《The Mafia Don I dug from the grave!》Stargazer


>>One of the picture her Dad took.

"Do you really think your cousin Saliva is really a good match for Lily?" William spats.

"His name is Salvy not Saliva, you dumb blonde" Andrea retorted.

"Is this blonde? This is black? Does being Italian make you color blind?" holding his hair, showing her that it is black.

"Did you just insult my ethnicity, you black haired wannabe? We all know that you just dyed your hair black." she pulls his hair and slaps him on his arms.

They had been arguing and insulting each other since Andrea told me that Salvy was her cousin. The three of us are currently hanging out in my house. We were supposed to watch a movie but I ended up just watching them bicker at each other.

Getting bored from their squabble. I pulled out my phone and saw that Salvy texted me.

Salvy and I had been texting non stop since the day he left with Enzo.

Blue-eyed Greek God:

How's school my angioletto?


It was boring. Andrea and William kept on having petty fights the entire day. And you?

Blue-eyed Greek God:

Busy with paper works and Enzo is not much of a help. I sent something for you. Check your front door.

I stand up from the couch and leave my two bestfriends on my room. I opened the front door and saw a bouquet of blue rare Lily flowers. I hug the bouquet and smell it, this is really sweet. I can't stop the smile forming in my lips.

>>The Blue Stargazer given to Lily


It's so pretty. Thank you so much. You just made my day brighter. 😊

Blue-eyed Greek God:

Glad to hear that you like it. Take care my angioletto. See you tomorrow.

I put it in a vase and add some water on it. I went back to my room holding the vase in my hand. The two stopped their bickering and stared at the vase.


"Are you guys done fighting?" I asked, putting the vase on my coffee table.

"Did Saliva give that to you?" William questioned, pointing at the vase.

"William! His name is Salvy and Yes it's from him." I answered.

"By the way. He will be attending our Graduation ceremony tomorrow and William you are not allowed to call him like that in front of my family. He is sort of the heir of our family. So please William, Don't do it" Andrea pleaded to him.

He rolls his eyes. "Yeah yeah whatever"

I hug both of them, tightly clinging on them.

"Cara. Why? Are you okay?" She asks, patting my back. (Dear)

I released both of them and smiled. "Nothing. It's just that we are graduating highschool and I just realize how lucky I am that I will also spend my college days with you guys."

"You should know by now that we will never leave you behind" He says while ruffling my hair. "Will Dad attend the Graduation tomorrow?" he asks me.

"Yeah, His flight is tonight. I think he will make it tomorrow and your Father?" I ask him.

"I don't know, I don't care. Our Dad will be here anyway" He shrugs.

"Don't worry, both of you are invited to our mini dinner party." Andrea says.

We both nod at her.

"I don't need a man or a woman. I already have 1 tiny Italian and 1 ginger to make me happy" he says, kissing us both in the cheeks.

"Gross! You just say that because you're not good at hitting neither a man or a woman" Andrea says while furiously wiping her face

I roll my eyes. This is going to be a long night.


I am currently pacing back and forth while William watches me with bored eyes. Andrea went home early so that she could prepare and go to school with Andrei.


I looked at my reflection in the mirror again. I am wearing a red lace dress with sleeves and brown high heeled ankle boots. The red dress made my green eyes pop. I also put a light make up and tried my best to tame my hair.

William stood behind me in the mirror. "You look amazing Lily. Don't worry, everything will be okay." he assured me.

We hear someone trying to open the front door. "And I think your Dad is here" he says and goes to the front door to open it.

I see the familiar strawberry blonde man on the front door. "Baby. I am home, Come here." Dad says, opening his arms.

I run and hug him tightly. "Daddy. I missed you so much" I say trying my best not to cry.

"I missed you too baby. You are so beautiful." he says to me. I released him from the hug. "Hello my boy. You are getting taller and handsome" he commented to William, he opened his arms and William hugs him.

Dad might not be physically available for us but he is the closest father figure William has. William practically lives in my house and rarely leaves me alone, except when he is hooking up with someone or he is attending a party.

William released Dad and Dad pats both our heads.

Dad pulled out a camera. "Let's take tons of pictures." he says. William and I groaned, Dad just laughs at us.

We took so many pictures. I jumped when I heard the sound of a car honking outside.

"Come on guys. The Limo is waiting for us" Dad says, motioning us to follow him.

We all sit close to each other with Dad in the middle. We both do not want to leave his side, cherishing the moment he is here with us.

William checks his wristwatch. "It's just 10:30 AM, The graduation ceremony is at 1 PM. Where are we going?" he asks Dad.

"I am sorry. I need to immediately leave after graduation so instead of treating you guys for dinner. I am taking the two of you out for lunch" Dad says.

We both nod our heads and I put my head on my Dad's shoulder. I feel him kiss my head.

The Limo stopped at Rosetta's Diner. Dad helped me out of the car and held my hand. We went in, Rosetta greeted us and gave Dad a quick friendly hug. They talked for a couple minutes.

Rosetta ushered us to our usual booth, I sit beside Dad and William sit on the opposite side.

We spent the next two hours sharing stories to each other, Dad shared stories about his work while William and I shared stories about our high school life.

This lunch is one of the best lunches I ever had because my Dad and William are here with me.

Dad checks the time and sighs. "It's quarter to 1, We need to go." he says.

We all stand up and say our goodbye to Rosetta. The drive to school is silent but comforting.

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