《The Mafia Don I dug from the grave!》Elegant Lady


>Lily on her date

>The Song Lily sang.

I'm in the living room, sitting nervously while Andrea and William try to calm me down. Keyword: Try. No matter what they say, I still feel like my heart just drank 9 Red Bull.

Andrea spent a good 2 hours fixing me. I am wearing a white off shoulder blouse with flowers printed on it, dark jeans and my favorite ankle boots.

"You got this. If you want we can follow you guys?" William offered while massaging my shoulders.

"No. We will not follow them." Andrea rolled her eyes and held my hands. "You look so beautiful, Just be yourself. Don't be afraid to stutter or say anything to him. He's sort of a good guy." she said, winking at me.

We heard the doorbell and my heart started dancing in my chest. Sh!t! I'll survive and enjoy this. William opened the door and my jaw dropped. Why did God make him so attractive and desirable? He's wearing Gray long sleeves and dark jeans, his hair was unkempt and it fits well on his aura. His aura is shouting effortless sexiness.

He smiled and eyed from head to toe. "You look breathtaking my angioletto." He extended his hand to me and I gladly took it.

"Enjoy and I don't care who you are. I'm not afraid of castrating you." William said with a fake smile on his face.

"I'll take good care of the princess. Don't worry" Salvy laughs and winks at him.

We went out and he helped me to his car.

He traces the freckle on my shoulder and kisses me on the cheeks. I feel the butterflies on my stomach fly around and my face blushing a deep shade of red.

"I mean it, You are the most beautiful person I know and It's taking all my self control not to ravish you." He whispered. He bit my ear and winked.

I shivered, his words and actions getting me hot and bothered. I never felt this kind of attraction and need to someone. I just smiled at him and he turned on the radio.

The drive was silent until the song Crush played, I started singing the song and swayed to the beat. I turned my head in his direction and sang the line that fits how I feel everytime he is near.


"You make it difficult to not overthink, and when I'm with you I turn all shades of pink

I want to touch you but don't want to be weird, it's such a rush I'm thinking wish you were here

and I'm just trying to play it cool now but that's not what I want to do now" I sang and winked at him.

He quickly kissed me on the cheeks. "What I feel for you is deeper than a crush and in the future I want to be more than just a crush to you." He smirked.

My mind went hazy and my heart skipped a beat. I feel like I'm blushing from head to toe. Did I hear that right? He felt something deeper than crush for me? Am I imagining this? I subtly pinch my hand, Nope. I'm not dreaming.

"D-do you m-mean that?" I asked, I needed confirmation or I'll just assume that I imagined it.

The car stops and he looks at me, "Yes my angioletto, I mean it." He gently touched my cheeks. "And I will prove that to you today. Let's make our first date memorable" He winked.

He opened the car door for me and took my hand, my hand fit perfectly to his hand like my hands were made for him to hold. Geez, I'm being too cheesy but I can't help it. Everything about him is too dreamy.

I looked around and the place was picturesque. It was a garden full of flowers and in the middle was a blanket and a picnic basket.

We sat down on the blanket and he took out the contents of the basket. There were pasta, chicken, chips, wine and lemon cake. He served me a portion of everything and I gladly ate it.

"This tastes so good" I moaned.

He taps my nose. "Don't do that my angioletto" he said.

"Do what?" I confusedly ask.

"Tempt me, You sound so angelic and suggestive. I might be a gentleman to you but I'm still a beast" He warned.

I nervously laugh, my heartbeat is accelerating again and my face is red as a beet. Can I get a heart attack from too much stimulation? I sloppily feed myself a mouthful of pasta, getting some sauce on the side of my mouth.


He looks at me, clearly amused by how I act. He slowly moves closer to me, his face just a few inches from me. He licked the side of my mouth and kissed it. I feel a knot in my stomach and my face getting warmer.

He moves away. "Delicious! We don't want to waste the sauce right?" he smirked and started eating again.

I nodded my head and grabbed the fork using my now shaky hands. The things he makes me feel is something I have not felt with anyone. I have this urge to act on my overwhelming needs for him and kiss him like there is no tomorrow. I also have this urge to run away from him, afraid of the amount of pain I will receive if he changes his affection for me.

We ate quietly with only the sounds of leaves rustling and the birds cooing. I finished my food, I wanted to ask something before we continued for dessert. I glance up to him. He is also done eating and is looking at me with such tenderness, my lungs forgot how to breathe. I tried to speak but my throat was blocked by uncertainty.

"You want to say or ask something?" he confusedly said.

You can do this, I think I have the right to know. Calm down. I release a heavy sigh and tighty clench my fist .

I lower my head and whisper "Wh-Why did they try to bury you alive?". I know he heard it because I hear some movement on his side

He moved all the stuff away from the blanket. He is now sitting in front of me, our knees touching. He placed his finger in my chin and gently lifted my head. His blue eyes met my green eyes, he looked unsure and torn.

"I will tell you the truth but you have to promise me that you will not avoid or leave me." he begs, his eyes searching for some form of assurance from me.

My heart awed from how vulnerable he is right now, like his entire life is on the palm of my hands. I reached out my shaking hand to his shoulder and grasp it tightly. "I won't leave. Y-you have my word." I said and gave him a smile.

He removed my hands from his shoulder and caged it inside his hands, holding on to it like I'll run away if he let it go. "I'm the heir for the Mafia Don throne and the people who tried to bury me were part of another Mafia" he answered, not breaking our eye contact.

I slowly blink a few times, a Mafia Don? My heart dropped to my stomach and I looked at him with wide eyes, I wanted to avoid his gaze but I didn't want to hurt him. He is a future Mafia Don but why does every cell in my body still trust him? Is this what you call being naive? I open and close my mouth several times not sure on what to say or how to act.

"My angioletto." He sighed. He kissed both of my hands and put it back on my lap. "I know this is hard to believe right now, but I will never hurt you." He cupped my face in his hands. "I want to take care and protect you." he placed a lingering kiss in both of my cheeks and let go.

"I understand if you need some time to process all this, I will give you space but I just need you to always remember that I will never do anything to hurt you or put you in danger." he assured me. He sighs and gives me a forced smile.

"Shall we go home?" he asks, he stands up and offers his hand to me.

I stare at his hand, my body is numb and I feel something heavy in my chest. Do I really want to end all this? Am I afraid of him being a Mafia Don? or I'm just afraid of how fast I'm falling for him? I looked up and saw a glimpse of hurt on his eyes but he quickly hid it. He was not afraid to show me his weak and vulnerable side. In the short time that I've known him, he showered me with affection and made me feel that I am worth it, that I deserve to be cared for. Is he really worth the risk? Am I ready to trust and fall for someone again?

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