《Better Than Bad (JJBA Fanfic)》Chapter 2: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap


His memories were fading fast. He could barely comprehend what was happening. Where was he going? Why was everything so bright?

He had appeared underneath some flattened cardboard in an alleyway. He coughed, out of breath like he had run a marathon, his heart beating quickly. He stood up, immediately almost falling over as his head practically spun. What just happened? What did he do? He was fairly positive he was walking through the hallways of The White House, ready to go on with his day like normal until he was forced behind something.. But, by who? Where was he sent? He leaned against the alley wall, still trying to get his bearings straight. Had he activated his Stand on accident? Or did he do it out of self defense? He couldn't remember. He stumbled out of the alleyway, putting a hand up to his face to shield his eyes from the sunlight. He walked onto the sidewalk, and then stepped out onto the road, examining his surroundings. He heard a loud noise coming from beside him, as he immediately flew back, his rear planting down onto the concrete as a peculiar automobile drove past him. Where had Funny Valentine gone? Was this even still America anymore?

He curiously explored his surroundings, giving a few people he spotted some odd looks. One woman he saw wore what looked to be a skirt too short to be considered modest. He even saw multiple people wearing shirts and pants showing way too much skin. Don't even get him started on the things he saw other men wear.. What kind of twisted world was he thrown into? Could he even get back home?

He had to find somewhere to hide, or at least calm himself down. This place must have had a church or something. Even in this weird and unnatural world he was in, there had to have been a church. Whenever Valentine was in distress, he always went to a holy place to spare him of his concerns and worries. He looked around for a moment, approaching a random bystander.

"Pardon, where's the nearest church?"

He asked bluntly, getting an odd look from the person. He crossed his arms, thinking they were looking at him like this because he was the president. The person he asked seemed to have eyed him up and down a few times.

"Uh.. A few blocks down?"

The person answered a little awkwardly. Valentine wasn't that intimidating, was he? He looked in the direction the person pointed in and nodded,

"Right. Much appreciated."

He answered almost with no emotion, having no interest to talk to this person anymore and basically waved them off, walking away quickly. He immediately wanted to get out of this world, but was afraid he wouldn't even be able to summon his Stand. What if another Valentine had the Stand, and this wasn't the base world? He was pretty sure there was only one base world anyways, right?

Valentine was afraid he was pointed in the wrong direction, having been walking for what felt like an hour or two, still getting weird looks from a few people. He felt.. Out of place. Almost like an outcast. He hated that feeling. Luckily for him, the new feeling didn't stay long as he spotted what seemed to have been a small church. At least the person he asked didn't lie, who would lie to the president anyway?



It was a Sunday, and Enrico had been keeping the church neat and tidy, preparing to close it soon. The day was almost over, and usually people stopped visiting around this time. He was just about finished with dusting off the pews when he heard the church doors practically swing open. He turned his head immediately, watching a curly haired blonde in a bright pink outfit rush inside and close the doors behind him immediately, slumping as if he was relieved. This man was wearing a lot of pink. Way too much pink. The man didn't even seem to notice him when he burst into the room, turning around and dusting himself off a bit, freezing when he noticed Enrico. They both locked eyes for a good bit, not really sure if they should say anything to each other before Enrico decided to say something.

"..Is there something you need, sir?"

Valentine perked up, standing more upright now.

"No! No, no. I just.."

He paused, trying to think of something to say.

"I just.. Want to stay here for a little while. My sincerest apologies, Father..?"

He slightly dragged on the last word, wanting a name before anything else.

"Father Pucci."

Enrico finished it for him, and Valentine's demeanor quickly changed from slightly awkward to friendly and comfortable, reaching his hand out.

"Of course, Father Pucci. I'm Funny Valentine. I apologise for barging in so suddenly."

Enrico was slightly weary, but hesitantly took Valentine's hand and shook it. Valentine continued talking,

"I've always loved churches, you know. They're such a comforting place for a man like myself. When I was younger, I used to come here and pray for my father when he was in the war."

He rambled, looking around the church and examining as many little details as he could. Enrico was taken aback by how quickly Valentine started talking to him as if they've been friends.

"Speaking of war, I took part in one myself. That's how I was on my way to become President. It was an eye opening experience, really.. Have you ever been in a war, Father Pucci?"

Enrico opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off.

"Oh, sorry. That must've been an invasive question. I tend to go off on a few tangents, you see?"

Valentine looked at Enrico, who looked utterly confused. There was silence between the two of them again, before Enrico started some questioning.

"..I know this is an odd question, but, do you perhaps know what year this is?"

Valentine perked up, confused but didn't pay much mind to it.

"October 9th, 1890, yes?"

Enrico knew something was off about this guy. There weren't any recent wars he could think about, and this mans accent and the way he dressed was way too out of date. He backed away from Valentine.

"Who are you? Are you a Stand user?"

He gave Valentine a weary glare, extremely tense now. Valentine seemed confused still.

"Oh? I told you, my name is Funny Valentine."


He put a hand on his hip, his expression now just as weary as Enrico's.

"And, a Stand user? You couldn't mean.."

Valentine backed off too,

"Is that what you call these phenomena? Stands?"

Enrico could see the tension on Valentine's features. He wasn't sure if he was here to hurt him or not, so his questioning continued.

"Why are you here? Have you come to hurt me?"

He asked sternly, not wanting to take any risks. Valentine's expression changed from slight fear to one of shock and surprise.

"Hurt you? Oh, dear God of course not!"

He quickly replied, sounding slightly offended.

"I have no reason to even lay a finger on a man of God, such as yourself, Father!"

Enrico crossed his arms, still suspicious.

"You said something about a phenomena, right? If you're not here to hurt me, then show me your, quote en quote, 'phenomena'. You will then gain my trust."

Valentine had a concerned look on his face, definitely wearing an expression that told Enrico he was fairly unwilling to do such a thing. He didn't have much of a choice however.

"I usually wouldn't be willing to show just anybody my ability. I hope you understand this, Father."

Valentine began,

"Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap."

The pastel blue and pink stand manifested next to Valentine with ease. He actually looked relieved that the Stand even showed up in the first place.


He cheerfully stated as he flaunted off his Stand, which seemed fairly unamused, even with its expressionless features.

"I deem him D4C to shorten things."

He immediately turned to look at Enrico,

"Now that I've shown you my ability, I feel it's appropriate you show me yours too, no?"

Valentine smiled. His smile was one you would give to a close friend after seeing them for the first time in years, and Enrico wasn't fully sure how to feel about it.


The pale eyed Stand formed next to Enrico, its attention focusing on D4C.

"So, Father Pucci, do you believe that I'm harmless?"

Valentine put his hands on his hips, raising an eyebrow with a cheeky smile on his face. Enrico looked at him silently for a bit, before turning and heading towards one of the many pews in the church.

"Funny Valentine, right?"

He sat down in the pew, scooting over just enough to leave a spot for Valentine to sit down with him, patting the open seat.

"I'd like for us to continue talking. Stand users attract other Stand users for a reason, you know."


"W-What do you mean that it's 2019?"

Valentine almost yelled in disbelief. It was well passed the church's original closing time, but here was Enrico Pucci with his new found companion, Funny Valentine.

"I mean, I knew this wasn't 1890 anymore, with all of these fancy automobiles and things you call.. Sell-Fonez? But.. I would have never thought that I was sent so far in the future.."

Valentine and Enrico had been talking for at least an hour or two, both discussing about their own experiences with this odd universe. Valentine had described to Enrico that he was from the late 1800's, and was President of the United States of America. Despite remembering a good bit of things very vividly, the rest of his memory was hazy. He couldn't for the life of him remember chunks of his life. He retained no memory of any siblings or friends he once had. The only people he remembered from his life was his father, and a young woman he couldn't fully picture for the life of him. He only remembered her first name, Lucy, and nothing more.

"I'm a little shocked myself. I thought it was surprising when I was sent 8 years into the future.."

Valentine and Enrico sat in silence for a bit.

"..You don't think a Stand did this?"

Valentine questioned, a slightly concerned look on his face. Enrico immediately shook his head and crossed his arms.

"No, of course not. Maybe this is all just some freaky coincidence."

Valentine stared off into the distance, getting lost in his own thoughts and memories, at least what was left of them.

"I don't have any way of getting back to my own timeline.."

Valentine said out loud, feeling like he was talking to himself as Enrico looked at him and listened to his rambling.

"My D4C isn't a time traveller, it just goes to different dimensions. Where do I go from here? I'm not the President anymore.. Do former Presidents get special treatment?"

Enrico listened to Valentine ramble for a little bit before saying something fairly risky.

"Valentine, my house has a basement with a few empty rooms available."

Valentine paused and looked at Enrico, confused.

"..What do you mean?"

"I'm saying that you can stay with me until we figure out how to get you back to your own timeline, from one Stand user to another."

A childlike smile formed across Valentine's face as Enrico continued,

"I feel God must have had a plan for us if we met like this so suddenly. Wouldn't you agree that fate is such a quirky thing?"

Valentine nodded, still smiling.

"I agree completely! No wonder we became friends so quickly.."

Enrico stood up, already walking out of the pews.

"Since we're both on the same page, I believe we should be taking our leave. I was supposed to close the church two hours ago."

Valentine perked up and immediately followed him, not waiting to get left behind.

"Ah, now that i'll be living with you for a while, you'll need to teach me how to use those little electronic hand devices!"

"It's called a cellphone, Valentine."

"Self-Hone, got it!"

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