《bald kurapika x reader》LAY OREO??????


ur walking out of huse holfing handimse mans hand

"what yr name?" u sske

"Kuraika. Ba;d Kueapik" he ae

"I'm (Y/N)"

sudenly a tssl man waked by and kureapika GASP

"KURAKPIKE,S, MY WHAT R Y SOING WITH THIS IDOT??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" the tssl man saife lifting his nanc

"THEY'RE MY LAURV I HTE YOU. LAY OERAO YOU FRUENDS WINF HISOKEMCF~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he sae, sheidgint you.

sudenly Lsy orewms smcak kurapdkms lyke hisokem do to u

"GASP he treat u like Hisokeme trear me????"


"pk lets go hikme!"

you bth woalk hokme, stuepping on leay orkeo in the presoxccess

when uio9iu get hikme kuepsoika kith uyh on lips

your eeyea widenn and you GASP

"wasdf it eltly that bad?" he akses, saldly

"OMG NO!!!! it was juyst a supries!" you sae

"ok" he sae


after dinner yoiu watched a documenrtrty abouth the phaokjrnom troiuope

this chapter is cut shiert because it keeps sayin it save from somewhere else I THINK IM GETTING HACKERMANED!!!!!!!!!!!!

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