《Roads (H.S.)》1 dalis
1 dalis
- Harry, paskubėk arba pavėluosime į mano geriausios draugės gimtadienį. - nenustygo vietoje Michelle.
- Meile, esu tikras, kad mes spėsime visur. - šyptelėjau jai.
Tik tą akimirką nusisukau nuo kelio ir visas mano pasaulis sugriuvo...
- Harry, atsargiai! - išgirdau savo princesės riksmą.
Į mus trenkėsi kažkoks furgonas. Mano automobilis nuskrido nuo kelio ir kelis kartus apsivertė. Tuomet viską užliejo tamsa...
Pašokau išpiltas šalto prakaito. Tas pats košmaras kartojasi kiekvieną naktį. Vis dar jaučiau kaltę, kad mano mažytės nebėra šalia jau mėnesį laiko...
Bičiuliai kartoja, kad kaltas ne aš, o tas sumautas furgonas, pasimaišęs visai ne vietoje ir ne laiku. Tačiau niekas neprivers manęs manyti kitaip. Žinau, kad esu kaltas. Neturėjau nusisukti nuo kelio...
Išlipau iš lovos ir priėjau prie lango, atitraukiau užuolaidas. Mane kiek apakino ryški saulės šviesa. Keliskart sumirkčiojau akimis ir pažvelgiau pro langą.
Gatvėse, kai kurie žmonės skubėjo į darbus, o kiti tiesiog slampinėjo iš kampo į kampą. Vaikai žaidė žaidimų aikštelėse. Tipinis Londono gyvenimas.
Papurčiau galvą ir patraukiau į vonią. Atsukau čiaupą, vanduo ėmė tekėti į kriauklę. Pakišau rankas po juo ir kelis kartus perbraukiau veidą šlapiomis rankomis. Žvilgtelėjau į veidrodį priešais save. Atrodžiau pavargęs. Nenuostabu kodėl, juk kas naktį sapnuoju tą siaubingą košmarą.
Užsukau vandenį, nusisausinau veidą ir rankas į rankšluostį. Grįžau į kambarį ir atsidariau spintą. Ilgai negalvodamas išsitraukiau juodus džinsus ir marškinius. Pataruoju metu, juoda tapo mano mėgstamiausia spalva. Tikriausiai ir taip aišku kodėl.
Persirengiau ir išėjau iš kambario. Koridoriuje susitikau Niall.
- Sveikas, kaip miegojai? - pasiteiravo.
- O kaip manai? - atsakiau klausimu.
- Vėl tas košmaras? - susiraukė.
Linktelėjau. Galiu pripažinti, kad kai Michelle dingo iš mano gyvenimo, tapau beviltišku nuoboda ir niurzga. Netgi nebe pramogauju su draugais. Visada esu vienas ir labiau užsidaręs savyje.
- Klausyk, brolau, esu tikras, kad su laiku viskas pasimirš. - šyptelėjo blondinas.
- Vargu ar kada pamiršiu Michelle. - susiraukiau ir nuėjau tolyn.
Žinau, kad Niall nei kiti ant manęs nepyko už tokį mano elgesį. Jie puikiai mane suprato. Būtent dėl to jaučiausi tik dar blogiau, tarsi būčiau pats blogiausias draugas pasaulyje. Iš manęs jokios naudos.
Atėjęs į virtuvę, iš šaldytuvo išėmiau pieną ir padėjau jį ant virtuvinio stalo. Iš spintelės paėmiau dribsnių dėžutę ir dubenėlį. Galima sakyti, kad tai vis dar palaiko man gyvybę. Kava ir dribsniai, koks puikus derinys.
Atsidusau ir ėmiau valgyti. Po kelių minučių į virtuvę atėjo ir kiti mano draugai. Aplinka prisipildė įvairiausių pašnekesių. Būtent dėl to viskas čia atrodė gyva. Jei būčiau vienas šiame dideliame bute, nuolatos galvočiau tik apie Michelle ir tikriausiai išprotėčiau.
- Ei, apie ką mąstai, H? - Zayn, prisėsdamas šalia, kumštelėjo mane.
- Nieko. - papurčiau galvą.
- Galbūt būtų laikas, kur nors išeiti, nemanai? - įsiterpia Liam.
Nudelbiu akis į dubenį su likusiais dribsniais. Jaučiu kaip pamažu nebetenku apetito.
- Nenoriu niekur eiti. Viskas primena Ją. - sušnabždėjau.
Susirūpinęs į mane žvelgė ir Louis. Niekada dar nemačiau jo tokio rimto. Kol Michelle buvo gyva, jis pokštaudavo, o dabar atrodo net ir jis pasikeitė. Žinoma, kad pasikeitė, visi mes pasikeitėme. Michelle vaikinukams buvo, tarsi jaunesnioji sesuo. Tikiu, kad skaudu ir jiems, tačiau galbūt nuskambės savanaudiškai, bet manau, jie per greitai ją pamiršo.
Pakilau iš vietos ir nunešiau dubenėlį į kriauklę. Jaučiau jų žvilgsnius įsmeigtus į mane. Stengiausi dėl to nesikarščiuoti. Kam reikia bereikalingų ginčų? Niekam.
Atsisukau į juos ir atsidusau.
- Gerai, aš einu į miestą, laimingi? - žiūrėjau į juos.
- Tau reikia prasiblaškyti. Turi bendrauti su žmonėmis, taip bus lengviau eiti pirmyn. - tarė Liam.
Tik linktelėjau. Nepritariau vaikinukų skatinimui grūsti mane laukan, tačiau žinau, kad jie nori man tik gero.
Apsiaviau batus ir apsivilkau odinį švarką. Į kišenę įsikišau raktus ir mobilų, galiausiai išėjau pro duris.
Lipau laiptais, nes liftas man priminė Ją. Netgi tas butas priminė Ją, tačiau neturėčiau kur daugiau gyventi.
Įkvėpiau gaivaus, pavasariu dvelkiančio oro. Apsidairiau. Gatvėse gausu žmonių. Nusprendžiau aplankyti mėgstamiausią Jos užkandinę, kuri vėliau tapo ir mano mėgstamiausia. Tai vieta, kurioje susipažinome...
- In Serial19 Chapters
The Primordial
With one goal fueling him, he broke through the final barrier, reaching the apex of power and regaining that which was once lost. Trying to find a new beginning, he reforged himself anew as he awoke to memories of a long forgotten past. Memories that intersected with his new reality. His invincible soul now unchained, surprises await him as he begins his new jouney in an unknown land. I'm just writing this for fun, but i'll never drop it. This won't be something short, as I have the very long term in mind, but I'm a total noob to writing, so I most likely won't release chapters very often, at least until I really get the hang of it. But, the chapters will always be several thousand words long. At the minimum 2k, maximum like 6k... Pretty big variations, sorry. If you like it, great. If you don't, that's understandable. Regardless, if you have a read, I'd appreciate feedback for areas you think I should improve on, whether it's the use of some words or how I should write something or WHATEVER. I'm open to anything, good or bad, because with your help, it'll help make this story better. **DISCLAIMER** So you don't waste your time, I want to let you know what you're getting into, because I like knowing ahead of time before I read something. This might appear like a Xianxia novel, but it's not. It only starts that way. This is a western fantasy world and setting that many of you are familiar with. The beginning chapters might be a bit of an info dump. Some of it might seems superfluous, but a lot of information is relevant to the story. The first few chapters might also seem rushed, but I'll try to keep it exclusive to those. This is a cliche, OP MC story with the typical harem, but other than the quick start, everything else will be gradual. There will be romance, and probably many moments at that, but don't expect anything TOO detailed. If you want something really steamy, look elsewhere. References and throwbacks to stuff most likely. The setting won't be really dark or really light. Middleground, I guess. The MC is far from a young kid, but he won't totally reflect his age. I don't plan on discarding info, abilities or characters that you KNOW should come back and be around. I see it a lot and it sort of bugs me haha... but I could have oversights, I dunno. As I said, I'm a noob. That's it, really. If you're interested, welcome to my world!
8 119 - In Serial7 Chapters
The Clearview Logs.
Discover the beautiful city of Clearview, Colorado through the eyes of Lauren Delavigne, perennially catty teenager faced with an impending desolate mess of a summer vacation. What use are state-of-the-art arcades, the best cinemas in the region and all the assorted human fauna camping out in them when you don’t have your friends with you? And when your brother keeps venturing out in the woods to look for turtles. Not to mention the whole thing with wild animal attacks. All of this, plus an ongoing history assignment that may undo a whole year of dedicated studying if it doesn’t get done fast, and get done right. But worry not. There are plenty of odd historical tidbits to hunt down in Clearview. Plenty to discover, to unearth, tucked away in nooks and crannies untouched by time. Hidden beneath the fertile soil, nestled in the boles of trees. All a scratch away. Clearview Logs is a diary-style serial fiction web novel about the life and troubles of a teenager in an alternative America in the mid-70s, Inspired by Stephen King’s blend of genre tropes and by Simon Stålenhag’s slice-of-life-focused speculative fiction. CW: Contains graphic descriptions of violence and other mature things.
8 271 - In Serial10 Chapters
the eternal seeker
This epic tale, will show the story of a curious and a little bit lazy scientist on his travels across the universe.In the era that humanity had left their solar system a scientist ends up on a planet with a lot of ruins, from there he will start a journey that will change the fate of the universe.
8 170 - In Serial9 Chapters
World of Telduria
The world of Telduria is filled with dangers and opportunities. The world is made up of numerous factions, kingdoms and alliances. Most of the time there is relative peace but every now and then wars and skirmishes breaks out. There is a council of nations which tried to mediate peace between the nations. Each nation is represented along with the guilds which span the world.The guilds have an invested interest in keeping the peace due to how they work across the borders. The different nations make up half of the council while the guilds make up the second half. The balance in the world is on a life's edge. A powder keg waiting to blow, but no one dares to make the first move.After the formation of the adventures guild and the mercenary guild most nations dissolved their militarises and instead the army is more of a policing force than an offensive one while the guilds hunt down dangerous creatures and monsters that appears in the world.The nations have changed their ways from war to one of assassination, espionage, economics and diplomacy. World leaders don't tend to survive very long if they don't have guards with them at all times. While officially there is no assassin's guild or thieves guild they do sure exist and are thriving like never before in the current political climate. That and the other guilds don't stop them since they also hire their services from time to time.The various temples and religions have no official power part from some nations which are based around a belief. In actuality though they have considerable powers since they control the masses just as well as the rulers themselves. Get on their bad side and you might just find an assassin coming for you. A young woman gets thrown into this grimdark world from our own. Will she survive the curveball that gets thrown in her face as she changes into something else? Map created by Maximeplasse This fiction is based on my play-per-post RP that I've run before but with my own take on summoned characters and dungeon settings. At certain points I'll also allow reader decisions if the story gets popular enough. xD It's unrelated to the D&D Theron setting; Telduria I just liked the name and the map when I started up the RP back in the day.
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A Life to Save - Protection Detail Series Book #2
The path of discovery leads to a journey of choices, or so her father used to say, but nothing about her current journey would have described anything her father or mother would have experienced. Valencia had choices to make.They were the only things she had control over, but having lived through a genetics facility, undergoing horrendous procedures she didn't understand or want, left her wondering what she could do with the rest of her life. Experiencing new abilities was unexpected, but when they threatened the lives of those she loved could she learn to use them for good or become the enemy to the only people she knew as family.
8 136 - In Serial8 Chapters
"Mindfulness? What do you mean Bradley?" I was speechless and I wasn't able to comprehend."You already know Stef, you can understand it by the way I look at you, I'm completely aware of what I feel, we have families and I have a daughter, but nothing will take me away from you. You are my Zweisamkeit, you know what I mean?" I looked at him, he was smiling and it was the best smile in the entire world. and I started to laugh. "I don't speak German Bradley, you know." "This word describes the self-imposed isolation of a couple in love. Their togetherness creates a kind of loneliness around the two of them. And you, you are the only one who makes me feel like this. I can't let you go and I have to tell you, I love you Stefani, more than the word can say, more than anything, I'm in love with you from the first day I met you at your home, you were smiling with your blonde hair messed up, and when you started to sing, I saw heaven. I use this world, Mindfulness because I'm aware of my feeling from the first time." He started to get closer to me and...
8 149