What are you doing?" he chuckled, his voice low and raspy.

I froze, I realized my head was laying on his chest and his right arm was wrapped around me. We were half spooning! And he woke up because I was groping him! His pecs and abs were well defined and was so satisfying to touch. I hid my face on his chest, knowing too well that I'm blushing from my dirty thoughts.

"Don't be shy. I don't mind being touched by an angel." He said while he ran his fingers to my bushy red hair.

I lifted my head and saw his mesmerizing blue eyes looking at me. He kissed my forehead and hugged me tightly. My heart forgot to beat and I snuggled closer to him. I'm not exactly sure on what I am feeling for him or if trusting him is right, but this warmth and comfort is more than enough to give whatever we have a chance.

Wait he is still wearing the same clothes from yesterday, it must have been uncomfortable. "D-do you w-want to change something more ahmm homey?" I asked.

He released me from the hug. "Sure, I have a change of clothes in my car." he answered.

"Wh-why did you not wake me up last night?" I questioned.

"You look so peaceful while you are sleeping and I know you're tired from our date." he shrugs.

"I'll just err do my morning routine and you can use the bathroom in the next room" I said and awkwardly sat up.

He nodded his head and left the room, I rushed to the bathroom and smelled my hair, I washed it yesterday and It still smells good. No need to wash it today. I took a quick shower, I wore my usual black leggings and paired it with a pink sweater. I stare at my reflection, My neck and chest are littered with his mark. I traced my hand on the marks, I can still feel his lips and hands all over me. A wide smile curved in my lips, This is the first time in my life that I am genuinely happy that I have hickeys all over me.

I got out of the room and went downstairs. The scene I saw in the kitchen made me drool. He was shirtless and only wearing a gray sweatpants while cooking something. His muscles flex every time he moves. I sat down and watched him. Why is he shirtless?


>Shirtless Salvy

He turned his head and smiled at me. "Sorry my angioletto, I did not have a shirt on my gym bag."

My heart and my ovary jumped. I have this strong urge to run my fingers to his chest and abs again. "D-did I say that out loud?" I cover my mouth with my hands.

He nods and chuckles, he gets back to cooking and I shamelessly stare at his body. His back has several scars and some of it looked like they came from deep wounds. Is his life always in danger? He looks strong but what if someone tried to kill him again like last time.

"Hey what happened? Why are you frowning?" he worriedly asked.

I snapped out of my thoughts. "N-nothing. I will get you something to wear" I said. I stood up and ran to my room, I opened William's drawer and found a big white shirt.

I went back to the kitchen and gave him the shirt. He puts it on, it was a bit tight fitting to him but it only accentuates his muscular body. He served me a plate of food and sat beside me.

It has bacon, sunny side up egg and toast with strawberry jam on it. I started eating. Halfway through the meal, I was able to gather my courage to ask about his scars.

"C-can I ask you something? It's okay if you will not answer it." I said while I played with the fork in my hand.

"Yes, and I will answer your questions whatever it is." he answered and held my hand.

I glanced up, he gave me a comforting smile. I can do this. "W-why do you have so many scars? D-do you guys always get into fights and stuff? What if s-someone tries to hurt you again? I I mean you are a f-future Mafia Boss that's really dangerous right? But you're technically d-dangerous too? So yeah" I rambled.

He wrapped me in a warm hug. "Hey, I promise you I will not put you in any danger" He softly said, his hand rubbing my back in a soothing way.

I shook my head. "Th-that's not what I meant. I-I know you will keep me safe, but how about you? Who will p-protect you?" I whispered.

"I'm more vicious and ruthless than them." he chuckled. He pulled away and kissed me on my forehead. "and I have a beautiful angel who worries about me. I don't need protection."

Is it weird that I'm comforted and relieved by the idea that he is more dangerous and cruel than other Mafia criminals? I think I'm taking all this too lightly.

He kissed on my nose. "Thank you for worrying about me my angioletto. Let's finish our food, I think your bodyguards are already on their way back here."


"Bodyguards? You're giving me bodyguards?" I asked, why would I need them.

"You already have some bodyguards since the day I left your house. I'm talking about your snappy brother and my short cousin." he said while laughing.

"Oh Andrea and William! Hey! I'm shorter than Andrea." I pouted.

"You're the cute angelic size while Andrea is the nosy annoying size." he said while scrunching his nose.

I mentally took a picture of his face, who would have thought a Mafia Don can look so adorable while scrunching his nose. I giggled.

He kissed me on the cheeks. "Finish your food my angioletto. It's getting cold." he said.

I nod my head and continue eating my food. Then what he said suddenly registered in my head. "You actually gave me bodyguards?" I asked him with wide eyes.

"Yes. It's for your safety, You're the most important person in my life right now and I don't want anything to happen to you." His blue eyes adoringly looked at me.

My heart started jumping around and I felt my stomach twist in a weird way. I threw myself at him and hugged him tight. He pats my back and buries his face in my neck, his hot breath fanning in my skin, I deliciously shivers.

"It's so hard to control myself every time you're near me." He lightly bit my neck and swirled his tongue on the new bruise on my skin. I put my hand on my mouth to suppress a moan and instinctively move my head to give him more access on my neck. His hand grip my waist tightly and he pulled me closer to him.

We were interrupted by someone opening the front door, he quickly pushed me away and protectively hid me on his back.

"Did I interrupt something?" William smirked.

I rolled my eyes and sat on my chair again. Salvy eyed me from head to toe, I gave him a questioning look.

"Sorry for pushing you away, I did not hurt you right?" He asked.

"I'm okay." I smiled at him and patted his shoulder.

William and Andrea run to my side, followed by Enzo. William grabbed my wrist and checked my neck. "Who fcking beat you up?" he asked.

Andrea elbowed him. "Those are hickeys you stupid blonde! You really need to get laid, you even forgot how hickeys look like."

He rolled his eyes and pointed at my neck. "It looked like bruises though"

I slapped away his hand and glared at him. "Stop it!" I whined.

Andrea and William laughed at my reaction. I looked at Salvy asking for help but he is just amusingly watching us.

"You guys are just jealous that your ginger friend is having more action than the both of you. Jealousy is a deadly disease." Enzo said while looking at them with pity.

Andrea and William looked at each other mischievously, I pulled Salvy near me. He confusedly looked at me. "Danger" I whispered. He nods and moves closer to me, he slightly pushes me on his back to protect me.

Andrea walked to the living room and grabbed two pillows, while Enzo was oblivious to what the pair was planning for him. I feel bad for Enzo but he kinda deserves it.

Enzo was caught off guard by Andrea shouting on the top of her lungs. William tackled Enzo to the ground and Andrea tried to suffocate him with a pillow. Enzo tried to fight back but William elbowed him on his thighs and stomach. He groaned in pain and tapped both his hands on the floor, signaling defeat. The two let him go and throw the pillows at his face.

Enzo looked mortified and covered himself using his arms. We all laugh at him, Is he really part of the Mafia?

"What the? They defeated you just by shouting and elbowing you? I think I need to reconsider your position in our family." Salvy says in between his laugh.

"I was caught off guard, I can take them with my eyes close if I want to." Enzo defensively said while standing up.

William and Andrea smirk. "Do you want another round?" William innocently asked.

Enzo shook his head and stepped backward. "We need to go." He said to Salvy.

He grabs my wrist. "I wish I could stay with you" he sighed. I frowned, I don't want him to go yet.

He leans closer to me. "I know my angioletto. I'll finish it as quickly as possible, I don't think I can stand being apart from you for too long." he whispered and kissed my ear.

My breath hitched and my entire face looked like a tomato from blushing. He gave me a quick kiss on the lips and winked at me.

William and Andrea looked at me like I have two heads while Enzo gave me a salute.

"Let's go Enzo." Salvy coldly said.

I watched Salvy and Enzo leave, I already miss him. I mentally slap my face. What is happening to me.

"You need to spill everything that happened yesterday and today or I will tie your hair on the bed post again." Andrea threatened.

I sigh, this is gonna be a long conversation with a lot of screaming from Andrea and insults from William.

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