《Better Than Bad (JJBA Fanfic)》Chapter 5: Man In The Mirror (Part 1)


Enrico and Valentine had been sitting in their home, contemplating what had happened that day.

“There really are other Stand users.”

Valentine mumbled to himself, both of them sitting down at the kitchen table, a coffee in his hand. Valentine had begun to grow fond of coffee.

“I know it was a good thing that we spared that Formaggio guy and let him off with a warning, but.. Was it really the safest thing to do? All he told us was that he was sent by something called a Passione , but nothing else..”

Valentine looked at Enrico, who was looking down, lost in thought.

“..I don’t know. But, either way, we need to keep our guard up. If he was after us, then that means there’s plenty more that wish to chase us down. That probably means that this Passione might just be an organization of sorts as well.”

Enrico looked at Valentine, whose expression was soft with a hint of melancholy.

“But-.. But why?”

Valentine was acting like a confused child whose parents just explained to him that his fish had died, asking questions neither of them knew the answer to, or neither of them knew how to explain. Enrico just shook his head, looking down again.

“I really don’t know, Valentine.”

He sighed, just as confused as Valentine.

“But, I know one thing we can do to get answers.”

Valentine looked hopeful, perking up at that.

“If more Stand users come after us, then that means they all have a connection to something bigger, which then means that we can get answers out of them to figure out the reason behind this all.”

Enrico looked at Valentine again, who seemed happier now.

“Yeah, you’re right, Pucci! Then, we can go back to living all quietly, yeah?”


Enrico smiled and nodded,

“Of course. I hope so.”

Valentine smiled back and took a big gulp of his coffee, immediately spitting some out and coughing hysterically, fanning off his mouth with his hand frantically.



Enrico and Valentine had been investigating where they had first met Formaggio, looking to see if maybe he left behind any clues. Valentine threw around a few trash bags in the alley, but Enrico told him to stop because it started to stink.

“Did you find anything, Pucci? I couldn’t find a thing..”

Valentine said, feeling pretty bummed.

“Not yet. I guess he was smart enough not to leave anything behind.”

Valentine let out a disappointed sigh, crouched down in the alleyway with trash littered around him. Enrico looked at him, feeling bad.

“There’s no need to get sad over it Valentine. I understand you want answers to your past, but what if this guy doesn’t have any to begin with?”

Valentine slumped,

“..I don’t know. I’m just desperate for some closure.”

Enrico nodded, his eyes catching something from what little light shone through the alleyway. He walked over near the trash and reached into it. Valentine looked confused,

“What’s wrong, Pucci? Didn’t you tell me not to dig in the trash?”

Enrico ignored him and pulled out what looked to be an unnaturally shiny mirror. Valentine was even more confused than before.

“Why’d you pull out a mirror from the trash?”

Enrico blinked a few times and sighed,

“I, ah.. Thought it might’ve been something important.”

He said, looking at the mirror a bit more,

“But, don’t you think it’s odd that such a clean looking mirror was here in the trash?”

Valentine thought for a moment, and shrugged.


“Maybe it’s a self cleaning mirror!”

He laughed, not thinking about it any longer and standing up.

“But, like you said Pucci, it looks like there’s nothing here. How about we go to that bakery and get some of those macaron things? I’m going to get a headache if I think about this stuff for too long.”

He laughed again, scratching the back of his neck. Enrico looked at Valentine and nodded,

“Yeah, that sounds nice.”

He said, looking back at the mirror and freezing in place. There was a man in the mirror. There. Was a man. In. The mirror.

“Valentine! Look out-!”

He turned around pointing at where he saw the man, but there was nobody there. Valentine tilted his head,


Valentine looked around for a moment, not seeing anyone.

“..Look out for what?”

Enrico looked back at the mirror. The man was getting closer. Not closer to Valentine, but closer to Enrico himself. He was frozen in place, having no idea what was happening. It was a Stand attack. It hadn’t even been a day, and there was already another Stand user after them.

“Pucci.. Are you okay?”

Valentine asked him, very obviously concerned, Enrico stepped backwards, dropping the mirror.

“G-Get away from there, Valentine! There’s someone there! It’s a Stand user! There’s another Stand user after us!”

Enrico pointed in his direction, and his arm started to disappear. Valentine went wide eyed, and Enrico was frozen in place once more. Enrico’s entire body was disappearing at a rapid rate, and he tried to move, but just couldn’t. Valentine immediately ran to Enrico, trying to reach out and grab him, but it was too late. Enrico had vanished from this world, and was dragged into another.

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