《The Mafia Don I dug from the grave!》Rosella's Dream


A person in his late 40s I think? Greeted us at the waiting area. He ushered us inside the restaurant. I can feel people staring at us. I lower my head not wanting anyone to see my face. Salvy squeezed my hand and gave me a reassuring smile. I release a sigh of relief and smile sweetly at him. The most beautiful person I met doesn't care how I look, Why would I care about what they think about me?

We stopped on a secluded section of the restaurant, The table is near a window. Salvy pulled out the chair for me and he sat on the opposite side of me. Salvy asked what I wanted to drink, I answered that I wanted red wine. Salvy talked to the guy and he left. I focus on the window. It holds an amazing view of the city. The city looks so peaceful with the city light contrasting the starless sky. I turned my head to Salvy's direction to thank him when I saw him staring at me with adoration on his eyes. I feel the familiar warm in my face, letting me know that I am blushing really hard.

"W-why? Why a-are you looking at me like that?" I ask, lowering my head.

He gently touched my face with the back of his hand. I looked up at him and he grinned. "I am just enjoying the view. I love seeing you happy." I shyly smile at him.

A waiter walked towards our table and poured the wine to our glasses. I drank the wine not paying attention to the waiter, hmm the wine is sweet just how I like it.

"Order first my angioletto" Salvy encouraged me.

He gave us the menu and I started to look at the seafood section.

"I want Fancy Bouillabaisse and Seafood Pasta with shrimp and scallops. For Dessert can I please have a slice of cheesecake. Thank you" I put down the menu. I focus myself with looking at Salvy and drinking the wine. I really hate ordering, I get too anxious.

"I want the same thing that MY lady ordered." he stated, emphasizing the word my. I stare at him with a confused expression. He looks upset, what happened? "A little warning. Stop looking at her lustfully or you will lose your job in the next 5 minutes." he sternly said.


I quickly glanced at the waiter and he was so pale. I heard him apologize and ran away from our table.

"So-sorry" I said.

"Why are you apologizing? I'm the one who was supposed to say sorry, I snapped at someone in front of you." he took my hand and traced a random pattern on it using his thumb. "I didn't mean to snap, but I didn't like how he stared at you. He was eye raping you." he sighed. "I'm sorry my angioletto." he said.

I lean to his side and poke his cheeks. "Thank you. I'm not mad." I smiled at him. He looked at me with relief. I snickered on his reaction.

"What?" he says while grinning.

"N-nothing."I shook my head. He treats me so well. I forgot that he is a rich heir and can be very intimidating if he wants to.

The order was served by Mike, the guy who greeted us earlier in the waiting area. The food looked so fancy. I started eating and Salvy ordered some take out for the three weirdos at home.

The food is so delicious. Wow. I happily eat, savoring every flavor. I looked up at Salvy and saw him taking a picture of me. I scrunch my forehead, confused on what he is doing.

"You are adorable when you're eating. I just want to take a picture so it will last" he shrugged and started eating his food.

I rolled my eyes and continued eating. We ate quietly, the cheesecake was so good. I want to order some for take out but ahmm I don't know how to ask Salvy.

"You like the cheesecake?" he questions, he must have noticed my expression.

I nod my head. He signaled Mike, He asked for a whole cake for take out.

I smiled brightly and I couldn't stop my excitement. A whole delicious cheesecake. I'm not sharing it with anyone.

"Yes. I'll make sure that no one will ask for a slice of your delicious cake" he laughs.

I looked at him nervously "Di-Did I say that out loud?" I asked.

He smirks and nods. I cover my face with my hands, not wanting him to see me blush for the nth time tonight.

He removes my hands from my face and winks at me. "I love looking at your face, Don't hide my angioletto." he says.


How should I respond on that? not knowing what to reply. I just nod my head.

Mike gave us our take out and We walked out of the restaurant with Salvy's hand on my waist. I think we spent a good 2 hours, I wonder if they are still awake.

When we arrived home. He stopped from opening the door. I glance at him and he cups my face with his hand.

"Can I kiss you?" he said breathlessly. I nod my head.

He leaned down on me. I felt the familiar sparks when his lips touched mine. He skillfully kissed me and bit my lower lip asking for entrance. I slightly opened my mouth and he hungrily devoured me. I responded to his kiss with a passion I did not know I had. I can taste the wine and cheesecake in him.

He pulled me closer to him, our chest touching and I'm feeling hotter by a second.

I heard someone intentionally opened the front door loudly. I jumped from shock and almost fell, fortunately Salvy was able to catch me. He helped me stand straight and put his hands on my waist again.

He glared at William but William just gave him a bored look. He reached out his hands to us and said "Food?"

Salvy rolled his eyes and gave all the bags to him except the cheesecake.

"She easily catches cold, that's why I have to interrupt the two of you." William smirked and turned his back to us.

"Is that true? You easily get sick?" he asked with worried eyes.

I was shocked that he asked that, I thought he would be mad at what William did.

I nod my head. "Let's get inside, I don't want my angioletto getting sick" he grins.

We went in and we saw the three in front of the TV watching one of my favorite series, The Strain.

I grabbed a pillow and stood in front of the TV. "How dare you guys watch it without me" I accused them. I repeatedly hit Andrea and William with the pillow, ignoring the amused look of Enzo and William.

"Fck you Enzo. I told you not to play it" William shouted trying to dodge it while Andrea was screaming.

Salvy grabbed my waist and lifted me away from the two. He sat me down on a loveseat and sat beside me. I glared at him.

"My ears hurt from Andrea's shouting" he defensively said while raising his hands. I crossed my arms. I might look childish but they react way worse than me, every time I watch a show without them.

Andrea threw a pillow at Enzo that he swiftly dodge. "Enzo made us do it, We warned him that you will get upset. Explain it to her" she ordered him.

Enzo chuckles. "Sorry Lily. They tried to talk me out of it but I was curious when they mentioned it is one of your favorite show." He explained.

"Let's just watch it together. Okay?" William offered. I nod my head. William and Andrea smiled at me. He pressed play in the remote and we started watching.

I felt Salvy's hand on my waist and he pulled me closer to him. He gently pushed my head to his chest so that my head was laying on his chest. I feel so relaxed and content in his arms.

We were watching our 5th episode when Salvy received an important message from his work. He looked upset. I touched his shoulder and lightly traced my fingers on his arm. He melted to my touch and calmed down a bit. He released a heavy sigh.

"Thank you." He grabbed my other hand and kissed it. "I want to stay longer but I need to go. See you soon my angioletto" he placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Take care." I say, giving him a smile. He nods his head.

"Enzo Let's go." he said in his authoritative voice. Enzo gave us a salute and followed him.

I watched them walk out the door. When I turned my head to William and Andrea, they were looking at me with a very serious expression.

"Love we need to talk." Andrea said.

I know that this conversation will eventually happen and I need it. I sighed and smiled at them. "Okay."

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