《The Mafia Don I dug from the grave!》Ice Caves


Today is perfect but It will just get a lot better after the mission. I drove back to the house and parked my car. I saw Enzo patiently waiting for me on one of the Range Rover with bullet proof windows. I walked towards him.

He smiles and opens the car door for me. I get in and he sits besides me. I signal to the front to start driving. "Send the command to the other team to start the raid after We start attacking Ricco's men on the club." I say. Enzo nods his head.

"Ricco and his brother will surely be in the VIP room and since this shipment is one of their biggest transaction, his father and most of his men will be on the port. I want the brothers to be beaten within an inch of their life and all of their items to be stolen by us by the end of the night. I will wait outside the club while you silence their men and send me a signal if you already corner the brothers. I want to make sure that my face will be the last thing they see before they pass out. Understood?" I say while giving Enzo a stern look. Enzo gives me a smile and says," Yes Don" while bowing.

We arrived at the club. Carlos, Ivan, Franco and Enzo quickly enter the club while I stay outside the car and smoke a cigarette. I hear my phone ring, It's a call from Enzo signaling me to go to the VIP room.

I walked to the back of the club and saw Enzo waiting for me. "The brothers are ready for you Don" he says while smirking. I nodded. He guided me to the VIP room and opened the door for me.


I smile when I see Ricco and Matteo sitting beside each other while the two of my men are pointing a gun at them. They looked at me with so much remorse, It make me chuckle. I gave him a sadistic smile and a salute.

I sat down on a chair opposite them. "Entertain me boys and remember, I will deliver the last hit" I say while smiling. They start beating up the brothers. My smile gets wider every time I hear the punch and kick deliver to the brothers. I signal my men to stop when I notice that the brothers are barely awake and breathing.

I grab a drink at the table and pour it to the both of them to get their attention. I spat at Ricco's face and smashed the glass on Matteo's head. "The next time you try to kill me, make sure to follow through or I'll give you and your sh!tty little brother something worse than death" I grab both of their heads and smash it together.

Enzo gave me a wet cloth. "Were they able to steal all the items? " I ask while wiping my hands. "Yes Don, all the items are now being transported to the warehouse." Enzo says. "Good. Let's go." We exited through the back of the club. "You all did a good job. Let them know I will increase their pay for this mission" I said to Enzo.

Enzo opened the car door for me and asked, "Where do you want to go, Don? Me and the boys are planning to go to a club"

"Home, I need to rest. My ribs are still bruised and I already have Lily" I say to him. He looked at me with disbelief but still asked the driver to drive us home.


I pulled out my phone and saw a text from Lily.

My Angioletto:

Salvy, I also want to thank you for coming into my life. Thank you for everything. Good night and Sugar dreams

I can't stop myself from smiling after reading her text. This woman will be the death of me. She does not have any idea that she already owns my life.


Good night My Angioletto. See you soon.

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